
时间:2021-09-14 19:12:16

I'm sure I'll get 20 people saying "why would you want to do that anyways"... but, I'm going to ask my question none-the-less because it's somewhat academic in nature.


I'd like to use C macros to redefine [ClassName new] into something like: new(ClassName), and I'm wondering how to do this. I'm not super comfortable with C macros to begin with (I know - embarrassing - I should be) - and I'm definitely not comfortable mixing them in with my Objective-C code. So, on with the question...

我想使用C宏将[ClassName new]重新定义为:new(ClassName),我想知道如何做到这一点。我开始时对C宏不太满意(我知道 - 令人尴尬 - 我应该这样) - 我绝对不喜欢将它们与我的Objective-C代码混合使用。那么,关于这个问题......

First, being it's a preprocessor thing, can I do a simple substitution like such:


#define new(x) [x new]

or, for whatever reason, do I need to drop down to the objective-c runtime, and do something more akin to:


#define new(x) objc_msgSend(class_createInstance(x, 0), sel_registerName("init"))

What are the downfalls of doing something like this?


Is this kind of thing used often by others, or, would someone look at it and say "what the heck are you doing there"? (and should I care)

这种事情是否经常被其他人使用,或者,有人会看着它说“你到底在做什么”? (我应该关心)





It occurred to me after posting this, that I have, in fact, see this kind of thing before - in the Three20 lib, where they do things like this:

事实上,在我发布之后,事实上我已经看到了这种事情 - 在Three20 lib中,他们做了这样的事情:

#define TT_RELEASE_SAFELY(__POINTER) { [__POINTER release]; __POINTER = nil; }
#define TT_INVALIDATE_TIMER(__TIMER) { [__TIMER invalidate]; __TIMER = nil; }

// Release a CoreFoundation object safely.
#define TT_RELEASE_CF_SAFELY(__REF) { if (nil != (__REF)) { CFRelease(__REF); __REF = nil; } }

So probably my question becomes simply; What are the downfalls of doing this, and is it a relatively accepted practice, or something that's going to get me into more trouble than it's worth?


3 个解决方案



Macros are processed first, and they are operating on the plain text source code. So yes, you can have your new macro generate Objective-C syntax or plain C syntax or even invalid syntax if you like.


The downfalls of using a macro in general is that, because it is parsed and processed in a separate step, it's possible to write macros that don't behave how you expect even when everything looks fine.


For example, this macro:


#define MAX(x,y) x > y ? x : y

Looks OK, but say you used it like this:


z = MAX(a,MAX(b,c));

It would be expanded by the preprocessor into something like this:


z = a > b > c ? b : c ? a : b > c ? b : c;

Which won't actually give you the max of the three arguments. To solve this you need to liberally sprinkle parenthesis in your macro definition, even where you don't think it is needed:


#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y));

That fixes it, except I added a semicolon to the end, which is an understandable habit from writing a lot of C code, except now our macro expands to:


z = ((a) > (((b) > (c) ? (b) : (c));) ? (a) : (((b) > (c) ? (b) : (c));));;

Syntax errors!


If you look at how MAX is actually defined in Objective-C, it's pretty mess, but that's what you have to do to write macros safely. And you also need to consider that:


z = MAX(expensiveComputation(), reallyExpensiveComputation())

Will, unlike a function, actually execute one of those functions twice, unless you use a trick in your macro to basically emulate parameter passing.


So, to answer your question, yes it is totally possible, but writing safe macros is really hard. And you're doing this so you can pretend your Objective-C code is actually code in another language... Why would you want to do that, anyways?




C macros are guaranteed


  • not to be recursive
  • 不要递归
  • not to expand functionlike macros that are not followed by ()
  • 不扩展未跟随的函数式宏()

so your first variant would be ok for the C preprocessor. The only identifiers that are reserved (so you couldn't use for macro names) are keywords and identifiers starting with underscore. new is neither keyword (for C) nor starting with an underscore, so this is fine for the C preprocessor.

