
时间:2021-08-19 20:37:45

I checked the existing posts on this topic and also googled it, but I am not able to identify my mistake or make this work for me. I have a function iterativeDeepening() inside the class ChessPlayer. After say 15 seconds I want to stop further iterations within the function. In the code below, the function "flagSetter" is never invoked. If I use NSTimer.fire() the function is invoked immediately and not after 15 seconds. I tried placing the flagSetter function before or after iterativeDeepening(). Either case does not work. What have I done incorrectly?


class ChessPlayer {
    var timeoutFlag = false

    func iterativeDeepening() {

        ***//variables and constants***

        let timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(15.0, target: self, selector: #selector(self.flagSetter), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

        ***while minDepth <= maxDepth
            // Loop iteration code
            if timeoutFlag { break out of loop }


    @objc func flagSetter(timer: NSTimer) {
        print("flag changed to true")
        self.timeoutFlag = true

The requirement:

  1. computerThinking() is fired from GameScene from human move's action completion handler.
  2. computerThinking()是从人类移动的动作完成处理程序中从GameScene触发的。

  3. GameScene.computerThinking() invokes ChessPlayer.iterativeDeepening()
  4. GameScene.computerThinking()调用ChessPlayer.iterativeDeepening()

  5. iterativeDeepening runs a while loop incrementing "depth". For each "depth" an optimal move at that depth is evaluated. Higher the depth, more detailed the evaluation.
  6. iterativeDeepening运行while循环递增“深度”。对于每个“深度”,评估在该深度处的最佳移动。深度越高,评估越详细。

  7. after 15.0 seconds i want to break out of the while loop with the depth and optimal move available at that point of time.
  8. 在15.0秒之后,我想要突破while循环,在那个时间点可以获得深度和最佳移动。

2 个解决方案



I am a lover of Objective-c and never used Swift yet in my projects. Googling NSTimer Swift, I found out the following steps to implement NSTimer correctly.

我是Objective-c的爱好者,在我的项目中从未使用过Swift。谷歌搜索NSTimer Swift,我发现以下步骤正确实现NSTimer。

we need to define our NSTimer. The first variable that we are going to need is a variable called timer of type NSTimer. We do this like:


var timer = NSTimer()

Start NSTimer timer:


timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(15.0, target:self, selector:#selector(ChessPlayer.flagSetter(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

And your method flagSetter should be defined as this:


func flagSetter(timer: NSTimer) {
        print("flag changed to true")
        self.timeoutFlag = true

This will now surely work as I've made my very first app, just for this question, made in Swift. Check how I put my selector. You're right with the warnings by the way.


If you need more information about Selectors, check this thread: @selector() in Swift?




Here is your solution: define timer outside of the function so you can invalidate it from another function. Right now, your timer is defined inside a function so it can only be altered inside that function, but that is not what you want. Fix it by doing the following: right below var timeoutFlag = false put var timer = NSTimer(). Then inside your function iterativeDeepening() get rid of the let. Then it will all work!!

这是您的解决方案:在函数外部定义计时器,以便您可以从另一个函数中使其无效。现在,你的计时器是在一个函数中定义的,所以它只能在那个函数内部改变,但这不是你想要的。通过执行以下操作来修复它:右下方var timeoutFlag = false put var timer = NSTimer()。然后在你的函数里面迭代Deepening()去掉let。那一切都会奏效!!

Here's what your code should be, adapted from Hasya's answer and your provided code.


class ChessPlayer {
// Declare timer and timeoutFlag
var timer = NSTimer()   
var timeoutFlag = false

func iterativeDeepening() {

self.timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(15.0, target: self, selector: “timerEventOccured”, userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

func timerEventOccured() {
        print("timerEventOccured was called.")
        timeoutFlag = true


override func viewDidUnload() {



I am a lover of Objective-c and never used Swift yet in my projects. Googling NSTimer Swift, I found out the following steps to implement NSTimer correctly.

我是Objective-c的爱好者,在我的项目中从未使用过Swift。谷歌搜索NSTimer Swift,我发现以下步骤正确实现NSTimer。

we need to define our NSTimer. The first variable that we are going to need is a variable called timer of type NSTimer. We do this like:


var timer = NSTimer()

Start NSTimer timer:


timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(15.0, target:self, selector:#selector(ChessPlayer.flagSetter(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

And your method flagSetter should be defined as this:


func flagSetter(timer: NSTimer) {
        print("flag changed to true")
        self.timeoutFlag = true

This will now surely work as I've made my very first app, just for this question, made in Swift. Check how I put my selector. You're right with the warnings by the way.


If you need more information about Selectors, check this thread: @selector() in Swift?




Here is your solution: define timer outside of the function so you can invalidate it from another function. Right now, your timer is defined inside a function so it can only be altered inside that function, but that is not what you want. Fix it by doing the following: right below var timeoutFlag = false put var timer = NSTimer(). Then inside your function iterativeDeepening() get rid of the let. Then it will all work!!

这是您的解决方案:在函数外部定义计时器,以便您可以从另一个函数中使其无效。现在,你的计时器是在一个函数中定义的,所以它只能在那个函数内部改变,但这不是你想要的。通过执行以下操作来修复它:右下方var timeoutFlag = false put var timer = NSTimer()。然后在你的函数里面迭代Deepening()去掉let。那一切都会奏效!!

Here's what your code should be, adapted from Hasya's answer and your provided code.


class ChessPlayer {
// Declare timer and timeoutFlag
var timer = NSTimer()   
var timeoutFlag = false

func iterativeDeepening() {

self.timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(15.0, target: self, selector: “timerEventOccured”, userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

func timerEventOccured() {
        print("timerEventOccured was called.")
        timeoutFlag = true


override func viewDidUnload() {