I got a pickled object (a list with a few numpy arrays in it) that was created on Windows and apparently saved to a file loaded as text, not in binary mode (ie. with open(filename, 'w')
instead of open(filename, 'wb')
). Result is that now I can't unpickle it (not even on Windows) because it's infected with \r
characters (and possibly more)? The main complaint is
ImportError: No module named multiarray
supposedly because it's looking for numpy.core.multiarray\r
, which of course doesn't exist. Simply removing the \r
characters didn't do the trick (tried both sed -e 's/\r//g'
and, in python s = file.read().replace('\r', '')
, but both break the file and yield a cPickle.UnpicklingError
later on)
应该是因为它在寻找numpy.core。multiarray\r,当然不存在。简单地删除\r字符并没有成功(尝试了sed -e 's/\r//g'和,在python = file.read()中。替换('\r', "),但都打破文件并产生一个cPickle。UnpicklingError之后)
Problem is that I really need to get the data out of the objects. Any ideas how to fix the files?
Edit: On request, the first few hundred bytes of my file, Octal:
\x80\x02]q\x01(}q\x02(U\r\ntotal_timeq\x03G?\x90\x15r\xc9(s\x00U\rreaction_timeq\x04NU\x0ejump_directionq\x05cnumpy.core.multiarray\r\nscalar\r\nq\x06cnumpy\r\ndtype\r\nq\x07U\x02f8K\x00K\x01\x87Rq\x08(K\x03U\x01<NNNJ\xff\xff\xff\xffJ\xff\xff\xff\xffK\x00tbU\x08\x025\x9d\x13\xfc#\xc8?\x86Rq\tU\x14normalised_directionq\r\nh\x06h\x08U\x08\xf0\xf9,\x0eA\x18\xf8?\x86Rq\x0bU\rjump_distanceq\x0ch\x06h\x08U\x08\x13\x14\xea&\xb0\x9b\x1a@\x86Rq\rU\x04jumpq\x0ecnumpy.core.multiarray\r\n_reconstruct\r\nq\x0fcnumpy\r\nndarray\r\nq\x10K\x00\x85U\x01b\x87Rq\x11(K\x01K\x02\x85h\x08\x89U\x10\x87\x16\xdaEG\xf4\xf3?\x06`OC\xe7"\x1a@tbU\x0emovement_speedq\x12h\x06h\x08U\x08\\p\xf5[2\xc2\xef?\x86Rq\x13U\x0ctrial_lengthq\x14G@\t\x98\x87\xf8\x1a\xb4\xbaU\tconditionq\x15U\x0bhigh_mentalq\x16U\x07subjectq\x17K\x02U\x12movement_directionq\x18h\x06h\x08U\x08\xde\x06\xcf\x1c50\xfd?\x86Rq\x19U\x08positionq\x1ah\x0fh\x10K\x00\x85U\x01b\x87Rq\x1b(K\x01K\x02\x85h\x08\x89U\x10K\xb7\xb4\x07q=\x1e\xc0\xf2\xc2YI\xb7U&\xc0tbU\x04typeq\x1ch\x0eU\x08movementq\x1dh\x0fh\x10K\x00\x85U\x01b\x87Rq\x1e(K\x01K\x02\x85h\x08\x89U\x10\xad8\x9c9\x10\xb5\xee\xbf\xffa\xa2hWR\xcf?tbu}q\x1f(h\x03G@\t\xba\xbc\xb8\xad\xc8\x14h\x04G?\xd9\x99%]\xadV\x00h\x05h\x06h\x08U\x08\xe3X\xa9=\xc1\xb1\xeb?\x86Rq h\r\nh\x06h\x08U\x08\x88\xf7\xb9\xc1\t\xd6\xff?\x86Rq!h\x0ch\x06h\x08U\x08v\x7f\xeb\x11\xea5\r@\x86Rq"h\x0eh\x0fh\x10K\x00\x85U\x01b\x87Rq#(K\x01K\x02\x85h\x08\x89U\x10\xcd\xd9\x92\x9a\x94=\x06@]C\xaf\xef\xeb\xef\x02@tbh\x12h\x06h\x08U\x08-\x9c&\x185\xfd\xef?\x86Rq$h\x14G@\r\xb8W\xb2`V\xach\x15h\x16h\x17K\x02h\x18h\x06h\x08U\x08\x8e\x87\xd1\xc2
You may also download the whole file (22k).
