在生产中使用jquery-ui-rails gem时,Heroku找不到jquery.ui

时间:2022-12-14 20:38:56

I'm using the jquery-ui-rails gem. It works fine on local host, but when I push to heroku it gives heroku logs shows this:

我正在使用jquery-ui-rails gem。它在本地主机上工作正常,但当我推送到heroku时,它给heroku日志显示:

2012-04-11T02:28:59+00:00 app[web.1]: ActionView::Template::Error (couldn't find file 'jquery.ui.slider'
2012-04-11T02:28:59+00:00 app[web.1]:   (in /app/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css:12)):

My production config file:


config.cache_classes = true

config.consider_all_requests_local       = false
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true

config.serve_static_assets = true

config.assets.compress = true

config.assets.compile = true

config.assets.digest = true

Some questions online say to change config.assets.compile to false, but when I do that I get a application.css not precompiled error.


3 个解决方案



Taking the line gem jquery-ui-rails out of the assets group in the Gemfile seems to help. Similar problem/fix for the twitter bootstrap gem. :)

从Gemfile中的资产组中取出gem jquery-ui-rails似乎有所帮助。类似的问题/修复twitter bootstrap宝石。 :)



I had a similar, though not identical, problem. In my case, drag and drop methods worked locally, but Heroku complained that it couldn't find jquery-ui.


What solved it for me was this:


  1. In the Gemfile, added


    gem 'jquery-ui-rails'

  2. In application.js, added


    //= require jquery.ui.all

    // =需要jquery.ui.all

  3. In application.css, added


    *= require jquery.ui.all

    * =需要jquery.ui.all

Finally, of course, git commit -a -m "added jquery ui statements", followed by git push heroku master.

最后,当然,git commit -a -m“添加了jquery ui语句”,然后是git push heroku master。



You might have some sort of syntax error in some of your asset files. As the assets are precompiled different types of assets are concatenated as one. Now if one of your CSS files has a syntax error in the end of it, it might not affect anything in our local environment as the assets are not precompiled. However, when the asset files are joint together as one big file anything that then happens to follow the error would not get loaded. This might result in missing JavaScript stuff, CSS rules, etc..




Taking the line gem jquery-ui-rails out of the assets group in the Gemfile seems to help. Similar problem/fix for the twitter bootstrap gem. :)

从Gemfile中的资产组中取出gem jquery-ui-rails似乎有所帮助。类似的问题/修复twitter bootstrap宝石。 :)



I had a similar, though not identical, problem. In my case, drag and drop methods worked locally, but Heroku complained that it couldn't find jquery-ui.


What solved it for me was this:


  1. In the Gemfile, added


    gem 'jquery-ui-rails'

  2. In application.js, added


    //= require jquery.ui.all

    // =需要jquery.ui.all

  3. In application.css, added


    *= require jquery.ui.all

    * =需要jquery.ui.all

Finally, of course, git commit -a -m "added jquery ui statements", followed by git push heroku master.

最后,当然,git commit -a -m“添加了jquery ui语句”,然后是git push heroku master。



You might have some sort of syntax error in some of your asset files. As the assets are precompiled different types of assets are concatenated as one. Now if one of your CSS files has a syntax error in the end of it, it might not affect anything in our local environment as the assets are not precompiled. However, when the asset files are joint together as one big file anything that then happens to follow the error would not get loaded. This might result in missing JavaScript stuff, CSS rules, etc..
