Clearcase CMI Integration mkcmprovider命令无法识别-options

时间:2022-09-17 20:28:02

I am using BASE Clearcase with CMI integration. In the mkcmprovider command, if I use -options, then the command fails due to unrecognized token called '-options'. But the Clearcase 8.0x manual says that the -options keyword is valid inside mkcmprovider. Following is the VERSION information of my server:

我正在使用BASE Clearcase和CMI集成。在mkcmprovider命令中,如果我使用-options,则命令因无法识别的令牌“-options”而失败。但是Clearcase 8.0x手册说-options关键字在mkcmprovider中是有效的。以下是我的服务器的VERSION信息:

   M:\DevView\Test>cleartool -version  
   ClearCase version (Mon May 27 15:08:54 EDT 2013) (8.0.1.D130526)  
   @(#) MVFS version (Wed May 15 14:57:16 2013)  
   cleartool                (Wed May 15 21:46:14 2013)  
   db_server                (Wed May 15 18:40:45 2013)  
   VOB database schema versions: 54, 80 

Following is the error:


   M:\DevView\Test>cleartool mkcmprovider -brtype main -replace -options ciVerifyPr
ov:true,ciVerifyUser:true,reqProvTask:true CQPROV  
   cleartool: Error: Unrecognized option "-options"  
   Usage: mkcmprovider {-vob vob-selector | -replica replica-selector} `enter code here`[-replace]
                    {-data prov-info-file | -type <type> -version <version> -des
cription <description>
                    -connection <connection_info>} provider_name
       mkcmprovider {-brtype <brtype-name>} [-replace]
                    [{-data context-info-file | -context <context-string>}] prov

1 个解决方案


Make sure to actually type the '-' of '-options' instead of copying it from the IBM documentation for cleartool mkcmprovider.

确保实际键入'-options'的' - '而不是从cleartool mkcmprovider的IBM文档中复制它。

The doc has only has a minus instead of the hyphen-minus.


However, in this case, -options is only supported from see the 8.0.1.X release notes.


What's New

This release introduces the following features.


Change management interface (CMI)

The following enhancements to CMI are introduced in this release:


  • CMI supports the configuration of Rational Team Concert state transitions; for instructions, refer to Configuring CMI for Rational Team Concert state transitions.
  • CMI支持Rational Team Concert状态转换的配置;有关说明,请参阅为Rational Team Concert状态转换配置CMI。

  • The mkcmprovider command supports policy configuration for base ClearCase and UCM; for complete information, refer to the command reference page.
  • mkcmprovider命令支持基本ClearCase和UCM的策略配置;有关完整信息,请参阅命令参考页面。

  • ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) supports CMI independent of the RTC bridge for dynamic views only.
  • ClearTeam Explorer(CTE)仅支持动态视图的独立于RTC桥的CMI。


Make sure to actually type the '-' of '-options' instead of copying it from the IBM documentation for cleartool mkcmprovider.

确保实际键入'-options'的' - '而不是从cleartool mkcmprovider的IBM文档中复制它。

The doc has only has a minus instead of the hyphen-minus.


However, in this case, -options is only supported from see the 8.0.1.X release notes.


What's New

This release introduces the following features.


Change management interface (CMI)

The following enhancements to CMI are introduced in this release:


  • CMI supports the configuration of Rational Team Concert state transitions; for instructions, refer to Configuring CMI for Rational Team Concert state transitions.
  • CMI支持Rational Team Concert状态转换的配置;有关说明,请参阅为Rational Team Concert状态转换配置CMI。

  • The mkcmprovider command supports policy configuration for base ClearCase and UCM; for complete information, refer to the command reference page.
  • mkcmprovider命令支持基本ClearCase和UCM的策略配置;有关完整信息,请参阅命令参考页面。

  • ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) supports CMI independent of the RTC bridge for dynamic views only.
  • ClearTeam Explorer(CTE)仅支持动态视图的独立于RTC桥的CMI。