Thread 中join方法 和 yield()

时间:2022-07-06 20:41:26

join 有三个重载方法

public final void join() throws InterruptedException
// Waits for this thread to die.

public final void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException
// Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds for this thread to
* die. A timeout of {@code 0} means to wait forever.
等待该线程终止的时间最长为 millis 毫秒。超时如果为 0 线程要一直等下去。

public final void join(long millis,int nanos) throws InterruptedException
* Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds plus
* {@code nanos} nanoseconds for this thread to die.
等待该线程终止的时间最长为 millis 毫秒 + nanos 纳秒。


* A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield
* its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this
* hint.
* <p> Yield is a heuristic attempt to improve relative progression
* between threads that would otherwise over-utilise a CPU. Its use
* should be combined with detailed profiling and benchmarking to
* ensure that it actually has the desired effect.
* <p> It is rarely appropriate to use this method. It may be useful
* for debugging or testing purposes, where it may help to reproduce
* bugs due to race conditions. It may also be useful when designing
* concurrency control constructs such as the ones in the
* {@link java.util.concurrent.locks} package.

可以让当前执行的线程”休息”一下.但是这种thread.yield() 调用,
可以考虑用Thread.sleep(long millis);
