带有for循环的Django queryset并传递给模板

时间:2022-11-27 20:18:38

I'm trying to use multi search. For example I will search for "Feas.Meat". And my search result will return me Fish and Meat product.I'm Splitting the search input using split function. And using Django Filter to get search query. But Filter returns query set. I can't figure out how to send a list of a query set for specific text using a loop in a formatted manner like Array List. I want something Like: [ 'Fish': 'Fish Queryset', 'Meat': 'Meat Querysset']. I'm explicitly sending variable by variable for 2/3 inputs. I want to send in like an array list to the template. My View Function:

我正在尝试使用多搜索。例如,我将搜索“Feas.Meat”。我的搜索结果将返回鱼和肉产品。我正在使用拆分功能拆分搜索输入。并使用Django Filter获取搜索查询。但Filter返回查询集。我无法弄清楚如何使用循环以格式化方式(如Array List)发送特定文本的查询集列表。我想要的东西就像:['Fish':'Fish Queryset','Meat':'Meat Querysset']。我明确地通过变量为2/3输入发送变量。我想像数组列表一样发送到模板。我的观点功能:

#Split Definitions change only  here

search_input = search_text.split('.')
len_search_items = len(search_input)

#Create search query for appropriated searched products

        search_split = search_input[0]
        #Store the split search text in Array

        args = { 'len_search_items':len_search_items,'search_split':search_split,'form':form, 'search_input':search_input,'searched_products':searched_products,'search_text':search_text}

Template Code:

{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block search_content %}

<h2>Search Page</h2>

{% include "snippets/search-form.html" %}

<h2> String Separatin={{ search_input }}</h2>
<h2> Searched For={{ search_text }}</h2>

<h2>  Searched For ={{ len_search_items }} products</h2>
<h2>  Search Found Result  ={{ searched_products_len }} products</h2> 
<h2> Searched For ={{ search_split }}</h2>

{% if searched_products %}

    <h2>Searched Product List</h2>
    {% for item in searched_products %}

    <li> <a href="{% url 'detail' item.id %}">{{ item.title }}</a></li>

    {% endfor %}

{% else %}

<h2>No Search Matched</h2>

{% endif %} 

{% if searched_products1 %}
    <h2> Searched For ={{ search_split1 }}</h2>
    <h2>Searched Product List</h2>
    {% for item in searched_products1 %}

    <li> <a href="{% url 'detail' item.id %}">{{ item.title }}</a></li>

    {% endfor %}

{% else %}

<h2>No Search Matched</h2>

{% endif %}

{% if searched_products2 %}
    <h2> Searched For ={{ search_split2 }}</h2>
    <h2>Searched Product List</h2>
    {% for item in searched_products2 %}

    <li> <a href="{% url 'detail' item.id %}">{{ item.title }}</a></li>

    {% endfor %}

{% else %}

<h2>No Search Matched</h2>

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

1 个解决方案



Try this:

search_products = {search_split: Item.objects.filter(title__contains=search_split)}

Instead of this:



Then if someone search for meat you will get something like:


{'meat': [{'name': 'meat1'}, {'name': 'meat2'}]}

I hope i understood well what you want


I want something Like: [ 'Fish': 'Fish Queryset', 'Meat': 'Meat Querysset'].

我想要的东西就像:['Fish':'Fish Queryset','Meat':'Meat Querysset']。



Try this:

search_products = {search_split: Item.objects.filter(title__contains=search_split)}

Instead of this:



Then if someone search for meat you will get something like:


{'meat': [{'name': 'meat1'}, {'name': 'meat2'}]}

I hope i understood well what you want


I want something Like: [ 'Fish': 'Fish Queryset', 'Meat': 'Meat Querysset'].

我想要的东西就像:['Fish':'Fish Queryset','Meat':'Meat Querysset']。