Notepad +如何删除站在特定字符前的所有字符

时间:2022-01-30 20:25:01

I searched all around but couldn't find any solutions.


I have:


<option value="1">Advertising
<option value="11">Aerospace
<option value="12">Agriculture
<option value="13">Architecture/Urban Planning
<option value="14">Arts
<option value="15">Automotive
<option value="16">Banking
<option value="17">Biotech & Pharmaceuticals
<option value="18">Business Services
<option value="19">Chemicals

I want delete all of text before the "> so the unnecessary text like <option value="1"> will be gone, only the Job type name such as Advertising being kept. How can I do it?


3 个解决方案



Use a regular expression search.


  • Type ctrl-H to open the search-and-replace dialog.
  • 键入ctrl-H打开搜索-替换对话框。
  • Make sure that "Regular expression" is checked.
  • 确保检查了“正则表达式”。
  • Put this in the "Find what" box: ^[^>]*>
  • 把这个“发现”框:^(^ >)* >
  • Make sure that "Replace with" box is empty
  • 确保“替换为”框为空
  • Click on "Replace All"
  • 点击“替换”



Explanation: The regular expression can be broken down as follows:


  • ^ — match the start of a line
  • ^ -匹配一行的开始
  • [^>] — match any character that is not the > character
  • [^ >]-匹配任何字符不是>字符
  • * — repeat the previous as many times as possible
  • 尽可能多地重复前面的内容
  • > — match a > character
  • > -匹配>字符



Use regular expressions like this one:<[^<]+?> and replace with empty string

使用正则表达式,比如:<[^ <)+ ?用空字符串替换>



Alternatively, you could simply put the cursor between the > and C charters, then use Alt + Shift + Up Arrow to select multiple lines. Then hit the backspace key.

或者,您可以将光标放在>和C charters之间,然后使用Alt + Shift + Up箭头选择多行。然后按回车键。

Cursor goes here--v--------
<option value="19">Chemicals  

This assumes all the lines line up. Dead useful for manipulating these types of files. Works usually in other programs too (Visual Studio, SSMS, etc).

这假设所有的线都对齐了。对于操作这些类型的文件非常有用。通常也在其他程序中工作(Visual Studio, SSMS等)。



Use a regular expression search.


  • Type ctrl-H to open the search-and-replace dialog.
  • 键入ctrl-H打开搜索-替换对话框。
  • Make sure that "Regular expression" is checked.
  • 确保检查了“正则表达式”。
  • Put this in the "Find what" box: ^[^>]*>
  • 把这个“发现”框:^(^ >)* >
  • Make sure that "Replace with" box is empty
  • 确保“替换为”框为空
  • Click on "Replace All"
  • 点击“替换”



Explanation: The regular expression can be broken down as follows:


  • ^ — match the start of a line
  • ^ -匹配一行的开始
  • [^>] — match any character that is not the > character
  • [^ >]-匹配任何字符不是>字符
  • * — repeat the previous as many times as possible
  • 尽可能多地重复前面的内容
  • > — match a > character
  • > -匹配>字符



Use regular expressions like this one:<[^<]+?> and replace with empty string

使用正则表达式,比如:<[^ <)+ ?用空字符串替换>



Alternatively, you could simply put the cursor between the > and C charters, then use Alt + Shift + Up Arrow to select multiple lines. Then hit the backspace key.

或者,您可以将光标放在>和C charters之间,然后使用Alt + Shift + Up箭头选择多行。然后按回车键。

Cursor goes here--v--------
<option value="19">Chemicals  

This assumes all the lines line up. Dead useful for manipulating these types of files. Works usually in other programs too (Visual Studio, SSMS, etc).

这假设所有的线都对齐了。对于操作这些类型的文件非常有用。通常也在其他程序中工作(Visual Studio, SSMS等)。