
时间:2022-01-19 20:21:29

I have an array of JSON objects and I want to add a particular property to each object present.


For example, the array is as follows:


        "Average":  1.3085,
        "ExtendedStatistics":  {

        "Maximum":  0,
        "Minimum":  0,
        "SampleCount":  0,
        "Sum":  0,
        "Timestamp":  "\/Date(1496972280000)\/",
        "Unit":  {
                     "Value":  "Percent"
        "Average":  1.4324999999999999,
        "ExtendedStatistics":  {

        "Maximum":  0,
        "Minimum":  0,
        "SampleCount":  0,
        "Sum":  0,
        "Timestamp":  "\/Date(1496944680000)\/",
        "Unit":  {
                     "Value":  "Percent"

I want to add "source": "CPU" to all objects. How do I go about doing that? I am new to PowerShell and haven't been able to get this done.


2 个解决方案



You could do the following:


$JSON | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { 
    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru
} | ConvertTo-Json

This assumes your JSON input is in a variable named $JSON, you'll need to replace this with however you access your JSON content (e.g Get-Content yourfile.json).

这假设您的JSON输入位于名为$ JSON的变量中,您需要将其替换为您访问JSON内容(例如Get-Content yourfile.json)。

Once you have the JSON, we use ConvertFrom-JSON to convert it to a PowerShell object.


We then use the pipeline to send this to a ForEach-Object loop which uses the Add-Member cmdlet to add a property to each item in the collection (the current item is represented by $_) named 'Source' with a value of 'CPU'. Per the comments from mklement0, it is necessary to use the -PassThru switch to send the result back to the pipeline.

然后,我们使用管道将此发送到ForEach-Object循环,该循环使用Add-Member cmdlet将属性添加到集合中的每个项目(当前项由$ _表示),名为“Source”,值为'*处理器'。根据mklement0的注释,有必要使用-PassThru开关将结果发送回管道。

Then we pipe that output to ConvertTo-JSON to convert it back.




Mark Wragg's helpful answer works well, but you may wonder why the Add-Member cmdlet cannot be piped to directly, as opposed to requiring an enclosing ForEach-Object call:

Mark Wragg的有用答案很有效,但您可能想知道为什么Add-Member cmdlet不能直接用于管道,而不是要求封闭ForEach-Object调用:

Arguably, the following should work, but currently (Windows PowerShell v5.1, PowerShell Core v6.1.0) doesn't:

可以说,以下应该可以工作,但目前(Windows PowerShell v5.1,PowerShell Core v6.1.0)不能:

# !! Currently does NOT work as expected.
$JSON | ConvertFrom-Json | 
  Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru 

The idea is that Add-Member uses pipeline input directly, and, after modifying each input object, outputs it, thanks to -PassThru (by default Add-Member produces no output).


The reason that it doesn't work is that when ConvertFrom-Json outputs an array, it outputs it as a single object rather than sending its elements one by one through the pipeline, as one would expect.


This problematic behavior is being discussed in an issue in the PowerShell GitHub repository.

PowerShell GitHub存储库中的一个问题正在讨论这种有问题的行为。

If you agree that it is problematic, make your voice heard there; even a simple "thumbs up" shows that there's interest in getting it changed.



  • Use (...), which forces enumeration of the array:
  • 使用(...),强制枚举数组:

# Enclosing the ConvertFrom-Json command in (...) forces enumeration.
($JSON | ConvertFrom-Json) | 
  Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru 

Note that, generally, using (...) to force collection of a command's entire output in-memory in an array is convenient, but can be problematic with large output sets. As PetSerAl points out, however, in this case it is fine, because ConvertFrom-Json itself constructs the entire output array in memory up front anyway.


  • Alternative: A pass-through call to Write-Output -NoEnumerate (Windows PowerShell) /
    just Write-Output (PowerShell Core), whose sole purpose is to force enumeration of the array elements:
  • 替代方案:对Write-Output -NoEnumerate(Windows PowerShell)/ Just Write-Output(PowerShell Core)的传递调用,其唯一目的是强制枚举数组元素:

# Inserting Write-Output [-NoEnumerate] between ConvertFrom-Json and Add-Member
# forces enumeration of the array elements.

