
时间:2021-01-25 20:29:44

This question already has an answer here:


In the code below, Thread.sleep(3000); written inside the anonymous class instantiation can be handled only using a try-catch block. Why doesn't the throws InterruptedException clause allow the exception to propagate?


public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    Runnable task = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            // below line explicitly need to be handled using try-catch. throws keyword does not work here

1 个解决方案



The run() method lacks a throws InterruptedException clause. It doesn't matter that main() has one, nor that run() is defined in an class defined inside of main(). They're two different methods.

run()方法缺少抛出InterruptedException子句。 main()有一个没关系,run()是在main()内定义的类中定义的。他们是两种不同的方法。

Adding one to run() isn't possible, though, because Runnable doesn't allow run() to have a throws clause. Therefore, the only solution is to wrap the sleep with a try/catch block.

但是,添加一个到run()是不可能的,因为Runnable不允许run()具有throws子句。因此,唯一的解决方案是使用try / catch块包装睡眠。



The run() method lacks a throws InterruptedException clause. It doesn't matter that main() has one, nor that run() is defined in an class defined inside of main(). They're two different methods.

run()方法缺少抛出InterruptedException子句。 main()有一个没关系,run()是在main()内定义的类中定义的。他们是两种不同的方法。

Adding one to run() isn't possible, though, because Runnable doesn't allow run() to have a throws clause. Therefore, the only solution is to wrap the sleep with a try/catch block.

但是,添加一个到run()是不可能的,因为Runnable不允许run()具有throws子句。因此,唯一的解决方案是使用try / catch块包装睡眠。