DeprecationWarning:object .__ init __()不带参数

时间:2021-07-04 20:21:17

I've searched and can't quite get an answer to this. I want a simple subclass of Matrix from sympy with specific dimensions. When I run this code in python 2.7:

我已经搜索过了,但却无法得到答案。我想要一个简单的Matrix子类来与特定维度交流。当我在python 2.7中运行此代码时:

from sympy import *
class JVec(Matrix):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        #Matrix.__init__(self, *args)
        if self.shape != (2,1):
            raise TypeError("JVec: shape must be (2,1)")
a = JVec([1,0])

I get the error


DeprecationWarning: object.__init__() takes no parameters

I get the same error whether I use the code as is, or replace the __init__ in the line I commented out.


2 个解决方案



The problem arises from the fact that calling super(JVec,self).__init__(*args) will find the __init__ defined by object since neither of the base classes define an __init__ method.

问题来自于调用super(JVec,self).__ init __(* args)将找到由object定义的__init__这一事实,因为这两个基类都没有定义__init__方法。

sympy's code is using a different mechanism to create new instances. You should re-write you function to be:


class JVec(Matrix):
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        newobj = Matrix.__new__(cls, *args)
        if newobj.shape != (2, 1):
            raise TypeError("JVec: shape must be (2,1)")
        return newobj

That's based on the way they are creating the RayTransferMatrix instances.




I can produce the message as an error with:


>>> class Foo(object):
...    def __init__(self,*args):
...        super(Foo,self).__init__(*args)
>>> Foo()
<__main__.Foo object at 0xb744370c>
>>> Foo('one')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in __init__
TypeError: object.__init__() takes no parameters

That's not exactly your problem, but may give ideas of how to dig further.




The problem arises from the fact that calling super(JVec,self).__init__(*args) will find the __init__ defined by object since neither of the base classes define an __init__ method.

问题来自于调用super(JVec,self).__ init __(* args)将找到由object定义的__init__这一事实,因为这两个基类都没有定义__init__方法。

sympy's code is using a different mechanism to create new instances. You should re-write you function to be:


class JVec(Matrix):
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        newobj = Matrix.__new__(cls, *args)
        if newobj.shape != (2, 1):
            raise TypeError("JVec: shape must be (2,1)")
        return newobj

That's based on the way they are creating the RayTransferMatrix instances.




I can produce the message as an error with:


>>> class Foo(object):
...    def __init__(self,*args):
...        super(Foo,self).__init__(*args)
>>> Foo()
<__main__.Foo object at 0xb744370c>
>>> Foo('one')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in __init__
TypeError: object.__init__() takes no parameters

That's not exactly your problem, but may give ideas of how to dig further.
