
时间:2022-09-07 20:23:57

I'm trying to perform the following action on a string :


  • find the last occurrence of the character "/";
  • 找到字符“/”的最后一个匹配项;
  • remove everything before that character;
  • 删除该角色之前的一切;
  • return the remains of the string;
  • 返回字符串的遗骸;

To be more explicit, let's say I have the following string :


var string = "/Roland/index.php"; // Which is a result of window.location.pathname

Now what I need to extract out of it is everything but the actual page, something like this :


var result = "index.php" // Which is what I need to be returned

Of course, that is just an example, because obviously I will have different pages, but the same principles apply.


I was wondering if someone could help me out with a solution for it. I tried the next actions but with no success :


var location = window.location.pathname;
var result = location.substring(location.lastIndexOf["/"]);

5 个解决方案



You have the right idea just replace the brackets with parentheses.


var string = "/Roland/index.php";
var result = string.substring(string.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

Here is an example in jsfiddle and here is an explanation of the .lastIndexOf() method on the Mozilla Developer Network.

这是jsfiddle中的一个示例,这里是对Mozilla Developer Network上的.lastIndexOf()方法的解释。



Personally I'd use a regular expression:


var result = string.replace(/^.*\/(.*)$/, "$1");

If you're familiar with regular expressions (and you should be if not :-) then it's not as alien-looking as it is when they're unfamiliar.


The leading ^ forces this regular expression to "anchor" the match at the start of the string. The \/ matches a single / character (the \ is to keep the / from confusing the regular expression parser). Then (.*)$ matches everything else from the / to the end of the string. The initial .* will swallow up as much as it can, including / characters before the last one. The replacement text, "$1", is a special form that means "the contents of the first matched group". This regex has a group, formed by the parentheses around the last .* (in (.*)$). That's going to be all the stuff after the last /, so the overall result is that the whole string is replaced by just that stuff. (If the pattern doesn't match because there aren't any / characters, nothing will happen.)

前导^强制此正则表达式在字符串的开头“锚定”匹配。 \ /匹配单个/字符(\是为了防止混淆正则表达式解析器)。然后(。*)$匹配从/到字符串末尾的所有其他内容。最初的。*将尽可能多地吞噬,包括最后一个之前的/字符。替换文本“$ 1”是一种特殊形式,表示“第一个匹配组的内容”。这个正则表达式有一个组,由最后一个括号括起来。*(in(。*)$)。这将是最后一个/之后的所有内容,因此整体结果是整个字符串被这些东西取代。 (如果模式不匹配,因为没有任何/字符,则不会发生任何事情。)



Split the string into an array on / and .pop() off the last element. Note, that you will first need to strip off a trailing slash if there is one.


var locationstring = window.location.pathname;
// replace() the trailing / with nothing, split on the remaining /, and pop off the last one
console.log(locationstring.replace(/\/$/, "").split('/').pop());

If in the case of a URL like /path/stuff/here/ where you have the trailing /, if that case should return an empty string rather than here, modify the above to remove the .replace() from the call chain. I assumed you would want the last component regardless of a trailing slash, but may have incorrectly assumed.

如果在像/ path / stuff / here /这样的URL的情况下你有尾随/,如果那种情况应该返回一个空字符串而不是在这里,修改上面的内容以从调用链中删除.replace()。我假设你想要最后一个组件而不管尾部斜杠,但可能错误地假设了。




    var result = /\/([^\/]*)$/.exec(location)[1];


Note: location here is the window.location, not your var location.




var string = "/Roland/index.php";
var result = string.substring(0, string.lastIndexOf("/") + 0);



You have the right idea just replace the brackets with parentheses.


var string = "/Roland/index.php";
var result = string.substring(string.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

Here is an example in jsfiddle and here is an explanation of the .lastIndexOf() method on the Mozilla Developer Network.

这是jsfiddle中的一个示例,这里是对Mozilla Developer Network上的.lastIndexOf()方法的解释。



Personally I'd use a regular expression:


var result = string.replace(/^.*\/(.*)$/, "$1");

If you're familiar with regular expressions (and you should be if not :-) then it's not as alien-looking as it is when they're unfamiliar.


The leading ^ forces this regular expression to "anchor" the match at the start of the string. The \/ matches a single / character (the \ is to keep the / from confusing the regular expression parser). Then (.*)$ matches everything else from the / to the end of the string. The initial .* will swallow up as much as it can, including / characters before the last one. The replacement text, "$1", is a special form that means "the contents of the first matched group". This regex has a group, formed by the parentheses around the last .* (in (.*)$). That's going to be all the stuff after the last /, so the overall result is that the whole string is replaced by just that stuff. (If the pattern doesn't match because there aren't any / characters, nothing will happen.)

前导^强制此正则表达式在字符串的开头“锚定”匹配。 \ /匹配单个/字符(\是为了防止混淆正则表达式解析器)。然后(。*)$匹配从/到字符串末尾的所有其他内容。最初的。*将尽可能多地吞噬,包括最后一个之前的/字符。替换文本“$ 1”是一种特殊形式,表示“第一个匹配组的内容”。这个正则表达式有一个组,由最后一个括号括起来。*(in(。*)$)。这将是最后一个/之后的所有内容,因此整体结果是整个字符串被这些东西取代。 (如果模式不匹配,因为没有任何/字符,则不会发生任何事情。)



Split the string into an array on / and .pop() off the last element. Note, that you will first need to strip off a trailing slash if there is one.


var locationstring = window.location.pathname;
// replace() the trailing / with nothing, split on the remaining /, and pop off the last one
console.log(locationstring.replace(/\/$/, "").split('/').pop());

If in the case of a URL like /path/stuff/here/ where you have the trailing /, if that case should return an empty string rather than here, modify the above to remove the .replace() from the call chain. I assumed you would want the last component regardless of a trailing slash, but may have incorrectly assumed.

如果在像/ path / stuff / here /这样的URL的情况下你有尾随/,如果那种情况应该返回一个空字符串而不是在这里,修改上面的内容以从调用链中删除.replace()。我假设你想要最后一个组件而不管尾部斜杠,但可能错误地假设了。




    var result = /\/([^\/]*)$/.exec(location)[1];


Note: location here is the window.location, not your var location.




var string = "/Roland/index.php";
var result = string.substring(0, string.lastIndexOf("/") + 0);