所以你的第一个变种对于C预处理器来说是可以的。保留的唯一标识符(因此您不能用于宏名称)是以下划线开头的关键字和标识符。 new既不是关键字(对于C)也不是以下划线开头,因此对于C预处理器来说这很好。

I don't know if the objective-C imposes other restrictions, you'd have to look that up.


And yes I am definitively the guy who asks "why would you want to do that anyways?". Don't do that, don't even think of doing that, if on the other hand you feel the need to ask your question.




Assuming you are using a recent GCC (that is a 4.6 version), you might consider making a GCC plugin, or preferably a GCC MELT extension, for such a task. MELT is a high-level domain specific language to easily extend GCC.

假设您使用的是最近的GCC(即4.6版本),您可以考虑为此类任务制作GCC插件,或者最好是GCC MELT扩展。 MELT是一种高级域特定语言,可以轻松扩展GCC。

For instance, your new macro would be


#define new(X) _mybuiltin_new_(X)

and then your MELT extension would add a new GCC builtin _mybuiltin_new_ which would be transformed into some simpler Gimple (the internal representation used by GCC). However, these kind of things take some time (a week at least, not hours) to be developed.




Macros are processed first, and they are operating on the plain text source code. So yes, you can have your new macro generate Objective-C syntax or plain C syntax or even invalid syntax if you like.


The downfalls of using a macro in general is that, because it is parsed and processed in a separate step, it's possible to write macros that don't behave how you expect even when everything looks fine.


For example, this macro:


#define MAX(x,y) x > y ? x : y

Looks OK, but say you used it like this:


z = MAX(a,MAX(b,c));

It would be expanded by the preprocessor into something like this:


z = a > b > c ? b : c ? a : b > c ? b : c;

Which won't actually give you the max of the three arguments. To solve this you need to liberally sprinkle parenthesis in your macro definition, even where you don't think it is needed:


#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y));

That fixes it, except I added a semicolon to the end, which is an understandable habit from writing a lot of C code, except now our macro expands to:


z = ((a) > (((b) > (c) ? (b) : (c));) ? (a) : (((b) > (c) ? (b) : (c));));;

Syntax errors!


If you look at how MAX is actually defined in Objective-C, it's pretty mess, but that's what you have to do to write macros safely. And you also need to consider that:


z = MAX(expensiveComputation(), reallyExpensiveComputation())

Will, unlike a function, actually execute one of those functions twice, unless you use a trick in your macro to basically emulate parameter passing.


So, to answer your question, yes it is totally possible, but writing safe macros is really hard. And you're doing this so you can pretend your Objective-C code is actually code in another language... Why would you want to do that, anyways?




C macros are guaranteed


  • not to be recursive
  • 不要递归
  • not to expand functionlike macros that are not followed by ()
  • 不扩展未跟随的函数式宏()

so your first variant would be ok for the C preprocessor. The only identifiers that are reserved (so you couldn't use for macro names) are keywords and identifiers starting with underscore. new is neither keyword (for C) nor starting with an underscore, so this is fine for the C preprocessor.

所以你的第一个变种对于C预处理器来说是可以的。保留的唯一标识符(因此您不能用于宏名称)是以下划线开头的关键字和标识符。 new既不是关键字(对于C)也不是以下划线开头,因此对于C预处理器来说这很好。

I don't know if the objective-C imposes other restrictions, you'd have to look that up.


And yes I am definitively the guy who asks "why would you want to do that anyways?". Don't do that, don't even think of doing that, if on the other hand you feel the need to ask your question.




Assuming you are using a recent GCC (that is a 4.6 version), you might consider making a GCC plugin, or preferably a GCC MELT extension, for such a task. MELT is a high-level domain specific language to easily extend GCC.

假设您使用的是最近的GCC(即4.6版本),您可以考虑为此类任务制作GCC插件,或者最好是GCC MELT扩展。 MELT是一种高级域特定语言,可以轻松扩展GCC。

For instance, your new macro would be


#define new(X) _mybuiltin_new_(X)

and then your MELT extension would add a new GCC builtin _mybuiltin_new_ which would be transformed into some simpler Gimple (the internal representation used by GCC). However, these kind of things take some time (a week at least, not hours) to be developed.
