
时间:2021-08-31 20:26:58

NetBeans 6.5 with Python support provides the docstring documentation for a function/method in a popup when auto-completing, but is there another way to view docstrings?

支持Python的NetBeans 6.5在自动完成时为弹出窗口中的函数/方法提供docstring文档,但还有另一种查看文档字符串的方法吗?

Perhaps achieved by mousing over a function/method name, or clicking somewhere?


The best I can seem to do is "Go to source" in the right-click menu.


3 个解决方案


I received the following answer from Tor Norbye at Sun:

我从Sun的Tor Norbye那里得到了以下答案:

Hold the ctrl key (or Cmd on Mac) and then hover.


Also, Ctrl-Shift-Space (e.g. code completion + shift) will display -just- the completion doc (which means it doesn't just look at the prefix of the caret, but the whole identifier and left hand side type if it can resolve it, to compute one specific match rather than many).



You can also use this keyboard shortcut on Mac. Shift + Meta + Backslash

您也可以在Mac上使用此键盘快捷键。 Shift + Meta +反斜杠


You may be referring to the function Show Documentation Popup in Netbeans

您可能指的是Netbeans中的Show Documentation Popup功能


Ctrl+Shift+SPACE or


related: How to see Javadoc documentation on mouse hover in NetBeans?



I received the following answer from Tor Norbye at Sun:

我从Sun的Tor Norbye那里得到了以下答案:

Hold the ctrl key (or Cmd on Mac) and then hover.


Also, Ctrl-Shift-Space (e.g. code completion + shift) will display -just- the completion doc (which means it doesn't just look at the prefix of the caret, but the whole identifier and left hand side type if it can resolve it, to compute one specific match rather than many).



You can also use this keyboard shortcut on Mac. Shift + Meta + Backslash

您也可以在Mac上使用此键盘快捷键。 Shift + Meta +反斜杠


You may be referring to the function Show Documentation Popup in Netbeans

您可能指的是Netbeans中的Show Documentation Popup功能


Ctrl+Shift+SPACE or


related: How to see Javadoc documentation on mouse hover in NetBeans?
