
时间:2021-06-03 20:23:02

I am trying to create a header that has a logo in the centre and two buttons either side of it. I want the buttons and the logo to be evenly spaced horizontally and then in the centre of vertical space. The image below is what I have so far, the pink is just so I can see what the header is doing. 定位按钮和徽标可以相同地间隔开


This is my HTML:


    <div id="container">
            <div id="nav_left">
                <button class="nav_button">About Me</button>
                <button class="nav_button">Case Studies</button>
            <div id="logo">
                <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
                <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
                <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 513 700" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.41421;">
                    <g transform="matrix(1.16129,0,0,1.16129,-210.521,-117.321)">
                        <path d="M381.924,101.027L301.667,101.027C301.667,101.027 221.281,100.584 221.411,181.284C221.54,261.984 221.411,301.669 221.411,301.669C221.411,301.669 221.825,381.773 301.667,381.926C381.51,382.078 261.539,381.926 261.539,381.926C261.539,381.926 181.26,381.643 181.282,462.182C181.304,542.722 181.282,622.696 181.282,622.696C181.282,622.696 180.9,702.907 261.539,702.952C342.178,702.998 381.924,702.952 381.924,702.952L381.924,622.696L301.667,622.696C301.667,622.696 261.724,622.03 261.539,582.567C261.354,543.104 261.539,502.311 261.539,502.311C261.539,502.311 261.628,462.192 301.667,462.182C341.707,462.173 381.924,462.182 381.924,462.182L381.924,301.669L341.796,301.669C341.796,301.669 301.478,300.882 301.667,261.541C301.857,222.2 301.667,221.412 301.667,221.412C301.667,221.412 302.065,181.256 341.796,181.284C381.526,181.312 381.924,181.284 381.924,181.284L381.924,101.027L381.924,101.027Z" style="fill:rgb(60,122,190);" />
                        <path d="M422.052,101.027L502.309,101.027C502.309,101.027 582.289,101.974 582.566,181.284C582.842,260.595 582.566,301.669 582.566,301.669C582.566,301.669 581.877,381.579 502.309,381.926C422.741,382.273 542.437,381.926 542.437,381.926C542.437,381.926 622.641,383.525 622.694,462.182C622.747,540.84 622.694,702.952 622.694,702.952L542.437,702.952L542.437,502.311C542.437,502.311 541.684,461.99 502.309,462.182C462.934,462.375 422.052,462.182 422.052,462.182L422.052,301.669L462.181,301.669C462.181,301.669 501.568,300.956 502.309,261.541C503.05,222.126 502.309,221.412 502.309,221.412C502.309,221.412 501.63,181.454 462.181,181.284C422.731,181.114 422.052,181.284 422.052,181.284L422.052,101.027L422.052,101.027Z" style="fill:rgb(60,122,190);" />
            <div id="nav_right">
                <button class="nav_button">Contact Me</button>
                <button class="nav_button">Other</button>

This is my CSS:


body {
    margin: 0;

#container {
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0;

header {
    width: 100%;
    background-color: pink;

#logo {
    height: 250px;
    width: 250px;
    margin: auto;
    border: 0px;
    padding: 0px;

#nav_left {
    float: left;

#nav_right {
    float: right;

.nav_button {
    width: 150px;
    float: left;
    margin-left: 5%;
    margin-top: 25%;
    margin-bottom: 25%;
    position: inherit;

2 个解决方案



If I get it correctly (you need 5 evenly wide collmns) you can use either bootstrap or the Flexbox. Make a row direction and grow of 1 so they are evenly wide. Then place your elements into each of it and style it so they appear in the center of the column.




To do this easily you could make your #logo have display: inline-block;, then put text-align: center; on your header to center the logo (you might want to add text-align: left; in your floating nav containers to set their text back to normal).

要轻松完成此操作,您可以使#logo显示:inline-block ;,然后将text-align:center;在标题上以徽标为中心(您可能希望在浮动导航容器中添加text-align:left;以将其文本设置为正常)。

See demo here (fixed.... link was wrong before)


And if you wanted to use flexbox, you could simply add display: flex; and justify-content: space-between; to your header styles. Just note with flexbox that it might not be supported on older IE's and on some iOS versions

如果你想使用flexbox,你可以简单地添加display:flex;并证明 - 内容:间隔;到你的标题样式。请注意,Flexbox可能不支持旧版IE和某些iOS版本

See demo here




If I get it correctly (you need 5 evenly wide collmns) you can use either bootstrap or the Flexbox. Make a row direction and grow of 1 so they are evenly wide. Then place your elements into each of it and style it so they appear in the center of the column.




To do this easily you could make your #logo have display: inline-block;, then put text-align: center; on your header to center the logo (you might want to add text-align: left; in your floating nav containers to set their text back to normal).

要轻松完成此操作,您可以使#logo显示:inline-block ;,然后将text-align:center;在标题上以徽标为中心(您可能希望在浮动导航容器中添加text-align:left;以将其文本设置为正常)。

See demo here (fixed.... link was wrong before)


And if you wanted to use flexbox, you could simply add display: flex; and justify-content: space-between; to your header styles. Just note with flexbox that it might not be supported on older IE's and on some iOS versions

如果你想使用flexbox,你可以简单地添加display:flex;并证明 - 内容:间隔;到你的标题样式。请注意,Flexbox可能不支持旧版IE和某些iOS版本

See demo here
