SymPy 1.0中的集成错误

时间:2021-06-14 20:22:04

I'm trying to write my mathcad model in python language, but I get some mistake. The integration function should look like this:


SymPy 1.0中的集成错误

In python I wrote such code


    from __future__ import division
    import sympy as sp
    import numpy as np
    import math
    from pylab import *


    s  =  sp.Symbol('s')
    x = sp.symbols('x')

    t_start = 11
    t_info = 1
    t_transf = 2
    t_stat_analyze = 3
    t_repeat = 3.2
    P = 0.1

    def M1(s):
        return P/(t_info*t_start*t_stat_analyze*t_transf*(1 - (-P + 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_info)*(s + 1/t_start)*(s + 1/t_stat_analyze)*(s + 1/t_transf)**2) + P/(        t_info*t_start*t_stat_analyze*t_transf*(1 - (-P + 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_info)*(s + 1/t_start)*(s + 1/t_stat_analyze)**2*(s + 1/t_transf)) + P/(t_info*t_start*t_stat_analyze*t_transf*(1 - (-P +         1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_info)*(s + 1/t_start)**2*(s + 1/t_stat_analyze)*(s + 1/t_transf)) + P/(t_info*t_start*t_stat_analyze*t_transf*(1 - (-P + 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/        t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_info)**2*(s + 1/t_start)*(s + 1/t_stat_analyze)*(s + 1/t_transf)) - P*(-(-P + 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)**2) - (-P + 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)**2*(s + 1/t_transf)))/(        t_info*t_start*t_stat_analyze*t_transf*(1 - (-P + 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))**2*(s + 1/t_info)*(s + 1/t_start)*(s + 1/t_stat_analyze)*(s + 1/t_transf))

    def M2(s):
        return 2*P*((s + 1/t_transf)**(-2) + 1/((s + 1/t_stat_analyze)*(s + 1/t_transf)) + (s + 1/t_stat_analyze)**(-2) + 1/((s + 1/t_start)*(s + 1/t_transf)) + 1/((s + 1/t_start)*(s + 1/t_stat_analyze)) + (s + 1/t_start)**(-2) + 1/((s + 1/        t_info)*(s + 1/t_transf)) + 1/((s + 1/t_info)*(s + 1/t_stat_analyze)) + 1/((s + 1/t_info)*(s + 1/t_start)) + (s + 1/t_info)**(-2) - (P - 1)*((s + 1/t_transf)**(-2) + 1/((s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)) + (s + 1/t_repeat)**(-2))/(        t_repeat*t_transf*(1 + (P - 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)) - (P - 1)*(1/(s + 1/t_transf) + 1/(s + 1/t_repeat))/(t_repeat*t_transf*(1 + (P - 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/        t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)**2) - (P - 1)*(1/(s + 1/t_transf) + 1/(s + 1/t_repeat))/(t_repeat*t_transf*(1 + (P - 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/        t_stat_analyze)*(s + 1/t_transf)) - (P - 1)*(1/(s + 1/t_transf) + 1/(s + 1/t_repeat))/(t_repeat*t_transf*(1 + (P - 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_start)*(s + 1/t_transf)) - (P - 1)*(1/(        s + 1/t_transf) + 1/(s + 1/t_repeat))/(t_repeat*t_transf*(1 + (P - 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_info)*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)) + (P - 1)**2*(1/(s + 1/t_transf) + 1/(s + 1/t_repeat))**2/(        t_repeat**2*t_transf**2*(1 + (P - 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/t_transf)))**2*(s + 1/t_repeat)**2*(s + 1/t_transf)**2))/(t_info*t_start*t_stat_analyze*t_transf*(1 + (P - 1)/(t_repeat*t_transf*(s + 1/t_repeat)*(s + 1/        t_transf)))*(s + 1/t_info)*(s + 1/t_start)*(s + 1/t_stat_analyze)*(s + 1/t_transf))

    T_realyze = M1(0)
    D = M2(0)-M1(0)**2

    alpha = T_realyze**2/D
    myu = T_realyze/D

    def F(t):
        if t<0:
            return 0
            return sp.integrate((myu**alpha)/(sp.gamma(alpha)*(x**(alpha-1))*sp.exp(myu*x)), (x, 0, t))

