在ruby on rails的生产中可以使用mongrel吗?

时间:2022-07-05 20:43:56

Unlike Webrick, can Mongrel be used in production? I'm looking for a small web server for Ruby on Rails that can be used locally in case of an emergency and all lines to the main webserver on the Internet are down. I thought I could start it with a batch file like ruby script/server and webrick does.

和Webrick不同,杂种狗能在生产中使用吗?我正在为Ruby on Rails寻找一个小的web服务器,它可以在紧急情况下在本地使用,并且在Internet上连接主web服务器的所有行都已关闭。我想我可以从一个批处理文件开始,比如ruby脚本/服务器和webrick。

Thank you for any help.


2 个解决方案



You might as well use Passenger to do this as getting Mongrel properly tuned is a bit if a fuss. You usually can't use a single Mongrel instance to handle anything other than an extremely light load, so you'll need to configure some kind of proxy balancer at the very least, and from there you'll end up having to monitor the Mongrel processes in case any die or get too bloated and need to be restarted.


Mongrel can be used in production, but it is a lot more work than Passenger.




Mongrel is not supported or being developed any more. As another answer states you can use other products. You could also use Unicorn which also has forking like Passenger but does not have integrated web server. For simple purposes Passenger is probably best.




You might as well use Passenger to do this as getting Mongrel properly tuned is a bit if a fuss. You usually can't use a single Mongrel instance to handle anything other than an extremely light load, so you'll need to configure some kind of proxy balancer at the very least, and from there you'll end up having to monitor the Mongrel processes in case any die or get too bloated and need to be restarted.


Mongrel can be used in production, but it is a lot more work than Passenger.




Mongrel is not supported or being developed any more. As another answer states you can use other products. You could also use Unicorn which also has forking like Passenger but does not have integrated web server. For simple purposes Passenger is probably best.
