
时间:2021-07-14 20:43:37

Say I'm showing the user a form, and using a BackgroundWorker to do some work behind the scenes.


When the user clicks OK, I cannot continue until the BackgroundWorker has completed. If it hasn't finished when the user clicks Ok, I want to show a WaitCursor until it has, and then continue.


What's the best way to implement this?


I know I could use a plain old Thread, and then do Thread.Join, but I like BackgroundWorker.


Can it be done nicely?


4 个解决方案


You could use this code, instead of BW


var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state =>
                    Thread.Sleep(5000);//LongRunning task, async call
resetEvent.WaitOne();// blocking call, when user clicks OK 


Ideally, you should disable all the relevant controls on the form, then re-enable them when the BackgroundWorker completes. That way you won't get a locked UI - and you can have a cancel button etc.

理想情况下,您应该禁用表单上的所有相关控件,然后在BackgroundWorker完成时重新启用它们。这样你就不会得到一个锁定的UI - 你可以有一个取消按钮等。

If you wanted to actually block until it had finished, you could just run the task synchronously to start with.



You could check is the BackgroundWorker is running with a check in the btnOK_Click event handler to see if bw.IsBusy is true. If so change the cursor and set a boolean flag that indicates that OK handler is waiting. When BackgroundWorker finishes its job check if ok had been waiting, if so, set the flag to false change the cursor and do the job of the OK button. :-)

您可以通过检查btnOK_Click事件处理程序来检查后台工作正在运行,以查看bw.IsBusy是否为true。如果是这样,请更改游标并设置一个布尔标志,指示OK处理程序正在等待。当BackgroundWorker完成其作业检查是否正在等待时,如果是,则将标志设置为false更改光标并执行“确定”按钮的作业。 :-)


I'd just use boolean flags and a lock.


object waitlock = new object();
bool isBackgroundWorkerCompleted = false;
bool isOKButtonPressed = false;

private void onPress(...) 
      isOKButtonPressed = true;
      if (isBackgroundWorkerCompleted) DoNextStep();
      else cursor.Wait(); //psuedo-code - use whatever the actual call is...

Background thread does the same trick (just remember to BeginInvoke back to the main UI thread)



You could use this code, instead of BW


var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state =>
                    Thread.Sleep(5000);//LongRunning task, async call
resetEvent.WaitOne();// blocking call, when user clicks OK 


Ideally, you should disable all the relevant controls on the form, then re-enable them when the BackgroundWorker completes. That way you won't get a locked UI - and you can have a cancel button etc.

理想情况下,您应该禁用表单上的所有相关控件,然后在BackgroundWorker完成时重新启用它们。这样你就不会得到一个锁定的UI - 你可以有一个取消按钮等。

If you wanted to actually block until it had finished, you could just run the task synchronously to start with.



You could check is the BackgroundWorker is running with a check in the btnOK_Click event handler to see if bw.IsBusy is true. If so change the cursor and set a boolean flag that indicates that OK handler is waiting. When BackgroundWorker finishes its job check if ok had been waiting, if so, set the flag to false change the cursor and do the job of the OK button. :-)

您可以通过检查btnOK_Click事件处理程序来检查后台工作正在运行,以查看bw.IsBusy是否为true。如果是这样,请更改游标并设置一个布尔标志,指示OK处理程序正在等待。当BackgroundWorker完成其作业检查是否正在等待时,如果是,则将标志设置为false更改光标并执行“确定”按钮的作业。 :-)


I'd just use boolean flags and a lock.


object waitlock = new object();
bool isBackgroundWorkerCompleted = false;
bool isOKButtonPressed = false;

private void onPress(...) 
      isOKButtonPressed = true;
      if (isBackgroundWorkerCompleted) DoNextStep();
      else cursor.Wait(); //psuedo-code - use whatever the actual call is...

Background thread does the same trick (just remember to BeginInvoke back to the main UI thread)
