使用Python SciPy来计算Rodrigues公式P_n(x)(勒让德多项式)

时间:2022-10-23 20:27:39

I'm trying to use Python to calculate the Rodrigues formula, P_n(x).




That is, I would like a function which takes into two input parameters, n and x, and returns the output of this formula.


However, I don't think SciPy has this function yet. SpiPy does offer a Legendre module:




I don't think any of these is the Rodrigues formula. Am I wrong?


Is there a standard way SciPy offers to do this?


EDIT: I would like the input parameters to be arrays, not just single input values.


1 个解决方案



If you simply want P_n(x), then you can create a suitable object representing the P_n polynomial using scipy.special.legendre and call it with your values of x:


In [1]: from scipy.special import legendre
In [2]: n = 3
In [3]: Pn = legendre(n)
In [4]: Pn(2.5)
Out[4]: 35.3125        # P_3(2.5)

The object Pn is, in a sense, the "output" of the Rodrigues formula: it is a polynomial of the required order, which can be evaluated at a provided value of x. If you want a single function that takes n and x, you can use eval_legendre:


In [5]: from scipy.special import eval_legendre
In [6]: eval_legendre(3, 2.5)
Out[6]: 35.3125

As noted in the docs, this is the recommended way to do it for large-ish n (e.g. n > 20), instead of creating a polynomial object with all the coefficients which does not handle rounding errors and numerical stability as well.

正如在文档中所指出的,这是为大的n(例如n > 20)所推荐的方法,而不是创建一个具有所有系数的多项式对象,这些系数不处理舍入误差和数值稳定性。

EDIT: Both approaches work with arrays (at least for the x argument). For example:


In [7]: x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 5, 10])
In [8]: Pn(x)
array([  0.00000000e+00,   1.00000000e+00,   1.70000000e+01,
     3.05000000e+02,   2.48500000e+03])



If you simply want P_n(x), then you can create a suitable object representing the P_n polynomial using scipy.special.legendre and call it with your values of x:


In [1]: from scipy.special import legendre
In [2]: n = 3
In [3]: Pn = legendre(n)
In [4]: Pn(2.5)
Out[4]: 35.3125        # P_3(2.5)

The object Pn is, in a sense, the "output" of the Rodrigues formula: it is a polynomial of the required order, which can be evaluated at a provided value of x. If you want a single function that takes n and x, you can use eval_legendre:


In [5]: from scipy.special import eval_legendre
In [6]: eval_legendre(3, 2.5)
Out[6]: 35.3125

As noted in the docs, this is the recommended way to do it for large-ish n (e.g. n > 20), instead of creating a polynomial object with all the coefficients which does not handle rounding errors and numerical stability as well.

正如在文档中所指出的,这是为大的n(例如n > 20)所推荐的方法,而不是创建一个具有所有系数的多项式对象,这些系数不处理舍入误差和数值稳定性。

EDIT: Both approaches work with arrays (at least for the x argument). For example:


In [7]: x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 5, 10])
In [8]: Pn(x)
array([  0.00000000e+00,   1.00000000e+00,   1.70000000e+01,
     3.05000000e+02,   2.48500000e+03])