
时间:2021-08-13 01:13:03

What's the difference between xsd:include and xsd:import? When would you use one instead of the other, and when might it not matter?


7 个解决方案



The fundamental difference between include and import is that you must use import to refer to declarations or definitions that are in a different target namespace and you must use include to refer to declarations or definitions that are (or will be) in the same target namespace.


Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20070804031046/http://xsd.stylusstudio.com/2002Jun/post08016.htm

来源:https://web.archive.org/web/20070804031046/http / /xsd.stylusstudio.com/2002Jun/post08016.htm



Use xsd:include to bring in an XSD from the same or no namespace.


Use xsd:import to bring in an XSD from a different namespace.




Another difference is that <import> allows importing by referring to another namespace. <include> only allows importing by referring to a URI of intended include schema. That is definitely another difference than inter-intra namespace importing.

另一个区别是 允许引用另一个名称空间来导入。 仅允许通过引用计划包含模式的URI进行导入。这绝对是另一个不同于跨内部名称空间导入的区别。

For example, the xml schema validator may already know the locations of all schemas by namespace already. Especially considering that referring to XML namespaces by URI may be problematic on different systems where classpath:// means nothing, or where http:// isn't allowed, or where some URI doesn't point to the same thing as it does on another system.


Code sample of valid and invalid imports and includes:




<xsd:import namespace="some/name/space"/>
<xsd:import schemaLocation="classpath://mine.xsd"/>

<xsd:include schemaLocation="classpath://mine.xsd"/>



<xsd:include namespace="some/name/space"/>



I'm interested in this as well. The only explanation I've found is that xsd:include is used for intra-namespace inclusions, while xsd:import is for inter-namespace inclusion.




"include" Component - This component brings all declarations and definitions of an external schema document into the current schema. The external schema document must have the same target namespace as the current schema. "include" components are usually used to build a new schema by extending existing schema documents.


"import" Component - This component offers the same functions as the "include" component except that the included schema document has a different target namespace. "import" components are usually used to build a new schema by borrowing element declarations from existing schema documents from other namespaces.




Direct quote from MSDN: <xsd:import> Element, Remarks section

直接引用MSDN: 元素,备注部分 导入>

The difference between the include element and the import element is that import element allows references to schema components from schema documents with different target namespaces and the include element adds the schema components from other schema documents that have the same target namespace (or no specified target namespace) to the containing schema. In short, the import element allows you to use schema components from any schema; the include element allows you to add all the components of an included schema to the containing schema.




Use xsd:include brings all declarations and definitions of an external schema document into the current schema.


Use xsd:import to bring in an XSD from a different namespace and used to build a new schema by extending existing schema documents..




The fundamental difference between include and import is that you must use import to refer to declarations or definitions that are in a different target namespace and you must use include to refer to declarations or definitions that are (or will be) in the same target namespace.


Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20070804031046/http://xsd.stylusstudio.com/2002Jun/post08016.htm

来源:https://web.archive.org/web/20070804031046/http / /xsd.stylusstudio.com/2002Jun/post08016.htm



Use xsd:include to bring in an XSD from the same or no namespace.


Use xsd:import to bring in an XSD from a different namespace.




Another difference is that <import> allows importing by referring to another namespace. <include> only allows importing by referring to a URI of intended include schema. That is definitely another difference than inter-intra namespace importing.

另一个区别是 允许引用另一个名称空间来导入。 仅允许通过引用计划包含模式的URI进行导入。这绝对是另一个不同于跨内部名称空间导入的区别。

For example, the xml schema validator may already know the locations of all schemas by namespace already. Especially considering that referring to XML namespaces by URI may be problematic on different systems where classpath:// means nothing, or where http:// isn't allowed, or where some URI doesn't point to the same thing as it does on another system.


Code sample of valid and invalid imports and includes:




<xsd:import namespace="some/name/space"/>
<xsd:import schemaLocation="classpath://mine.xsd"/>

<xsd:include schemaLocation="classpath://mine.xsd"/>



<xsd:include namespace="some/name/space"/>



I'm interested in this as well. The only explanation I've found is that xsd:include is used for intra-namespace inclusions, while xsd:import is for inter-namespace inclusion.




"include" Component - This component brings all declarations and definitions of an external schema document into the current schema. The external schema document must have the same target namespace as the current schema. "include" components are usually used to build a new schema by extending existing schema documents.


"import" Component - This component offers the same functions as the "include" component except that the included schema document has a different target namespace. "import" components are usually used to build a new schema by borrowing element declarations from existing schema documents from other namespaces.




Direct quote from MSDN: <xsd:import> Element, Remarks section

直接引用MSDN: 元素,备注部分 导入>

The difference between the include element and the import element is that import element allows references to schema components from schema documents with different target namespaces and the include element adds the schema components from other schema documents that have the same target namespace (or no specified target namespace) to the containing schema. In short, the import element allows you to use schema components from any schema; the include element allows you to add all the components of an included schema to the containing schema.




Use xsd:include brings all declarations and definitions of an external schema document into the current schema.


Use xsd:import to bring in an XSD from a different namespace and used to build a new schema by extending existing schema documents..
