I am using Enterprise Library 4.1 and want to implement Exception handling and logging. I am able to setup one policy that handles general Exceptions of the System.Exception type. I call this policy 'Data Access Policy'.
我正在使用Enterprise Library 4.1并希望实现异常处理和日志记录。我能够设置一个策略来处理System.Exception类型的常规异常。我将此政策称为“数据访问政策”。
In a general application development rule, how many policies should I create? What are the best practices for catching SqlExceptions? Should a separate policy be defined?
What I am looking for is some suggestions from folks who develop applications using Enterprise Library and how they setup the policies for exception handling and some examples would help.
我正在寻找的是那些使用Enterprise Library开发应用程序的人以及他们如何设置异常处理策略的一些建议,一些例子会有所帮助。
2 个解决方案
You can add a new policy for SqlExceptions.
Here is a great post for you: Enterprise Library 4.1 :: Exception Handling Application Block
这是一篇很棒的文章:Enterprise Library 4.1 ::异常处理应用程序块
It's probably a bit late for you now but this link may help someone else. It's a page from the Enterprise Library documentation entitled "Determining Appropriate Exception Policies and Actions" and does exactly what it says on the tin
You can add a new policy for SqlExceptions.
Here is a great post for you: Enterprise Library 4.1 :: Exception Handling Application Block
这是一篇很棒的文章:Enterprise Library 4.1 ::异常处理应用程序块
It's probably a bit late for you now but this link may help someone else. It's a page from the Enterprise Library documentation entitled "Determining Appropriate Exception Policies and Actions" and does exactly what it says on the tin