
时间:2023-01-02 20:24:32

I've got a name of a method: "Garden.Plugins.Code.Beta.Business.CalculateRest"


How to run it? I think about this fancy reflection based solution like RunMethod(string MethodName)


4 个解决方案



  • Split it into type name and method name by splitting on the last dot
  • 通过拆分最后一个点将其拆分为类型名称和方法名称

  • Get the type using Type.GetType or Assembly.GetType. (Type.GetType will only look in the currently executing assembly and mscorlib, unless you specify the assembly name in the argument.)
  • 使用Type.GetType或Assembly.GetType获取类型。 (Type.GetType只会在当前正在执行的程序集和mscorlib中查找,除非您在参数中指定程序集名称。)

  • Get the method from the type using Type.GetMethod. Assuming it's a public static method, specify BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static.
  • 使用Type.GetMethod从类型中获取方法。假设它是一个公共静态方法,请指定BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static。

  • Execute the method by calling MethodInfo.Invoke(null, null). (The first null specifies "no target" - i.e. it's a static method; the second specifies no arguments.)
  • 通过调用MethodInfo.Invoke(null,null)来执行该方法。 (第一个null指定“无目标” - 即它是静态方法;第二个指定无参数。)

If you want to call an instance method or one which takes parameters, you'll need to work out how to get that information too.




It's not quite as simple as treating everything to the left of the last dot as the literal typename. If you've got a type of the form:



then it's not necessarily the case that X, Y and Z are namespaces. They could also be types themselves and the subsequent parts could be inner classes:


class X
  class Y
   // etc

If this is the case then Type.GetType("X.YU") wont resolve to the Y class.Instead, the clr seperates inner classes with a + symbol, so you'd actually need to call Type.GetType("X+Y");

如果是这种情况,那么Type.GetType(“X.YU”)将不会解析为Y类。相反,clr用+符号分隔内部类,所以你实际上需要调用Type.GetType(“X +” Y“);

If the method that you're calling is a params method then you'll need to so some additional work. You're required to roll the variable parameters up into an array and pass this. You can check for variable parameters by grabbing the ParameterInfo data for a method and seeing if the last parameter has the ParamArray attribute attached.




It'll be slow, trust me. So don't put it in a critical place.


Other than that you'll just have to do it "by hand". Start enumerating through all the namespaces, classes, etc. until you find what you need. I don't think there is anything fancy pre-made that does this already. (Although I haven't searched)

除此之外,您只需“手动”完成。开始枚举所有命名空间,类等,直到找到所需内容。我不认为有任何花哨的预制已经做到了这一点。 (虽然我还没有搜索过)



If the type is an instance type:


    .GetMethod("CalculateRest").Invoke(myInstanceOfTheType, param1, param2);

If it's a static method:


    .GetMethod("CalculateRest").Invoke(null, param1, param2);

If it doesn't take parameters, just leave off "param1, param2, etc"...




  • Split it into type name and method name by splitting on the last dot
  • 通过拆分最后一个点将其拆分为类型名称和方法名称

  • Get the type using Type.GetType or Assembly.GetType. (Type.GetType will only look in the currently executing assembly and mscorlib, unless you specify the assembly name in the argument.)
  • 使用Type.GetType或Assembly.GetType获取类型。 (Type.GetType只会在当前正在执行的程序集和mscorlib中查找,除非您在参数中指定程序集名称。)

  • Get the method from the type using Type.GetMethod. Assuming it's a public static method, specify BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static.
  • 使用Type.GetMethod从类型中获取方法。假设它是一个公共静态方法,请指定BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static。

  • Execute the method by calling MethodInfo.Invoke(null, null). (The first null specifies "no target" - i.e. it's a static method; the second specifies no arguments.)
  • 通过调用MethodInfo.Invoke(null,null)来执行该方法。 (第一个null指定“无目标” - 即它是静态方法;第二个指定无参数。)

If you want to call an instance method or one which takes parameters, you'll need to work out how to get that information too.




It's not quite as simple as treating everything to the left of the last dot as the literal typename. If you've got a type of the form:



then it's not necessarily the case that X, Y and Z are namespaces. They could also be types themselves and the subsequent parts could be inner classes:


class X
  class Y
   // etc

If this is the case then Type.GetType("X.YU") wont resolve to the Y class.Instead, the clr seperates inner classes with a + symbol, so you'd actually need to call Type.GetType("X+Y");

如果是这种情况,那么Type.GetType(“X.YU”)将不会解析为Y类。相反,clr用+符号分隔内部类,所以你实际上需要调用Type.GetType(“X +” Y“);

If the method that you're calling is a params method then you'll need to so some additional work. You're required to roll the variable parameters up into an array and pass this. You can check for variable parameters by grabbing the ParameterInfo data for a method and seeing if the last parameter has the ParamArray attribute attached.




It'll be slow, trust me. So don't put it in a critical place.


Other than that you'll just have to do it "by hand". Start enumerating through all the namespaces, classes, etc. until you find what you need. I don't think there is anything fancy pre-made that does this already. (Although I haven't searched)

除此之外,您只需“手动”完成。开始枚举所有命名空间,类等,直到找到所需内容。我不认为有任何花哨的预制已经做到了这一点。 (虽然我还没有搜索过)



If the type is an instance type:


    .GetMethod("CalculateRest").Invoke(myInstanceOfTheType, param1, param2);

If it's a static method:


    .GetMethod("CalculateRest").Invoke(null, param1, param2);

If it doesn't take parameters, just leave off "param1, param2, etc"...