# *Windows PowerShell*, as of v5.1:
$JSON | ConvertFrom-Json | Write-Output -NoEnumerate |
  Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru 

# PowerShell *Core*:
$JSON | ConvertFrom-Json | Write-Output |
  Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru 

Optional reading: the quirks of Write-Output:

Windows PowerShell as of v5.1:

Windows PowerShell从v5.1开始:

Due to a bug, Write-Output invariably enumerates single objects that are collections themselves, even when you add -NoEnumerate.


Paradoxically, -NoEnumerate is actually needed in this case - even though we do want to enumerate! - so as to prevent Write-Output from applying enumeration twice: once (invariably) to the input array, and again to the individual array elements (thanks again, PetSerAl); e.g.:

矛盾的是,在这种情况下实际上需要-NoEnumerate - 即使我们确实想要枚举! - 以防止Write-Output两次应用枚举:一次(总是)到输入数组,再次到各个数组元素(再次感谢PetSerAl);例如。:

# !! Unexpectedly returns 4(!): enumerates the outer 2-element array
# !! *and* its elements.
# (In PowerShell *Core*, this yields 2, as expected.)
Write-Output -InputObject (1, 2), (3, 4) | Measure-Object

# BETTER: yields 2, because only the outer 2-element array is enumerated
# (In PowerShell *Core*, this yields 1, as expected.)
Write-Output -NoEnumerate -InputObject (1, 2), (3, 4) | Measure-Object

PowerShell Core:

The above problem has been fixed, which means that - sensibly - you mustn't use -NoEnumerate if you do want Write-Output to enumerate pipeline objects that are themselves collections (and enumeration no longer recurses 1 level).

上面的问题已得到修复,这意味着 - 合理地 - 如果你想让Write-Output枚举本身是集合的管道对象(并且枚举不再递归1级),你就不能使用-NoEnumerate。

Unfortunately, a new bug was introduced: a single scalar input object is unexpectedly wrapped in a [PSObject[]] array:

不幸的是,引入了一个新的错误:单个标量输入对象意外地包装在[PSObject []]数组中:

> (1 | Write-Output -NoEnumerate).GetType().Name

PetSerAl has reported this bug here.




You could do the following:


$JSON | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object { 
    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru
} | ConvertTo-Json

This assumes your JSON input is in a variable named $JSON, you'll need to replace this with however you access your JSON content (e.g Get-Content yourfile.json).

这假设您的JSON输入位于名为$ JSON的变量中,您需要将其替换为您访问JSON内容(例如Get-Content yourfile.json)。

Once you have the JSON, we use ConvertFrom-JSON to convert it to a PowerShell object.


We then use the pipeline to send this to a ForEach-Object loop which uses the Add-Member cmdlet to add a property to each item in the collection (the current item is represented by $_) named 'Source' with a value of 'CPU'. Per the comments from mklement0, it is necessary to use the -PassThru switch to send the result back to the pipeline.

然后,我们使用管道将此发送到ForEach-Object循环,该循环使用Add-Member cmdlet将属性添加到集合中的每个项目(当前项由$ _表示),名为“Source”,值为'*处理器'。根据mklement0的注释,有必要使用-PassThru开关将结果发送回管道。

Then we pipe that output to ConvertTo-JSON to convert it back.




Mark Wragg's helpful answer works well, but you may wonder why the Add-Member cmdlet cannot be piped to directly, as opposed to requiring an enclosing ForEach-Object call:

Mark Wragg的有用答案很有效,但您可能想知道为什么Add-Member cmdlet不能直接用于管道,而不是要求封闭ForEach-Object调用:

Arguably, the following should work, but currently (Windows PowerShell v5.1, PowerShell Core v6.1.0) doesn't:

可以说,以下应该可以工作,但目前(Windows PowerShell v5.1,PowerShell Core v6.1.0)不能:

# !! Currently does NOT work as expected.
$JSON | ConvertFrom-Json | 
  Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru 

The idea is that Add-Member uses pipeline input directly, and, after modifying each input object, outputs it, thanks to -PassThru (by default Add-Member produces no output).


