
时间:2021-01-22 20:39:59

I'm reinstalling Python, on Windows 7, and one of the first dialog boxes is the Customize Python screen.

我正在Windows 7上重新安装Python,第一个对话框之一是定制Python屏幕。

The default setting for "Add Python.exe to Path" is "Entire feature will be unavailable."


I always change this to "Will be installed on local hard drive."


It's not an issue, changing the system environment variables is a snap, but is there any upside to leaving this un-ticked?


2 个解决方案



If you only have one version of Python installed, it won't matter.


If you have multiple versions installed, then the first one that appears in your system Path will be executed when you use the "python" command. Additionally, it can make older versions inaccessible without extra work. For example, I had a system with Python 2.7 installed and I added 3.2 on top of that and checked the option to to add Python.exe to the path during installation. After doing that, entering both "python" and "python3" on the command line opened up Python 3.2, so I would need to enter the full path to the 2.7 interpreter when I needed to execute 2.x scripts.

如果安装了多个版本,那么当您使用“python”命令时,系统路径中出现的第一个版本将被执行。此外,它可以使旧版本不需要额外的工作就无法访问。例如,我安装了一个带有Python 2.7的系统,并在上面添加了3.2,并检查了添加Python的选项。安装过程中到路径的exe。之后,在命令行上输入“python”和“python3”会打开python 3.2,所以当我需要执行2时,我需要输入到2.7解释器的完整路径。x脚本。



One upside I can think of is if you run multiple python versions in windows. So, you have c:\python34 and c:\python27 but both are in the path, you'll get whichever comes first, leading you to a possibly unexpected result.




If you only have one version of Python installed, it won't matter.


If you have multiple versions installed, then the first one that appears in your system Path will be executed when you use the "python" command. Additionally, it can make older versions inaccessible without extra work. For example, I had a system with Python 2.7 installed and I added 3.2 on top of that and checked the option to to add Python.exe to the path during installation. After doing that, entering both "python" and "python3" on the command line opened up Python 3.2, so I would need to enter the full path to the 2.7 interpreter when I needed to execute 2.x scripts.

如果安装了多个版本,那么当您使用“python”命令时,系统路径中出现的第一个版本将被执行。此外,它可以使旧版本不需要额外的工作就无法访问。例如,我安装了一个带有Python 2.7的系统,并在上面添加了3.2,并检查了添加Python的选项。安装过程中到路径的exe。之后,在命令行上输入“python”和“python3”会打开python 3.2,所以当我需要执行2时,我需要输入到2.7解释器的完整路径。x脚本。



One upside I can think of is if you run multiple python versions in windows. So, you have c:\python34 and c:\python27 but both are in the path, you'll get whichever comes first, leading you to a possibly unexpected result.
