为什么即使我使用指针,我的代码也不会交换变量的值? [重复]

时间:2021-12-26 20:20:47

This question already has an answer here:


void mystery(int *ptra, int *ptrb) 
   int *temp;
   temp = ptrb;
   ptrb = ptra;
   ptra = temp;
int main() 
    int a=2016, b=0, c=4, d=42;
    mystery(&a, &b);
    if (a < c)
        mystery(&c, &a);
    mystery(&a, &d);
    printf("%d\n", a);

I am attempting to swap the value of the variables by making use of pointers but I fail to understand why the variables contain the same value even after the function calls


3 个解决方案



You need to change content being pointed to by the pointers, not the pointers themselves.


void mystery(int *ptra, int *ptrb) 
   int temp; //make it non-pointer also.
   temp = *ptrb;
   *ptrb = *ptra;
   *ptra = temp;

If you change the pointer themselves, the change will be local to the function, because the variables ptra and ptrb are local variables, holding the addresses.


Remember, in general, that when you deal with a pointer, there is usually two objects involved:


  • the pointer itself
  • 指针本身

  • the object which the pointer points to, i.e the content.
  • 指针指向的对象,即内容。

In your case, you're dealing with the pointers only, not the contents — and the pointers themselves are passed by value, which is why the changes to pointer variables are local to the function.

在你的情况下,你只处理指针,而不是内容 - 并且指针本身是通过值传递的,这就是指针变量的变化是函数本地的原因。

Also, note that there is already std::swap which does the job. In case you're unaware of it, use it instead.

另外,请注意已经有std :: swap来完成这项工作。如果你不知道它,请改用它。



Inside your mystery function, the notation you'd have needed to use to actually access the values to which the pointers point is:



That's called dereferencing the pointer. I have an old answer about that here.



void mystery(int *ptra, int *ptrb) 
   int temp = *ptrb;
   *ptrb = *ptra;
   *ptra = temp;



You are not swapping the values of the variable pointed by the pointer but you are swapping the addresses instead.


use * beside the pointer to use the value instead of address.




You need to change content being pointed to by the pointers, not the pointers themselves.


void mystery(int *ptra, int *ptrb) 
   int temp; //make it non-pointer also.
   temp = *ptrb;
   *ptrb = *ptra;
   *ptra = temp;

If you change the pointer themselves, the change will be local to the function, because the variables ptra and ptrb are local variables, holding the addresses.


Remember, in general, that when you deal with a pointer, there is usually two objects involved:


  • the pointer itself
  • 指针本身

  • the object which the pointer points to, i.e the content.
  • 指针指向的对象,即内容。

In your case, you're dealing with the pointers only, not the contents — and the pointers themselves are passed by value, which is why the changes to pointer variables are local to the function.

在你的情况下,你只处理指针,而不是内容 - 并且指针本身是通过值传递的,这就是指针变量的变化是函数本地的原因。

Also, note that there is already std::swap which does the job. In case you're unaware of it, use it instead.

另外,请注意已经有std :: swap来完成这项工作。如果你不知道它,请改用它。



Inside your mystery function, the notation you'd have needed to use to actually access the values to which the pointers point is:



That's called dereferencing the pointer. I have an old answer about that here.



void mystery(int *ptra, int *ptrb) 
   int temp = *ptrb;
   *ptrb = *ptra;
   *ptra = temp;



You are not swapping the values of the variable pointed by the pointer but you are swapping the addresses instead.


use * beside the pointer to use the value instead of address.
