
时间:2021-03-07 20:28:10

I have created a REST web service using Django. This web service has a log file. I'd like to log all web service (http) requests in the log file. However, the web service request handling is done by Django, I only setup url-request handlers mapping and create the request handlers (views in Django nomenclature). Is there a way to log all requests in a central point, without needing to log each request in its associated request handler (view)?

我已经使用Django创建了一个REST web服务。这个web服务有一个日志文件。我想在日志文件中记录所有web服务(http)请求。但是,web服务请求处理是由Django完成的,我只设置url请求处理程序映射并创建请求处理程序(Django命名法中的视图)。是否有一种方法可以将所有请求记录在一个中心点,而不需要在关联的请求处理程序(视图)中记录每个请求?

Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



Yes Django has a built in signals framework.


It allows you to register a function to be called everytime a request starts.


This documenation page explains how to do it step by step


Using the decorator method:


from django.core.signals import request_started
from django.dispatch import receiver

def my_callback(sender, **kwargs):
    # log the request here

Where should this code live? You can put signal handling and registration code anywhere you like. However, you’ll need to make sure that the module it’s in gets imported early on so that the signal handling gets registered before any signals need to be sent. This makes your app’s models.py a good place to put registration of signal handlers.




Yes Django has a built in signals framework.


It allows you to register a function to be called everytime a request starts.


This documenation page explains how to do it step by step


Using the decorator method:


from django.core.signals import request_started
from django.dispatch import receiver

def my_callback(sender, **kwargs):
    # log the request here

Where should this code live? You can put signal handling and registration code anywhere you like. However, you’ll need to make sure that the module it’s in gets imported early on so that the signal handling gets registered before any signals need to be sent. This makes your app’s models.py a good place to put registration of signal handlers.
