
时间:2022-09-11 20:40:33

For the first time I'm creating a quite complex Rails app.


I'd like to know what's the best way to organize that app by folders. Until now, I'd do everything under one app (all the models, controllers, etC) but reading some open source code I realize that they put everything under different apps.


Like for example Spree Commerce. They have a general folder and inside that they have different apps (API, core, admin, etc). How is that done and is that the best way to do it?

例如Spree Commerce。他们有一个通用文件夹,里面有不同的应用程序(API,核心,管理员等)。这是怎么做的,这是最好的方法吗?

I'd like to get pointed to the best way to do it (a book, blog, anything) so I can understand how I can architect my app for future maintenance.


thank you


4 个解决方案



As an aside I think the title of your question is a little confusing. Rails, by using convention over configuration, defines 'how to organise a Rails app'. I think your question is rather about how to architect your application as opposed to anything Rails-specific. Maybe tweak the title?

另外,我认为你的问题的标题有点令人困惑。 Rails通过使用约定优于配置来定义“如何组织Rails应用程序”。我认为你的问题是关于如何构建应用程序而不是Rails特定的任何东西。也许调整标题?

That aside, without knowing any more detail about your project it's a tricky question to answer, but I'll give it a go.


All applications should start off simple, if you believe (like I do) that you should start by building the simplest thing that could possibly work. Given this, since you're using Rails, then in all likelihood the simplest thing would be to structure your app as a vanilla Rails 3 application. This will probably (I say 'probably' because I don't know any specifics about the app) allow you to get a beta version of your app up and running pretty quickly without worrying about complexities which at this stage in the development of your project are not a problem.

所有应用程序应该从简单开始,如果你相信(像我一样)你应该从构建可能有效的最简单的东西开始。鉴于此,由于您使用的是Rails,因此最简单的方法是将您的应用程序构建为vanilla Rails 3应用程序。这可能(我说'可能',因为我不知道有关该应用程序的任何细节)允许您快速获得应用程序的测试版并运行,而不必担心在项目开发的这个阶段的复杂性不是问题。

If you need to create an XML or JSON-based API then Rails makes this really easy using the standard framework, which will allow you to spend more time thinking about the API design than how to code it, and it's the API design which is the most important thing to get right in the first instance.


Similarly, your Admin site can be part of the same app just in a different namespace. If you find later down the line that you want it as a separate app, you can do this (maybe you could use the awesome API you designed to facilitate this), but why bother designing it with this added complexity (and hence extended development time) in the first place if you don't have a good reason for doing so?

同样,您的管理站点也可以位于不同命名空间中的同一个应用程序中。如果你在以后找到你希望它作为一个单独的应用程序的行,你可以这样做(也许你可以使用你设计的那个很棒的API来促进这个),但为什么要用这个增加的复杂性来设计它(因此延长了开发时间) )首先,如果你没有充分的理由这样做?

Once you have your app up and running and people are starting to use it, you start to get a picture of where the bottlenecks are and where the design could be improved. At this stage, if there's a need, you can start to move parts of the app to scalable solutions, such as running your API as a standalone service, introducing caching, changing data stores and other improvements and optimisations.


Even if your app is as wildly successful (and I hope it is!) then re-architecting your application whist continuing to run the existing service is still entirely possible, as Twitter have proved. Just stick to Knuth's statement and you'll be alright.


Regarding reading material, that's a tricky one. For me a lot of the XP and agile development classics taught me a huge amount about how to approach program and app design. I'd also check this * topic for book inspiration.


Good luck!




Spree uses Rails' Railties (Rails::Engines). Railties are introduced in Rails 3 to make it more modular and easy to extend. Rails 3 itself is a collection of Railties (ActiveSupport, ActiveModel, ActiveRecord, etc.).

Spree使用Rails的Railties(Rails :: Engines)。 Rails 3中引入了铁轨,使其更加模块化,易于扩展。 Rails 3本身是Railties(ActiveSupport,ActiveModel,ActiveRecord等)的集合。

If you are developing a complex app I would suggest spending some time planing its' architecture. Designing a complex app without any initial planning would definitely end with a maintenance nightmare down the road. It also introduces a huge learning curve for the new team members, slow down your new feature introduction and of course, frustration.


Anyway, don't over optimize, but don't forget to design your architecture for your needs.




IMHO, I will create very complex projects as one app. I have reason to believe that Spree and Radiant build under seperate apps so that under the pretense of their open source communities, contributors can contribute code easily without tampering with the core data, and the core workings of the application.


Otherwise, you should be alright just building it as one app. Just keep it neat.




Here is what have kept me sane for several years of RoR development:


  1. I use Rails Engines, but keep them in same codebase as the main app. Here is good starter for modular Rails app: https://github.com/shageman/the_next_big_thing


  2. Wherever I can I try to reduce coupling and use composition to make things easily testable, reusable and maintainable. This helps to eventually extract module or engine as separate gem. Composition is done by routes (mounting), directory overlaying (assets), dependency injection or configuration.


  3. If I don't need to re-use an engine I put it in the same code base as the main app which is single deployment unit. Thanks to that I don't need to switch between projects in my IDE. While in development environment any changes to the engine code are instantly picked up by Rails reload mechanism.




As an aside I think the title of your question is a little confusing. Rails, by using convention over configuration, defines 'how to organise a Rails app'. I think your question is rather about how to architect your application as opposed to anything Rails-specific. Maybe tweak the title?

另外,我认为你的问题的标题有点令人困惑。 Rails通过使用约定优于配置来定义“如何组织Rails应用程序”。我认为你的问题是关于如何构建应用程序而不是Rails特定的任何东西。也许调整标题?

That aside, without knowing any more detail about your project it's a tricky question to answer, but I'll give it a go.


All applications should start off simple, if you believe (like I do) that you should start by building the simplest thing that could possibly work. Given this, since you're using Rails, then in all likelihood the simplest thing would be to structure your app as a vanilla Rails 3 application. This will probably (I say 'probably' because I don't know any specifics about the app) allow you to get a beta version of your app up and running pretty quickly without worrying about complexities which at this stage in the development of your project are not a problem.

所有应用程序应该从简单开始,如果你相信(像我一样)你应该从构建可能有效的最简单的东西开始。鉴于此,由于您使用的是Rails,因此最简单的方法是将您的应用程序构建为vanilla Rails 3应用程序。这可能(我说'可能',因为我不知道有关该应用程序的任何细节)允许您快速获得应用程序的测试版并运行,而不必担心在项目开发的这个阶段的复杂性不是问题。

If you need to create an XML or JSON-based API then Rails makes this really easy using the standard framework, which will allow you to spend more time thinking about the API design than how to code it, and it's the API design which is the most important thing to get right in the first instance.


Similarly, your Admin site can be part of the same app just in a different namespace. If you find later down the line that you want it as a separate app, you can do this (maybe you could use the awesome API you designed to facilitate this), but why bother designing it with this added complexity (and hence extended development time) in the first place if you don't have a good reason for doing so?

同样,您的管理站点也可以位于不同命名空间中的同一个应用程序中。如果你在以后找到你希望它作为一个单独的应用程序的行,你可以这样做(也许你可以使用你设计的那个很棒的API来促进这个),但为什么要用这个增加的复杂性来设计它(因此延长了开发时间) )首先,如果你没有充分的理由这样做?

Once you have your app up and running and people are starting to use it, you start to get a picture of where the bottlenecks are and where the design could be improved. At this stage, if there's a need, you can start to move parts of the app to scalable solutions, such as running your API as a standalone service, introducing caching, changing data stores and other improvements and optimisations.


Even if your app is as wildly successful (and I hope it is!) then re-architecting your application whist continuing to run the existing service is still entirely possible, as Twitter have proved. Just stick to Knuth's statement and you'll be alright.


Regarding reading material, that's a tricky one. For me a lot of the XP and agile development classics taught me a huge amount about how to approach program and app design. I'd also check this * topic for book inspiration.


Good luck!




Spree uses Rails' Railties (Rails::Engines). Railties are introduced in Rails 3 to make it more modular and easy to extend. Rails 3 itself is a collection of Railties (ActiveSupport, ActiveModel, ActiveRecord, etc.).

Spree使用Rails的Railties(Rails :: Engines)。 Rails 3中引入了铁轨,使其更加模块化,易于扩展。 Rails 3本身是Railties(ActiveSupport,ActiveModel,ActiveRecord等)的集合。

If you are developing a complex app I would suggest spending some time planing its' architecture. Designing a complex app without any initial planning would definitely end with a maintenance nightmare down the road. It also introduces a huge learning curve for the new team members, slow down your new feature introduction and of course, frustration.


Anyway, don't over optimize, but don't forget to design your architecture for your needs.




IMHO, I will create very complex projects as one app. I have reason to believe that Spree and Radiant build under seperate apps so that under the pretense of their open source communities, contributors can contribute code easily without tampering with the core data, and the core workings of the application.


Otherwise, you should be alright just building it as one app. Just keep it neat.




Here is what have kept me sane for several years of RoR development:


  1. I use Rails Engines, but keep them in same codebase as the main app. Here is good starter for modular Rails app: https://github.com/shageman/the_next_big_thing


  2. Wherever I can I try to reduce coupling and use composition to make things easily testable, reusable and maintainable. This helps to eventually extract module or engine as separate gem. Composition is done by routes (mounting), directory overlaying (assets), dependency injection or configuration.


  3. If I don't need to re-use an engine I put it in the same code base as the main app which is single deployment unit. Thanks to that I don't need to switch between projects in my IDE. While in development environment any changes to the engine code are instantly picked up by Rails reload mechanism.
