
时间:2022-09-10 20:21:33

Possible Duplicate:
What is the maximum value for a int32?


Mobileno = Convert.ToInt32(txmobileno.Text);

error i amm getting while inserting in to database


3 个解决方案



Why on earth would you use an integer of any type to store a phone number?


You can't meaningfully do any arithmetics on one and you lose all leading zeroes.


Use a string instead.




An integer (Int32) is limited in the values it can store since it "only" uses 32 bits. It can store a value between 2,147,483,647 and -2,147,483,648. (More information on MSDN)


The value represented by the txmobileno.Text, is too large or too small.


Looking at the name txmobileno is probably a mobile phone number. This kind of numbers have too much digits to store in an int32. Also a phone number tends to start with a 0 or 00 or + (international). There's no way of storing this kind of information in an integer (or another number type). Just store them in a string.




As others have pointed out, storing a phone number as an integer is a mistake.


  • You lose the ability to store characters and whitespace, for example country codes - "+44 (0800) 12345".
  • 您失去了存储字符和空格的能力,例如国家代码“+44(0800)12345”。
  • There is no logical reason to store it as an integer - would you ever need to do arithmetic on two telephone numbers? Does it make sense to add two phone numbers together?
  • 没有逻辑理由将它存储为整数——您是否需要对两个电话号码进行算术?把两个电话号码加在一起有意义吗?
  • Leading zeros will be lost - (0800 12345) will become (80012345).
  • 前导0将丢失——(0800 12345)将变成(80012345)。
  • Storing it as a string allows you to do regex validation on the user input.
  • 将其存储为字符串允许您对用户输入进行regex验证。

Having said that, the original question does raise some points which should be made:


  • Prefer Int32.TryParse instead of Convert.ToInt32 when the source value is a string.
  • 喜欢Int32。TryParse而不是转换。当源值为字符串时,ToInt32。
  • When dealing with values which may potentially overflow - enclose the code in a checked { ... } block.
  • 当处理可能溢出的值时,将代码括在一个检查过的{…}。



Why on earth would you use an integer of any type to store a phone number?


You can't meaningfully do any arithmetics on one and you lose all leading zeroes.


Use a string instead.




An integer (Int32) is limited in the values it can store since it "only" uses 32 bits. It can store a value between 2,147,483,647 and -2,147,483,648. (More information on MSDN)


The value represented by the txmobileno.Text, is too large or too small.


Looking at the name txmobileno is probably a mobile phone number. This kind of numbers have too much digits to store in an int32. Also a phone number tends to start with a 0 or 00 or + (international). There's no way of storing this kind of information in an integer (or another number type). Just store them in a string.




As others have pointed out, storing a phone number as an integer is a mistake.


  • You lose the ability to store characters and whitespace, for example country codes - "+44 (0800) 12345".
  • 您失去了存储字符和空格的能力,例如国家代码“+44(0800)12345”。
  • There is no logical reason to store it as an integer - would you ever need to do arithmetic on two telephone numbers? Does it make sense to add two phone numbers together?
  • 没有逻辑理由将它存储为整数——您是否需要对两个电话号码进行算术?把两个电话号码加在一起有意义吗?
  • Leading zeros will be lost - (0800 12345) will become (80012345).
  • 前导0将丢失——(0800 12345)将变成(80012345)。
  • Storing it as a string allows you to do regex validation on the user input.
  • 将其存储为字符串允许您对用户输入进行regex验证。

Having said that, the original question does raise some points which should be made:


  • Prefer Int32.TryParse instead of Convert.ToInt32 when the source value is a string.
  • 喜欢Int32。TryParse而不是转换。当源值为字符串时,ToInt32。
  • When dealing with values which may potentially overflow - enclose the code in a checked { ... } block.
  • 当处理可能溢出的值时,将代码括在一个检查过的{…}。