The reason that it doesn't work is that when ConvertFrom-Json outputs an array, it outputs it as a single object rather than sending its elements one by one through the pipeline, as one would expect.


This problematic behavior is being discussed in an issue in the PowerShell GitHub repository.

PowerShell GitHub存储库中的一个问题正在讨论这种有问题的行为。

If you agree that it is problematic, make your voice heard there; even a simple "thumbs up" shows that there's interest in getting it changed.



  • Use (...), which forces enumeration of the array:
  • 使用(...),强制枚举数组:

# Enclosing the ConvertFrom-Json command in (...) forces enumeration.
($JSON | ConvertFrom-Json) | 
  Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru 

Note that, generally, using (...) to force collection of a command's entire output in-memory in an array is convenient, but can be problematic with large output sets. As PetSerAl points out, however, in this case it is fine, because ConvertFrom-Json itself constructs the entire output array in memory up front anyway.


  • Alternative: A pass-through call to Write-Output -NoEnumerate (Windows PowerShell) /
    just Write-Output (PowerShell Core), whose sole purpose is to force enumeration of the array elements:
  • 替代方案:对Write-Output -NoEnumerate(Windows PowerShell)/ Just Write-Output(PowerShell Core)的传递调用,其唯一目的是强制枚举数组元素:

# Inserting Write-Output [-NoEnumerate] between ConvertFrom-Json and Add-Member
# forces enumeration of the array elements.

# *Windows PowerShell*, as of v5.1:
$JSON | ConvertFrom-Json | Write-Output -NoEnumerate |
  Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru 

# PowerShell *Core*:
$JSON | ConvertFrom-Json | Write-Output |
  Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Source' -Value 'CPU' -PassThru 

Optional reading: the quirks of Write-Output:

Windows PowerShell as of v5.1:

Windows PowerShell从v5.1开始:

Due to a bug, Write-Output invariably enumerates single objects that are collections themselves, even when you add -NoEnumerate.


Paradoxically, -NoEnumerate is actually needed in this case - even though we do want to enumerate! - so as to prevent Write-Output from applying enumeration twice: once (invariably) to the input array, and again to the individual array elements (thanks again, PetSerAl); e.g.:

矛盾的是,在这种情况下实际上需要-NoEnumerate - 即使我们确实想要枚举! - 以防止Write-Output两次应用枚举:一次(总是)到输入数组,再次到各个数组元素(再次感谢PetSerAl);例如。:

# !! Unexpectedly returns 4(!): enumerates the outer 2-element array
# !! *and* its elements.
# (In PowerShell *Core*, this yields 2, as expected.)
Write-Output -InputObject (1, 2), (3, 4) | Measure-Object

# BETTER: yields 2, because only the outer 2-element array is enumerated
# (In PowerShell *Core*, this yields 1, as expected.)
Write-Output -NoEnumerate -InputObject (1, 2), (3, 4) | Measure-Object

PowerShell Core:

The above problem has been fixed, which means that - sensibly - you mustn't use -NoEnumerate if you do want Write-Output to enumerate pipeline objects that are themselves collections (and enumeration no longer recurses 1 level).

上面的问题已得到修复,这意味着 - 合理地 - 如果你想让Write-Output枚举本身是集合的管道对象(并且枚举不再递归1级),你就不能使用-NoEnumerate。

Unfortunately, a new bug was introduced: a single scalar input object is unexpectedly wrapped in a [PSObject[]] array:

不幸的是,引入了一个新的错误:单个标量输入对象意外地包装在[PSObject []]数组中:

> (1 | Write-Output -NoEnumerate).GetType().Name

PetSerAl has reported this bug here.