4 个解决方案
Presuming that the file was created with the default protocol=0 ASCII-compatible method, you should be able to load it anywhere by using open('pickled_file', 'rU')
i.e. universal newlines.
假设该文件是使用默认协议=0 ascii兼容的方法创建的,您应该可以使用open('pickled_file', 'rU'),即通用的新行来加载它。
If this doesn't work, show us the first few hundred bytes: print repr(open('pickled_file', 'rb').read(200))
and paste the results into an edit of your question.
如果这不行,请向我们展示前几百个字节:print repr(open('pickled_file', 'rb').read(200)),并将结果粘贴到您的问题的编辑器中。
Update after file contents were published:
Your file starts with '\x80\x02'
; it was dumped with protocol 2, the latest/best. Protocols 1 and 2 are binary protocols. Your file was written in text mode on Windows. This has resulted in each '\n'
being converted to '\r\n'
by the C runtime. Files should be opened in binary mode like this:
with open('result.pickle', 'wb') as f: # b for binary
pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open('result.pickle', 'rb') as f: # b for binary
obj = pickle.load(f)
Docs are here. This code will work portably on both Windows and non-Windows systems.
You can recover the original pickle image by reading the file in binary mode and then reversing the damage by replacing all occurrences of '\r\n'
by '\n'
. Note: This recovery procedure is necessary whether you are trying to read it on Windows or not.
Newlines in Windows aren't just '\r'
, it's CRLF, or '\r\n'
Give file.read().replace('\r\n', '\n')
a try. You were previously deleting carriage returns that may not have actually been part of newlines.
给以()。替换(' \ r \ n ',' \ n ')一试。您之前删除了可能不属于换行的回车。
Can't you -- on Windows -- just open the file in text mode, the same way it was written, read it in and then write it out to another file opened properly in binary mode?
Have you tried unpickling in text mode? That is,
x = pickle.load(open(filename, 'r'))
(On Windows, of course.)
Presuming that the file was created with the default protocol=0 ASCII-compatible method, you should be able to load it anywhere by using open('pickled_file', 'rU')
i.e. universal newlines.
假设该文件是使用默认协议=0 ascii兼容的方法创建的,您应该可以使用open('pickled_file', 'rU'),即通用的新行来加载它。
If this doesn't work, show us the first few hundred bytes: print repr(open('pickled_file', 'rb').read(200))
and paste the results into an edit of your question.
如果这不行,请向我们展示前几百个字节:print repr(open('pickled_file', 'rb').read(200)),并将结果粘贴到您的问题的编辑器中。
Update after file contents were published:
Your file starts with '\x80\x02'
; it was dumped with protocol 2, the latest/best. Protocols 1 and 2 are binary protocols. Your file was written in text mode on Windows. This has resulted in each '\n'
being converted to '\r\n'
by the C runtime. Files should be opened in binary mode like this:
with open('result.pickle', 'wb') as f: # b for binary
pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open('result.pickle', 'rb') as f: # b for binary
obj = pickle.load(f)
Docs are here. This code will work portably on both Windows and non-Windows systems.
You can recover the original pickle image by reading the file in binary mode and then reversing the damage by replacing all occurrences of '\r\n'
by '\n'
. Note: This recovery procedure is necessary whether you are trying to read it on Windows or not.
Newlines in Windows aren't just '\r'
, it's CRLF, or '\r\n'
Give file.read().replace('\r\n', '\n')
a try. You were previously deleting carriage returns that may not have actually been part of newlines.
给以()。替换(' \ r \ n ',' \ n ')一试。您之前删除了可能不属于换行的回车。
Can't you -- on Windows -- just open the file in text mode, the same way it was written, read it in and then write it out to another file opened properly in binary mode?
Have you tried unpickling in text mode? That is,
x = pickle.load(open(filename, 'r'))
(On Windows, of course.)