I have a bunch of special characters which are in a list like:
special=[r'''\\''', r'''+''', r'''-''', r'''&''', r'''|''', r'''!''', r'''(''', r''')''', r'''{''', r'''}''',\
r'''[''', r''']''', r'''^''', r'''~''', r'''*''', r'''?''', r''':''', r'''"''', r''';''', r''' ''']
And I have a string:
stringer="Müller my [ string ! is cool^&"
How do I make this replacement? I am expecting:
stringer = "Müller my string is cool"
Also, is there some builtin to replace these ‘special’ chars in Python?
2 个解决方案
This can be solved with a simple generator expression:
>>> ''.join(ch for ch in stringer if ch not in special)
Note that this also removes the spaces, since they're in your special
list (the last element). If you don't want them removed, either don't include the space in special
or do modify the if
check accordingly.
If you remove the space from your specials you can do it using re.sub()
but note that first you need to escape the special regex characters.
In [58]: special=[r'''\\''', r'''+''', r'''-''', r'''&''', r'''|''', r'''!''', r'''(''', r''')''', r'''{''', r'''}''',\
r'''[''', r''']''', r'''^''', r'''~''', r'''*''', r'''?''', r''':''', r'''"''', r''';''']
In [59]: print re.sub(r"[{}]".format(re.escape(''.join(special))), '', stringer, re.U)
Müller my string is cool
This can be solved with a simple generator expression:
>>> ''.join(ch for ch in stringer if ch not in special)
Note that this also removes the spaces, since they're in your special
list (the last element). If you don't want them removed, either don't include the space in special
or do modify the if
check accordingly.
If you remove the space from your specials you can do it using re.sub()
but note that first you need to escape the special regex characters.
In [58]: special=[r'''\\''', r'''+''', r'''-''', r'''&''', r'''|''', r'''!''', r'''(''', r''')''', r'''{''', r'''}''',\
r'''[''', r''']''', r'''^''', r'''~''', r'''*''', r'''?''', r''':''', r'''"''', r''';''']
In [59]: print re.sub(r"[{}]".format(re.escape(''.join(special))), '', stringer, re.U)
Müller my string is cool