
时间:2022-08-06 20:21:51

Python for Windows by default comes with IDLE, which is the barest-bones IDE I've ever encountered. For editing files, I'll stick to emacs, thank you very much.

默认情况下,Python for Windows附带IDLE,这是我遇到的最基本的IDE。对于编辑文件,我会坚持使用emacs,非常感谢。

However, I want to run programs in some other shell than the crappy windows command prompt, which can't be widened to more than 80 characters.


IDLE lets me run programs in it if I open the file, then hit F5 (to go Run-> Run Module). I would rather like to just "run" the command, rather than going through the rigmarole of closing the emacs file, loading the IDLE file, etc. A scan of google and the IDLE docs doesn't seem to give much help about using IDLE's shell but not it's IDE.

如果我打开文件,IDLE让我在其中运行程序,然后点击F5(去Run-> Run Module)。我宁愿只是“运行”命令,而不是通过关闭emacs文件,加载IDLE文件等的严格程序。谷歌和IDLE文档的扫描似乎没有给使用IDLE的帮助很多shell但不是它的IDE。

Any advice from the stack overflow guys? Ideally I'd either like


  • advice on running programs using IDLE's shell

    关于使用IDLE shell运行程序的建议

  • advice on other ways to run python programs in windows outside of IDLE or "cmd".




9 个解决方案


For an interactive interpreter, nothing beats IPython. It's superb. It's also free and open source. On Windows, you'll want to install the readline library. Instructions for that are on the IPython installation documentation.


Winpdb is my Python debugger of choice. It's free, open source, and cross platform (using wxWidgets for the GUI). I wrote a tutorial on how to use Winpdb to help get people started on using graphical debuggers.



You can easily widen the Windows console by doing the following:


  • click the icon for the console window in the upper right
  • 单击右上角控制台窗口的图标

  • select Properties from the menu
  • 从菜单中选择“属性”

  • click the Layout tab
  • 单击“布局”选项卡

  • change the Window Size > Width to 140
  • 将窗口大小>宽度更改为140

This can also be saved universally by changing the Defaults on the menu.



I use eclipse with pydev. Eclipse can be sluggish, but I've become attached to integrated svn/cvs, block indent/unindent and run as unittest features. (Also has F5 run)

我使用eclipse与pydev。 Eclipse可能很迟钝,但我已经加入了集成的svn / cvs,阻塞缩进/取消并作为unittest功能运行。 (还有F5运行)

If your comfortable in emacs though I don't see any reason to make such a major change.


I suggest instead that you replace your 'crappy command prompt' with powershell. It's not as crappy.


(As mentioned by Soviut and The Dark - you can increase the buffer width/window size to more than 80 by title-bar>right-click>Properties>Buffer Width/Window Size edit even in crappy cmd)

(正如Soviut和The Dark所提到的 - 您可以通过标题栏>右键单击>属性>缓冲区宽度/窗口大小编辑,将缓冲区宽度/窗口大小增加到80以上,即使在蹩脚的cmd中也是如此)


However, I want to run programs in some other shell than the crappy windows command prompt, which can't be widened to more than 80 characters.


Click on the system box (top-left) in the command prompt and click properties. In the layout tab you can set the width and height of the window and the width and height of the screen buffer. I recommend setting the screen buffer height to 9999 so you can scroll back through a long output.



Wing IDE is awesome. They also have a free version.

Wing IDE很棒。他们也有免费版本。


2017 Answer:

Try Visual Studio Code, it has great support for Python debugging, auto completion and more!

试试Visual Studio Code,它非常支持Python调试,自动完成等等!

See this link for details: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/python#_debugging



I edit my Python programs in EditPlus. I've configured a user tool that allows me to run my program and have its output appear in a frame below my editor window. My configuration will even let you double click on an exception lines in the output to jump directly to the file and line where the error occurred. You can grab the user tool configuration I use from here on the EditPlus wiki.

