Python Django:使用Google App Engine处理URL - 发布然后获取

时间:2022-09-16 20:22:43

I have something like this set up:


class CategoryPage (webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
def post(self):
    ** RENDER THE SAME AS get(self)

The question is, after I process the posted data, how would I be able to display the same information as the get(self) function?


5 个解决方案


A redirect, as others suggest, does have some advantage, but it's something of a "heavy" approach. As an alternative, consider refactoring the rendering part into a separate auxiliary method def _Render(self): and just ending both the get and post methods with a call to self.Render().

正如其他人所说,重定向确实有一些优势,但这是一种“沉重”的方法。作为替代方案,可以考虑将渲染部分重构为单独的辅助方法def _Render(self):并且只需调用self.Render()就可以结束get和post方法。


Call self.redirect(url) to redirect the user back to the same page over GET. That way, they won't accidentally re-submit the form if they hit refresh.



That's generally not a good idea as it'll cause confusion. You should really do whatever it is you want to do and then redirect them to the get method.



create_object(request, form_class=FormClass,

I use the above django shortcut from generic views where you can specify post save redirect , get in your case . There are few more examples in this snippet . Btw, I assumed that you are using django ( helper or patch) with app engine , based on the title of the question. If you are using app engine patch , check out the in "myapp" app sample add_person handler does what you are looking for.

我在通用视图中使用上面的django快捷方式,您可以在其中指定post save redirect,在您的情况下获取。此代码段中还有更多示例。顺便说一句,我假设您正在使用django(帮助器或补丁)与app引擎,基于问题的标题。如果您正在使用应用引擎补丁,请查看“myapp”应用中的views.py示例add_person处理程序执行您要查找的内容。


Actually, your code isn't Django, but webapp (Google's mini-"framework"). Please read the Django documentation:


Django's generic views are only available with app-engine-patch. The helper doesn't support them. You could take a look at the app-engine-patch sample project to learn more about Django on App Engine:

Django的通用视图仅适用于app-engine-patch。助手不支持他们。您可以查看app-engine-patch示例项目,以了解有关App Engine上Django的更多信息:


A redirect, as others suggest, does have some advantage, but it's something of a "heavy" approach. As an alternative, consider refactoring the rendering part into a separate auxiliary method def _Render(self): and just ending both the get and post methods with a call to self.Render().

正如其他人所说,重定向确实有一些优势,但这是一种“沉重”的方法。作为替代方案,可以考虑将渲染部分重构为单独的辅助方法def _Render(self):并且只需调用self.Render()就可以结束get和post方法。


Call self.redirect(url) to redirect the user back to the same page over GET. That way, they won't accidentally re-submit the form if they hit refresh.



That's generally not a good idea as it'll cause confusion. You should really do whatever it is you want to do and then redirect them to the get method.



create_object(request, form_class=FormClass,

I use the above django shortcut from generic views where you can specify post save redirect , get in your case . There are few more examples in this snippet . Btw, I assumed that you are using django ( helper or patch) with app engine , based on the title of the question. If you are using app engine patch , check out the in "myapp" app sample add_person handler does what you are looking for.

我在通用视图中使用上面的django快捷方式,您可以在其中指定post save redirect,在您的情况下获取。此代码段中还有更多示例。顺便说一句,我假设您正在使用django(帮助器或补丁)与app引擎,基于问题的标题。如果您正在使用应用引擎补丁,请查看“myapp”应用中的views.py示例add_person处理程序执行您要查找的内容。


Actually, your code isn't Django, but webapp (Google's mini-"framework"). Please read the Django documentation:


Django's generic views are only available with app-engine-patch. The helper doesn't support them. You could take a look at the app-engine-patch sample project to learn more about Django on App Engine:

Django的通用视图仅适用于app-engine-patch。助手不支持他们。您可以查看app-engine-patch示例项目,以了解有关App Engine上Django的更多信息: