
时间:2022-06-27 20:27:13

I have written a program (with some help) that extracts data from a csv and creates a kml for viewing in Google Earth. It works fine... I have now tried to amend it to work with different data and I keep getting this error-


TypeError: __new__() takes exactly 7 arguments (2 given)

I can't work out what it means, as I have changed very little of the original program, just the namedtuple part, the all_locations = (location_info(*line[0:5]) for line in csv_reader) (to reflect that there are only 6 namedtuple entries) and have amended the 'ExtendedData' part of the KML.

我无法计算出它的含义,因为我对原始程序的修改非常少,只有namedtuple部分,all_location = (location_info(*line[0:5])在csv_reader中排队)(以反映只有6个namedtuple条目),并修改了KML的“ExtendedData”部分。

I'm scratching my head here... Any ideas?


from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
import Tkconstants
from collections import namedtuple
import csv
import os

master = Tk()
master.title("KML creation")
path = ""
counter = 0

def counter_label(label):
    def count():
        global counter
        counter += 1
        label.config(text="Loading: " + str(counter))
        label.after(1000, count)

def getPath():
    options = {}
    options['defaultextension'] = '.csv'
    #options['filetypes'] = ('Comma Separated Values', '*.csv') #only windows
    options['initialdir'] = 'C:\\Python27'
    options['initialfile'] = 'myfile.csv'
    options['title'] = 'Choose File for KML creation...'
    path = askopenfilename(**options)

    location_info = namedtuple('location_info', 'NAME, DATE, TIME, LAT, LON, DESCRIPTION')
    input_filename = path
    output_filename = "mapppp.kml"

    with open(input_filename, 'r') as input_file:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(input_file, delimiter=';')
        print next(csv_reader)  # gets rid of the header line
        all_locations = (location_info(*line[0:5]) for line in csv_reader)  # the slicing is due to the trailing ;

        with open(output_filename, 'w') as output_file:
            for location in all_locations:

            for files in os.listdir("."):
                if files.endswith(".csv"):
                    print files

    print ("File Created. ")

def write_header(output_file):
    """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n
<kml xmlns=''>\n
    <name>  </name>\n""")

def get_kml(location_info):

    <name>Absolute Positioning: Top left</name>
    <overlayXY x="0" y="1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
    <screenXY x="0" y="1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
    <rotationXY x="0" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
    <size x="0" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
<name> {CID} </name>
     <Style id="sn_16">
    <name> {REF} ({DESCRIPTION}) </name>
            <Data name='Ref'>
                <Data name='Date'>
            <Data name='Time'>
           <extrude> 1 </extrude>
            <coordinates>{LON},{LAT}, 25 </coordinates>

def write_footer(output_file):

button_opt = {'fill': Tkconstants.BOTH, 'padx': 25, 'pady': 25}
b = Button(master, text="Choose a file for KML creation", command=getPath)
l = Label(master)

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\", line 1410, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "C:\Users\zackj\Desktop\", line 45, in getPath
    for location in all_locations:
  File "C:\Users\zackj\Desktop\", line 41, in <genexpr>
    all_locations = (location_info(*line[0:7]) for line in csv_reader)  # the slicing is due to the trailing ;
TypeError: __new__() takes exactly 7 arguments (2 given)

1 个解决方案



You are attempting to create a location_info namedtuple object from a CSV row that contains only two columns.

您试图从只包含两列的CSV行创建location_info namedtuple对象。

Python slices allow you to slice beyond the length of a sequence; line[0:5] on a line that only contains 2 values returns a new list of just two values. This is an error in your CSV file; you need to verify that every row has enough columns.


Note that line[:5] would have the same result, and that slices 5 elements of each CSV result row (not 6, the stop value is not included); you are also slicing the row, not the CSV file (you seem to be under the impression that slicing line will result only 6 namedtuple objects).


In any case, you probably want to use csv.DictReader() instead to go straight to dictionaries for your template formatting. The csv.DictReader tool has the additional


location_info = namedtuple('location_info', 'NAME, DATE, TIME, LAT, LON, DESCRIPTION')
input_filename = path
output_filename = "mapppp.kml"

with open(input_filename, 'r') as input_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(input_file, delimiter=';')



You are attempting to create a location_info namedtuple object from a CSV row that contains only two columns.

您试图从只包含两列的CSV行创建location_info namedtuple对象。

Python slices allow you to slice beyond the length of a sequence; line[0:5] on a line that only contains 2 values returns a new list of just two values. This is an error in your CSV file; you need to verify that every row has enough columns.


Note that line[:5] would have the same result, and that slices 5 elements of each CSV result row (not 6, the stop value is not included); you are also slicing the row, not the CSV file (you seem to be under the impression that slicing line will result only 6 namedtuple objects).


In any case, you probably want to use csv.DictReader() instead to go straight to dictionaries for your template formatting. The csv.DictReader tool has the additional


location_info = namedtuple('location_info', 'NAME, DATE, TIME, LAT, LON, DESCRIPTION')
input_filename = path
output_filename = "mapppp.kml"

with open(input_filename, 'r') as input_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(input_file, delimiter=';')