
时间:2021-08-29 20:40:20

I am working on a standalone JavaScript development runtime environment for using JavaScript as a general-purpose scripting language.


Currently I support the following libraries: zlib, SQLite, FastCGI, NSPR (Netscape Portable Runtime), ODE (Open Dynamics Engine), libpng, libjpeg, librsvg, freetype, librsvg, SDL, libiconv, OpenGL, OpenAL, ogg vorbis, libTomCrypt, libffi (Foreign function interface).

目前我支持以下库:zlib,SQLite,FastCGI,NSPR(Netscape Portable Runtime),ODE(开放动态引擎),libpng,libjpeg,librsvg,freetype,librsvg,SDL,libiconv,OpenGL,Op​​enAL,ogg vorbis,libTomCrypt, libffi(外部函数接口)。

Now I am looking for other useful libraries to bind to my project.


8 个解决方案


Graphical: wxWidgets, QT Text Manipulation: GNU Aspell

图形:wxWidgets,QT Text Manipulation:GNU Aspell

Just google for popular libraries. Believe me, you'll find a plenty of them ;)



Add data storage libraries (RMDB, flat files, XML) and some window libraries (QT)



Here's some libraries I'd like to see (there may be some overlap):


  • Cryptography: mcrypt, OpenSSL
  • 密码学:mcrypt,OpenSSL

  • Compression: zlib, zip, tar, bzip
  • 压缩:zlib,zip,tar,bzip

  • Database: mysql, postgresql, sqlite, oracle, mssql, couch
  • 数据库:mysql,postgresql,sqlite,oracle,mssql,couch

  • Text: ICU (i18n), unicode, aspell
  • 文字:ICU(i18n),unicode,aspell

  • Image: libgd, libexif, freetype
  • 图片:libgd,libexif,freetype

  • Mail: cclient or anything really
  • 邮件:cclient或其他任何东西

  • Math: libbcmath, dcdflib + randlib (stats)
  • 数学:libbcmath,dcdflib + randlib(stats)

  • Binary output: pslib, pdflib, libswf
  • 二进制输出:pslib,pdflib,libswf

  • Misc: memcached, cURL, ftp, OpenLDAP, libsvn,GeoIP
  • 其他:memcached,cURL,ftp,OpenLDAP,libsvn,GeoIP


You should have a GUI toolkit


  • GTK or Qt
  • GTK或Qt

Database connectivity

  • MySQL and PostgreSQL client library bindings
  • MySQL和PostgreSQL客户端库绑定

A few others I'd like to see


  • google protocol buffers
  • 谷歌协议缓冲区

  • libxml2 or some other xml library
  • libxml2或其他一些xml库

  • libpcap
  • OpenLDAP client libraries
  • OpenLDAP客户端库


Lots of graphics stuff in there. How about cairo?



Definitely something to handle file paths, to abstract path separation characters, check file existence, size and so on (aka stat), file permissions and/or ACLs Basically something like the Perl File:: modules.

绝对是处理文件路径,抽象路径分离字符,检查文件存在,大小等(也就是stat),文件权限和/或ACL的东西基本上类似于Perl File :: modules。


Maybe useful:

  • ImageMagick
  • libpurple
  • libavcodec


I'm just hoping for gtk or qt or any gui library would be great!



Graphical: wxWidgets, QT Text Manipulation: GNU Aspell

图形:wxWidgets,QT Text Manipulation:GNU Aspell

Just google for popular libraries. Believe me, you'll find a plenty of them ;)



Add data storage libraries (RMDB, flat files, XML) and some window libraries (QT)



Here's some libraries I'd like to see (there may be some overlap):


  • Cryptography: mcrypt, OpenSSL
  • 密码学:mcrypt,OpenSSL

  • Compression: zlib, zip, tar, bzip
  • 压缩:zlib,zip,tar,bzip

  • Database: mysql, postgresql, sqlite, oracle, mssql, couch
  • 数据库:mysql,postgresql,sqlite,oracle,mssql,couch

  • Text: ICU (i18n), unicode, aspell
  • 文字:ICU(i18n),unicode,aspell

  • Image: libgd, libexif, freetype
  • 图片:libgd,libexif,freetype

  • Mail: cclient or anything really
  • 邮件:cclient或其他任何东西

  • Math: libbcmath, dcdflib + randlib (stats)
  • 数学:libbcmath,dcdflib + randlib(stats)

  • Binary output: pslib, pdflib, libswf
  • 二进制输出:pslib,pdflib,libswf

  • Misc: memcached, cURL, ftp, OpenLDAP, libsvn,GeoIP
  • 其他:memcached,cURL,ftp,OpenLDAP,libsvn,GeoIP


You should have a GUI toolkit


  • GTK or Qt
  • GTK或Qt

Database connectivity

  • MySQL and PostgreSQL client library bindings
  • MySQL和PostgreSQL客户端库绑定

A few others I'd like to see


  • google protocol buffers
  • 谷歌协议缓冲区

  • libxml2 or some other xml library
  • libxml2或其他一些xml库

  • libpcap
  • OpenLDAP client libraries
  • OpenLDAP客户端库


Lots of graphics stuff in there. How about cairo?



Definitely something to handle file paths, to abstract path separation characters, check file existence, size and so on (aka stat), file permissions and/or ACLs Basically something like the Perl File:: modules.

绝对是处理文件路径,抽象路径分离字符,检查文件存在,大小等(也就是stat),文件权限和/或ACL的东西基本上类似于Perl File :: modules。


Maybe useful:

  • ImageMagick
  • libpurple
  • libavcodec


I'm just hoping for gtk or qt or any gui library would be great!
