OpenERP @http。路由('demo_json', type= " json ") URL不显示json数据

时间:2023-01-31 20:24:10

I am create controller in OpenERP Framework. Following is my code and i set http.route type="http",


import openerp.http as http
from openerp.http import request

class MyController(http.Controller):

    @http.route('demo_html', type="http")
    def some_html(self):
        return "<h1>This is a test</h1>"

Above code work perfect once i login into openerp after i modify URL http://localhost:8069/demo_html show me return result This is a test in h1 heading tag.

以上代码在我修改URL http://localhost:8069/demo_html后登录到openerp,显示返回结果时非常完美,这是h1标题标签中的一个测试。

But same way i try to type="json" and add following json code and again try to call URL http://localhost:8069/demo_json Its not work properly and show me error "Internal Server Error".

但是,我尝试键入="json",并添加以下json代码,并再次尝试调用URL http://localhost:8069/demo_json,它不能正常工作,并显示错误"内部服务器错误"。

import openerp.http as http
from openerp.http import request

class MyController(http.Controller):

    @http.route('demo_html', type="http") // Work Pefrect when I call this URL
    def some_html(self):
        return "<h1>This is a test</h1>"

    @http.route('demo_json', type="json") // Not working when I call this URL
    def some_json(self):
        return {"sample_dictionary": "This is a sample JSON dictionary"}

So my question is how to route json. Any help would be appreciate Thank you.


2 个解决方案



This is because there is difference between type="json" and type="http".



it will call JSONRPC as an argument to http.route() so here , there will be only JSON data be able to pass via JSONRPC, It will only accept json data object as argument. 


As compred to JSON, http will pass http request arguments to http.route() not json data.



I think , you need to do some extra stuff while working with type="json",you have to trigger that method using json rpc from js.

我认为,在使用type=“json”时,您需要做一些额外的工作,您必须使用来自js的json rpc触发该方法。

like :
$(document).ready(function () {
    openerp.jsonRpc("demo_json", 'call', {})
            .then(function (data) {

and yes do not forget to return your dictionary in list like


@http.route('demo_json', type="json")
def some_json(self):
    return [{"sample_dictionary": "This is a sample JSON dictionary"}]



This is because there is difference between type="json" and type="http".



it will call JSONRPC as an argument to http.route() so here , there will be only JSON data be able to pass via JSONRPC, It will only accept json data object as argument. 


As compred to JSON, http will pass http request arguments to http.route() not json data.



I think , you need to do some extra stuff while working with type="json",you have to trigger that method using json rpc from js.

我认为,在使用type=“json”时,您需要做一些额外的工作,您必须使用来自js的json rpc触发该方法。

like :
$(document).ready(function () {
    openerp.jsonRpc("demo_json", 'call', {})
            .then(function (data) {

and yes do not forget to return your dictionary in list like


@http.route('demo_json', type="json")
def some_json(self):
    return [{"sample_dictionary": "This is a sample JSON dictionary"}]