
时间:2022-11-10 20:37:34

I tried pre-compiling my images before deployment using the command:


$ RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake assets:precompile

$ RAILS_ENV =生产bin /耙资产:预编译

I am using image_tag's in my templates that work in development.


Update: config.serve_static_files is said to default to true in dev, but then is turned off in production because the assets should be provided via your web server. I currently am just using the free tier on heroku and am still running webrick, so I have this set to true, but no luck.


Update 2: When I set config.serve_static_files to false, heroku does not see any of my assets, all my stylings go away and images remain unfound. Although heroku does send a warning message upon pushing to master saying that all "config.serve_static_files does is enables serving everything in the public folder and is unrelated to the asset pipeline.". I suppose it is unrelated to the asset pipeline in that it is just serving up the assets in the public folder and does not look at our assets directory. I also see that heroku runs the precompile command upon deployment, so I don't need to do that each time.

更新2:设置配置时。serve_static_files to false, heroku没有看到我的任何资产,所有样式都消失了,图像仍未找到。尽管heroku在推着大师说“所有配置”时确实发出了警告信息。serve_static_files支持为公共文件夹中的所有内容提供服务,与资产管道无关。我认为它与资产管道无关,因为它只提供公共文件夹中的资产,而不查看我们的资产目录。我还看到heroku在部署时运行预编译命令,所以我不需要每次都这样做。

This makes me wonder if the way I am calling my assets using the image_tag could be the problem, but I am not sure why that would be?


Update 3: The rails guide for the asset pipeline says "In regular views you can access images in the public/assets/images directory like this: <%= image_tag "rails.png" %>. I am calling for my image using this convention like so <%= image_tag("lab49", size: "80x30") %>, but the image will still not appear.

更新3:资产管道的rails指南说:“在常规视图中,您可以像这样访问公共/资产/图像目录中的图像:<%= image_tag”rails。png " % >。我使用so <%= image_tag(“lab49”,size:“80x30”)%>调用我的图像,但是图像仍然不会出现。

Update 4: See my answer.


2 个解决方案



If you came to this post and you are using Heroku, Heroku will accept your images only if you use the image file extension.

如果你来到这篇文章,你正在使用Heroku, Heroku将只接受你的图片,如果你使用图像文件扩展。

This will work:


<%= image_tag "lab49.png", size: "80x30" %>

This will not work (although it will locally):


<%= image_tag "lab49", size: "80x30" %>



Something to watch out for: I had jpeg files in my assets/images folder. When I ran rake assets:precompile they were turned into .jpg files. After renaming them in my assets/images folder to .jpg, precompiling, and pushing again they displayed on Heroku just fine.




If you came to this post and you are using Heroku, Heroku will accept your images only if you use the image file extension.

如果你来到这篇文章,你正在使用Heroku, Heroku将只接受你的图片,如果你使用图像文件扩展。

This will work:


<%= image_tag "lab49.png", size: "80x30" %>

This will not work (although it will locally):


<%= image_tag "lab49", size: "80x30" %>



Something to watch out for: I had jpeg files in my assets/images folder. When I ran rake assets:precompile they were turned into .jpg files. After renaming them in my assets/images folder to .jpg, precompiling, and pushing again they displayed on Heroku just fine.
