在Google Compute Engine上使用python 3.6部署Django 1.10应用程序

时间:2022-09-16 20:27:49

I have created a project using with Django 1.10.5 and python 3.6, now I need to deploy this project on google compute engine.I have googled a lot but couldn't find any clear guide to deploy my Django app on compute engine.

我已经创建了一个使用Django 1.10.5和python 3.6的项目,现在我需要在谷歌计算引擎上部署这个项目。我搜索了很多但是找不到任何明确的指南来在计算引擎上部署我的Django应用程序。

What I have tried:


  1. Create a compute engine instance
  2. 创建计算引擎实例

  3. Install python 3.6 (But not succeded that's why using pre-installed python 3.5.2)
  4. 安装python 3.6(但没有成功,这就是为什么使用预安装的python 3.5.2)

  5. Setup pip and virtualenv
  6. 设置点子和virtualenv

  7. Create a virtualenv and clone my project from GitHub
  8. 创建一个virtualenv并从GitHub克隆我的项目

  9. Install all requirements from requirements.txt
  10. 安装requirements.txt中的所有需求

  11. now when I try to run my app as python manage.py runserver from my directory, it says :
  12. 现在当我尝试从我的目录运行我的应用程序作为python manage.py runserver时,它说:

Django version 1.10.5, using settings 'brain.settings'


Starting development server at


Quit the server with CONTROL-C.


  1. when I visit doesn't load any page.
  2. 当我访问http://时,不加载任何页面。

How can I deploy my Django 1.10 & Python 3.6 app on google compute engine? Help me, please! Thanks in advance!

如何在谷歌计算引擎上部署我的Django 1.10和Python 3.6应用程序?请帮帮我!提前致谢!

1 个解决方案



All you need to do is to add a new incoming Firewall rule on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for TCP:8000.

您需要做的就是在Google Cloud Platform(GCP)上为TCP:8000添加新的传入防火墙规则。

To do so simply connect to your GCP: Console Firewall Rules and add a new rule.


Also be sure to launch Django to listen on the public interface and you to access with the public IP.


python manage.py runserver



All you need to do is to add a new incoming Firewall rule on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for TCP:8000.

您需要做的就是在Google Cloud Platform(GCP)上为TCP:8000添加新的传入防火墙规则。

To do so simply connect to your GCP: Console Firewall Rules and add a new rule.


Also be sure to launch Django to listen on the public interface and you to access with the public IP.


python manage.py runserver