我在EditPlus中编辑我的Python程序。我已经配置了一个用户工具,允许我运行我的程序,并使其输出显示在编辑器窗口下方的框架中。我的配置甚至可以让您双击输出中的异常行,直接跳转到发生错误的文件和行。您可以从EditPlus wiki上获取我在此处使用的用户工具配置。

Perhaps there is similar functionality you can configure that allows you to run your program and display its output in your Emacs editor!?



If you ever graduate to vim, you can just run the following command to start the program you're currently editing in an interactive shell:


:!python -i my_script.py


I replaced cmd with Cygwin and Poderosa. May be a little overkill though, if the only problem you have with cmd is that it's a pain to resize.


Although you use Emacs instead of Vim, so I guess you're into overkill... ;-)

虽然你使用的是Emacs而不是Vim,所以我猜你有点矫枉过正了...... ;-)


For an interactive interpreter, nothing beats IPython. It's superb. It's also free and open source. On Windows, you'll want to install the readline library. Instructions for that are on the IPython installation documentation.


Winpdb is my Python debugger of choice. It's free, open source, and cross platform (using wxWidgets for the GUI). I wrote a tutorial on how to use Winpdb to help get people started on using graphical debuggers.



You can easily widen the Windows console by doing the following:


  • click the icon for the console window in the upper right
  • 单击右上角控制台窗口的图标

  • select Properties from the menu
  • 从菜单中选择“属性”

  • click the Layout tab
  • 单击“布局”选项卡

  • change the Window Size > Width to 140
  • 将窗口大小>宽度更改为140

This can also be saved universally by changing the Defaults on the menu.



I use eclipse with pydev. Eclipse can be sluggish, but I've become attached to integrated svn/cvs, block indent/unindent and run as unittest features. (Also has F5 run)

我使用eclipse与pydev。 Eclipse可能很迟钝,但我已经加入了集成的svn / cvs,阻塞缩进/取消并作为unittest功能运行。 (还有F5运行)

If your comfortable in emacs though I don't see any reason to make such a major change.


I suggest instead that you replace your 'crappy command prompt' with powershell. It's not as crappy.


(As mentioned by Soviut and The Dark - you can increase the buffer width/window size to more than 80 by title-bar>right-click>Properties>Buffer Width/Window Size edit even in crappy cmd)

(正如Soviut和The Dark所提到的 - 您可以通过标题栏>右键单击>属性>缓冲区宽度/窗口大小编辑,将缓冲区宽度/窗口大小增加到80以上,即使在蹩脚的cmd中也是如此)


However, I want to run programs in some other shell than the crappy windows command prompt, which can't be widened to more than 80 characters.


Click on the system box (top-left) in the command prompt and click properties. In the layout tab you can set the width and height of the window and the width and height of the screen buffer. I recommend setting the screen buffer height to 9999 so you can scroll back through a long output.



Wing IDE is awesome. They also have a free version.

Wing IDE很棒。他们也有免费版本。


2017 Answer:

Try Visual Studio Code, it has great support for Python debugging, auto completion and more!

试试Visual Studio Code,它非常支持Python调试,自动完成等等!

See this link for details: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/python#_debugging



I edit my Python programs in EditPlus. I've configured a user tool that allows me to run my program and have its output appear in a frame below my editor window. My configuration will even let you double click on an exception lines in the output to jump directly to the file and line where the error occurred. You can grab the user tool configuration I use from here on the EditPlus wiki.

我在EditPlus中编辑我的Python程序。我已经配置了一个用户工具,允许我运行我的程序,并使其输出显示在编辑器窗口下方的框架中。我的配置甚至可以让您双击输出中的异常行,直接跳转到发生错误的文件和行。您可以从EditPlus wiki上获取我在此处使用的用户工具配置。

Perhaps there is similar functionality you can configure that allows you to run your program and display its output in your Emacs editor!?



If you ever graduate to vim, you can just run the following command to start the program you're currently editing in an interactive shell:


:!python -i my_script.py


I replaced cmd with Cygwin and Poderosa. May be a little overkill though, if the only problem you have with cmd is that it's a pain to resize.


Although you use Emacs instead of Vim, so I guess you're into overkill... ;-)

虽然你使用的是Emacs而不是Vim,所以我猜你有点矫枉过正了...... ;-)