CADisplayLink的行为与NSTimer,framerate bug类似

时间:2020-12-25 20:36:56

I have implemented CADisplayLink, but yet it behaves similar to NSTimer in that when there are a lot of draws it locks the fps to 40 and never gets out of there, even if there are a lot fewer draws afterward. This happens on the itouch 3 and itouch 4. I'm using openGL to render, and openAL for sounds. What's going on. Help Please!!!

我已经实现了CADisplayLink,但它的行为类似于NSTimer,因为当有很多绘制时它会将fps锁定为40并且永远不会离开那里,即使之后的绘制次数少得多。这发生在itouch 3和itouch 4上。我使用openGL进行渲染,并使用openAL进行声音渲染。这是怎么回事。请帮助!!!

1 个解决方案



I would start by profiling the app. I wouldn't suspect CADisplayLink weirdness till it's demonstrated that the app should in fact be running faster than it is.




I would start by profiling the app. I wouldn't suspect CADisplayLink weirdness till it's demonstrated that the app should in fact be running faster than it is.
