
时间:2021-11-09 00:21:31

Is there a way to disable escape characters in a MySQL query? For example, for the following table:


mysql> select * from test1;+------------------------+-------+| name                   | value |+------------------------+-------+| C:\\media\data\temp\   |     1 || C:\\media\data\temp    |     2 || /unix/media/data/temp  |     3 || /unix/media/data/temp/ |     4 |+------------------------+-------+

I want the following to be a valid query:


mysql> select * from test1 where name='C:\\media\data\temp\';

I know that I can instead use


mysql> select * from test1 where name='C:\\\\media\\data\\temp\\';

But I am building this query using my_snprintf(), so there instead I have to use



...and so on!Is there a way to disable escape characters for a single MySQL query ?


2 个解决方案



You can disable backslash escapes by setting NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES in the SQL mode:


-- save mode & disable backslashesSET @old_sql_mode=@@sql_mode;SET @@sql_mode=CONCAT_WS(',', @@sql_mode, 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES');-- run the querySELECT 'C:\\media\data\temp\';-- enable backslashesSET @@sql_mode=@old_sql_mode;



For tabular output in MySQL command line, the “boxing” around columns enables one column value to be distinguished from another. For non-tabular output (such as is produced in batch mode or when the --batch or --silent option is given), special characters are escaped in the output so they can be identified easily. Newline, tab, NUL, and backslash are written as \n, \t, \0, and \. The --raw option disables this character escaping.

对于MySQL命令行中的表格输出,围绕列的“装箱”使得一个列值可以与另一个列区分开来。对于非表格输出(例如以批处理模式或在给出--batch或--silent选项时生成),特殊字符将在输出中转义,以便可以轻松识别它们。换行符,制表符,NUL和反斜杠写为\ n,\ t,\ 0和\。 --raw选项禁用此字符转义。



You can disable backslash escapes by setting NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES in the SQL mode:


-- save mode & disable backslashesSET @old_sql_mode=@@sql_mode;SET @@sql_mode=CONCAT_WS(',', @@sql_mode, 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES');-- run the querySELECT 'C:\\media\data\temp\';-- enable backslashesSET @@sql_mode=@old_sql_mode;



For tabular output in MySQL command line, the “boxing” around columns enables one column value to be distinguished from another. For non-tabular output (such as is produced in batch mode or when the --batch or --silent option is given), special characters are escaped in the output so they can be identified easily. Newline, tab, NUL, and backslash are written as \n, \t, \0, and \. The --raw option disables this character escaping.

对于MySQL命令行中的表格输出,围绕列的“装箱”使得一个列值可以与另一个列区分开来。对于非表格输出(例如以批处理模式或在给出--batch或--silent选项时生成),特殊字符将在输出中转义,以便可以轻松识别它们。换行符,制表符,NUL和反斜杠写为\ n,\ t,\ 0和\。 --raw选项禁用此字符转义。