
时间:2021-09-11 20:42:36

So I have the main thread spawning worker threads that have infinite loops to deal with system monitoring. So it looks something like this


while True:
     Check_server_status( host )
     wait( *minutes* )

This worker thread should run forever because we need to constantly monitor the servers and each thread is currently monitoring one machine but I may scale it so each thread has a list of servers to check on. Also, each thread is writing to a csv file the information that it is finding.


The main thread just calls this thread for each host that it finds in a list.


hosts = [a,b]
threads = []
for host in hosts:
     t = worker( host )
     t.daemon = True
     threads.append( t )

I am trying to make this script exit cleanly on ctrl-c. So I want to make sure that the files are closed and that the threads exits. Is there any good way to handle this?


Thanks in advance for the help!


1 个解决方案



Well, for starters, daemon threads terminated by the main thread ending aren't cleaned up properly, so avoid that.


And KeyboardInterrupt isn't necessarily delivered to the main thread, or to any specific thread, so it's probably not best to rely on Python's default handler for SIGINT here, but instead write your own handler to replace it.


Probably the simplest approach is to have all the threads loop on a shared threading.Event object, looping based on a .wait(*seconds*) call (so your per loop sleep is folded into the while condition, and you can still exit immediately, anytime during the wait).

可能最简单的方法是让所有线程在共享的threading.Event对象上循环,基于.wait(* seconds *)调用循环(这样你的每个循环睡眠被折叠到while条件,你仍然可以立即退出,等待期间的任何时候)。

So you might do:


import threading

shouldexit = threading.Event()

Then your worker functions would be of the form:


def worker(host):
    while not shouldexit.wait(minutes * 60):
        Check_server_status( host )

They'd all be launched without setting them as daemons, and you'd register a SIGINT handler like this one:


import signal

def ctrlchandler(signum, frame):
    print('User triggered quit')

# Set the signal handlers for the Ctrl-C related events
if hasattr(signal, 'CTRL_C_EVENT'):
    # Only on Windows
    signal.signal(signal.CTRL_C_EVENT, ctrlchandler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrlchandler)

Ideally, there would be no living main thread to kill off in this case (all threads would be looping on the shared Event, with the main thread exiting after launching the workers); if that's not the case, you'd need to figure out some way of terminating the main thread.


One approach might be to store off the default handler for SIGINT when you register your replacement handler, have your handler join all the worker threads after setting the Event, then explicitly invoke the original SIGINT handler so KeyboardInterrupt fires in a surviving thread as normal and cleans up the now workerless main thread.




Well, for starters, daemon threads terminated by the main thread ending aren't cleaned up properly, so avoid that.


And KeyboardInterrupt isn't necessarily delivered to the main thread, or to any specific thread, so it's probably not best to rely on Python's default handler for SIGINT here, but instead write your own handler to replace it.


Probably the simplest approach is to have all the threads loop on a shared threading.Event object, looping based on a .wait(*seconds*) call (so your per loop sleep is folded into the while condition, and you can still exit immediately, anytime during the wait).

可能最简单的方法是让所有线程在共享的threading.Event对象上循环,基于.wait(* seconds *)调用循环(这样你的每个循环睡眠被折叠到while条件,你仍然可以立即退出,等待期间的任何时候)。

So you might do:


import threading

shouldexit = threading.Event()

Then your worker functions would be of the form:


def worker(host):
    while not shouldexit.wait(minutes * 60):
        Check_server_status( host )

They'd all be launched without setting them as daemons, and you'd register a SIGINT handler like this one:


import signal

def ctrlchandler(signum, frame):
    print('User triggered quit')

# Set the signal handlers for the Ctrl-C related events
if hasattr(signal, 'CTRL_C_EVENT'):
    # Only on Windows
    signal.signal(signal.CTRL_C_EVENT, ctrlchandler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrlchandler)

Ideally, there would be no living main thread to kill off in this case (all threads would be looping on the shared Event, with the main thread exiting after launching the workers); if that's not the case, you'd need to figure out some way of terminating the main thread.


One approach might be to store off the default handler for SIGINT when you register your replacement handler, have your handler join all the worker threads after setting the Event, then explicitly invoke the original SIGINT handler so KeyboardInterrupt fires in a surviving thread as normal and cleans up the now workerless main thread.
