
时间:2022-08-20 20:29:30

I've developed a Google Apps Script and published it with no restrictions (everybody can see it), i get an url like this :

我已经开发了一个Google Apps脚本并且没有限制地发布它(每个人都可以看到它),我得到这样的网址:


If i run this in a browser, it runs well.


Now I want to call this from my node js server. I use:


request.post({url:url,form:{<my parameters>},function (err,httpResponse,body)

The httpResponse replies with a 302 and I've this in the headers:


"CP="This is not a P3P policy!
 See http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=151657

I believe that I need to do authentication before calling my request.post. But was unable to find anywhere in documentation how to do it.


1 个解决方案



Finally got a workaround (temporary) :


As it seems that the issue came from domains schemes difference (http on calling side, https Google Apps Script side), solution found was to implement the call client side in the web page, instead of server side, like this :

由于看起来问题来自域方案差异(呼叫端的http,https Google Apps脚本端),找到的解决方案是在网页中实现呼叫客户端,而不是服务器端,如下所示:

var googleAppsScript = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/<myScriptId>/exec";

function scriptCB(result) { 
    if (result=="KO") displayError("Something went wrong in apps script"); 
    else displayMessage(result); 
function callGAppsScript(docId,fields,cb) { 
        crossDomain: true, //REQUIRED !! as no scheme matched between my site and script.google.com
        url: googleAppsScript, 
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
        data: {prefix:'scriptCB',docId:docId,fields:JSON.stringify(fields)}, 
        dataType: "jsonp", //REQUIRED as we do Cross domain
        jsonp:false, //disable adding ?callback= parameter
        jsonpCallback:'scriptCB', //my callback once it is done
        error: function(xhr,status,err) { 


Google Apps Script being called:

正在调用Google Apps脚本:

//script to replace some tagged fields in a given doc
function doGet(e) {
  var docId=e.parameter.docId;
  var fields=JSON.parse(e.parameter.fields);
  var doc = openDoc(docId); //my function to open the Google Document
  var result="Document not found :  "+docId;
  if (doc) {
    result="Doc "+doc.getName()+" open. Fields to replace: "+JSON.stringify(fields);
    var _result = replaceFields(doc,fields); //my function to replace fields with new values brought by the external REST call
    if (_result!="KO") result=_result;
  return ContentService.createTextOutput(
    e.parameters.prefix + '(' + JSON.stringify(result) + ')') //this is necessary to get the jsonP callback working.
    .setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JAVASCRIPT); //that's too.

function doPost(e) {
  return doGet(e);

This works, at the price of this not so nice JSONP technique, waiting i'm putting a certificate on my server, and switch to https://




Finally got a workaround (temporary) :


As it seems that the issue came from domains schemes difference (http on calling side, https Google Apps Script side), solution found was to implement the call client side in the web page, instead of server side, like this :

由于看起来问题来自域方案差异(呼叫端的http,https Google Apps脚本端),找到的解决方案是在网页中实现呼叫客户端,而不是服务器端,如下所示:

var googleAppsScript = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/<myScriptId>/exec";

function scriptCB(result) { 
    if (result=="KO") displayError("Something went wrong in apps script"); 
    else displayMessage(result); 
function callGAppsScript(docId,fields,cb) { 
        crossDomain: true, //REQUIRED !! as no scheme matched between my site and script.google.com
        url: googleAppsScript, 
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
        data: {prefix:'scriptCB',docId:docId,fields:JSON.stringify(fields)}, 
        dataType: "jsonp", //REQUIRED as we do Cross domain
        jsonp:false, //disable adding ?callback= parameter
        jsonpCallback:'scriptCB', //my callback once it is done
        error: function(xhr,status,err) { 


Google Apps Script being called:

正在调用Google Apps脚本:

//script to replace some tagged fields in a given doc
function doGet(e) {
  var docId=e.parameter.docId;
  var fields=JSON.parse(e.parameter.fields);
  var doc = openDoc(docId); //my function to open the Google Document
  var result="Document not found :  "+docId;
  if (doc) {
    result="Doc "+doc.getName()+" open. Fields to replace: "+JSON.stringify(fields);
    var _result = replaceFields(doc,fields); //my function to replace fields with new values brought by the external REST call
    if (_result!="KO") result=_result;
  return ContentService.createTextOutput(
    e.parameters.prefix + '(' + JSON.stringify(result) + ')') //this is necessary to get the jsonP callback working.
    .setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JAVASCRIPT); //that's too.

function doPost(e) {
  return doGet(e);

This works, at the price of this not so nice JSONP technique, waiting i'm putting a certificate on my server, and switch to https://