    t=arange(0, 200, 1)
    for i in t:
        i = i+1

So, when I'm trying to execute it, I had such error in


    return sp.integrate



    $ python2.7
    ('T_realyze  =  ', 63.800000000000026)
    ('D  =  ', 2696.760000000001)
    ('alpha  =  ', 1.5093816283243602)
    ('myu  =  ', 0.02365801925273291)
    ('myu*x  =  ', 0.0236580192527329*x)
    ('sp.exp(myu*x)', exp(0.0236580192527329*x))
    ('myu*x  =  ', 0.0236580192527329*x)
    ('sp.exp(myu*x)', exp(0.0236580192527329*x))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 48, in <module>
      File "", line 43, in F
        return sp.integrate((myu**alpha)/(sp.gamma(alpha)*(x**(alpha-1))*sp.exp(myu*x)), (x, 0, t))
      File "/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/integrals/", line 1280, in integrate
        risch=risch, manual=manual)
      File "/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/integrals/", line 486, in doit
      File "/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
        h = heurisch_wrapper(g, x, hints=[])
      File "/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/integrals/", line 130, in heurisch_wrapper
      File "/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/integrals/", line 657, in heurisch
        solution = _integrate('Q')
      File "/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/integrals/", line 646, in _integrate
        numer = ring.from_expr(raw_numer)
      File "/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/polys/", line 371, in from_expr
        raise ValueError("expected an expression convertible to a polynomial in %s, got %s" % (self, expr))
    ValueError: expected an expression convertible to a polynomial in Polynomial ring in _x0, _x1, _x2, _x3 over RR[_A0,_A1,_A2,_A3,_A4,_A5,_A6,_A7,_A8,_A9,_A10,_A11,_A12,_A13,_A14,_A15,_A16,_A17,_A18,_A19,_A20,_A21,_A22,_A23,_A24,_A25,_A26,_A27,_A28,_A29,_A30,_A31,_A32,_A33,_A34] with lex order, got 0.50938162832436*_x3**2.96316463805253*(_A0 + _A10*_x0*_x1 + 2*_A11*_x1*_x3 + _x0**2*_A12 + _A14*_x0*_x2 + _A2*_x0 + 2*_A20*_x0*_x3 + _A24*_x1*_x2 + _x2**2*_A27 + 2*_A28*_x3 + _x1**2*_A30 + 3*_x3**2*_A31 + 2*_A6*_x2*_x3 + _A8*_x2 + _A9*_x1) + 1.50938162832436*_x3**4.92632927610506*(_A10*_x1*_x3 + 2*_A12*_x0*_x3 + _A13*_x1*_x2 + _A14*_x2*_x3 + 2*_A15*_x0 + _A16*_x2 + _x2**2*_A18 + _A2*_x3 + _x3**2*_A20 + _A21 + _x1**2*_A3 + 2*_A33*_x0*_x2 + _A34*_x1 + 3*_x0**2*_A5 + 2*_A7*_x0*_x1) - _A10*_x0*_x3 - _x3**2*_A11 - _A13*_x0*_x2 - _x2**2*_A17 - 2*_A19*_x1*_x2 - _A22 - _A24*_x2*_x3 - 2*_A25*_x1 - 3*_x1**2*_A29 - 2*_A3*_x0*_x1 - 2*_A30*_x1*_x3 - _A34*_x0 - _A4*_x2 - _x0**2*_A7 - _A9*_x3 + _x2*_x3 + 0.0236580192527329*_x2*(_A13*_x0*_x1 + _A14*_x0*_x3 + _A16*_x0 + 2*_A17*_x1*_x2 + 2*_A18*_x0*_x2 + _x1**2*_A19 + 2*_A23*_x2 + _A24*_x1*_x3 + 3*_x2**2*_A26 + 2*_A27*_x2*_x3 + _A32 + _x0**2*_A33 + _A4*_x1 + _x3**2*_A6 + _A8*_x3)

1 个解决方案



Sympy appears to have difficulties evaluating the integral with floating point coefficients (in this case). However, it can find the integral in closed form when the constants of the integrand expression are symbolic.


a, b, c, t = sp.symbols('a,b,c,t', positive = True)
f = sp.Integral(a * sp.exp(-c*x)/(x**b),(x,0,t)).doit()
print f



-a*(-b*c**b*gamma(-b + 1)*lowergamma(-b + 1, 0)/(c*gamma(-b + 2)) + c**b*gamma(-b + 1)*lowergamma(-b + 1, 0)/(c*gamma(-b + 2))) + a*(-b*c**b*gamma(-b + 1)*lowergamma(-b + 1, c*t)/(c*gamma(-b + 2)) + c**b*gamma(-b + 1)*lowergamma(-b + 1, c*t)/(c*gamma(-b + 2)))

You can substitute the constants in this expression to get numerical results as follows (here, I use an example value of t=4):

您可以替换此表达式中的常量来获得如下的数值结果(这里,我使用t = 4的示例值):

f.subs({a:(myu**alpha)/sp.gamma(alpha), b:(alpha-1), c:myu, t:4}).n()

Another option is to use quad from scipy (again using t=4):

另一个选择是使用scipy中的quad(再次使用t = 4):

from scipy.integrate import quad

quad(lambda x: (myu**alpha)/(sp.gamma(alpha)*(x**(alpha-1))*sp.exp(myu*x)), 0 ,4)[0]



Sympy appears to have difficulties evaluating the integral with floating point coefficients (in this case). However, it can find the integral in closed form when the constants of the integrand expression are symbolic.


a, b, c, t = sp.symbols('a,b,c,t', positive = True)
f = sp.Integral(a * sp.exp(-c*x)/(x**b),(x,0,t)).doit()
print f



-a*(-b*c**b*gamma(-b + 1)*lowergamma(-b + 1, 0)/(c*gamma(-b + 2)) + c**b*gamma(-b + 1)*lowergamma(-b + 1, 0)/(c*gamma(-b + 2))) + a*(-b*c**b*gamma(-b + 1)*lowergamma(-b + 1, c*t)/(c*gamma(-b + 2)) + c**b*gamma(-b + 1)*lowergamma(-b + 1, c*t)/(c*gamma(-b + 2)))

You can substitute the constants in this expression to get numerical results as follows (here, I use an example value of t=4):

您可以替换此表达式中的常量来获得如下的数值结果(这里,我使用t = 4的示例值):

f.subs({a:(myu**alpha)/sp.gamma(alpha), b:(alpha-1), c:myu, t:4}).n()

Another option is to use quad from scipy (again using t=4):

另一个选择是使用scipy中的quad(再次使用t = 4):

from scipy.integrate import quad

quad(lambda x: (myu**alpha)/(sp.gamma(alpha)*(x**(alpha-1))*sp.exp(myu*x)), 0 ,4)[0]