在Python 3中已经存在异常时引发异常

时间:2022-06-06 20:18:23

What happens to my first exception (A) when the second (B) is raised in the following code?


class A(Exception): pass
class B(Exception): pass

        raise A('first')
        raise B('second')
except X as c:

If run with X = A I get:

如果以X = A运行,我得到:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "raising_more_exceptions.py", line 6, in 
    raise A('first')
__main__.A: first

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "raising_more_exceptions.py", line 8, in 
    raise B('second')
__main__.B: second

But if X = B I get:

但如果X = B我得到:



  1. Where did my first exception go?
  2. 我的第一个例外去了哪里?

  3. Why is only the outermost exception catchable?
  4. 为什么只有最外层的例外可以捕获?

  5. How do I peel off the outermost exception and reraise the earlier exceptions?
  6. 如何剥离最外层的异常并重新引用先前的异常?


This question specifically addresses Python 3, as its exception handling is quite different to Python 2.

这个问题专门针对Python 3,因为它的异常处理与Python 2完全不同。

5 个解决方案



Pythons exception handling will only deal with one exception at a time. However, exception objects are subject to the same variable rules and garbage collection as everything else. Hence, if you save the exception object in a variable somewhere you can deal with it later, even if another exception is raised.


In your case, when an exception is raised during the "finally" statement, Python 3 will print out the traceback of the first exception before the one of the second exception, to be more helpful.

在您的情况下,当在“finally”语句中引发异常时,Python 3将在第二个异常之前打印出第一个异常的回溯,以便更有帮助。

A more common case is that you want to raise an exception during an explicit exception handling. Then you can "save" the exception in the next exception. Just pass it in as a parameter:


>>> class A(Exception):
...     pass
>>> class B(Exception):
...     pass
>>> try:
...     try:
...         raise A('first')
...     except A as e:
...         raise B('second', e)
... except Exception as c:
...     print(c.args[1])

As you see you can now access the original exception.




The 'causing' exception is available as c.__context__ in your last exception handler. Python is using this information to render a more useful traceback. Under Python 2.x the original exception would have been lost, this is for Python 3 only.

'cause'异常在上一个异常处理程序中以c .__ context__的形式提供。 Python正在使用此信息来呈现更有用的回溯。在Python 2.x下,原始异常将丢失,这仅适用于Python 3。

Typically you would use this to throw a consistent exception while still keeping the original exception accessible (although it's pretty cool that it happens automatically from an exception handler, I didn't know that!):


except (URLError, socket.timeout) as ex:
    raise MyError('Network error') from ex

More info (and some other pretty useful things you can do) here: http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/exceptions.html




  1. It got thrown out.
  2. 它被抛弃了。

  3. Only one exception can be "active" at a time per thread.
  4. 每个线程一次只能有一个“活动”异常。

  5. You can't, unless you encapsulate the earlier exception in the later exception somehow.
  6. 你不能,除非你以某种方式将先前的异常封装在后面的异常中。



I believe all the ingredients to answer your question(s) are already in the existing answers. Let me combine and elaborate.


Let me repeat your question's code to provide line number references:


 1  class A(Exception): pass
 2  class B(Exception): pass
 4  try:
 5      try:
 6          raise A('first')
 7      finally:
 8          raise B('second')
 9  except X as c:
10      print(c)

So to answer your questions:


  1. Where did my first exception go?
  2. 我的第一个例外去了哪里?

Your first exception A is raised in line 6. The finally clause in line 7 is always executed as soon as the try block (lines 5-6) is left, regardless if it is left because of successful completion or because of a raised exception. While the finally clause is being executed, line 8 raises another exception B. As Lennart and Ignazio have pointed out, only one exception, the one that is most recently being raised, can be kept track of. So as soon as B is raised, the overall try block (lines 4-8) is quit and the exception B is being caught by the except statement in line 9 if it matches (if X is B).


  1. Why is only the outermost exception catchable?
  2. 为什么只有最外层的例外可以捕获?

Hopefully this is clear now from my explanation of 1. You could catch the inner/lower/first exception, though. To merge in Lennart's answer, slightly modified, here's how to catch both:


class A(Exception): pass
class B(Exception): pass
        raise A('first')
    except A as e:
        raise B('second', e)
except Exception as c:

The output is:


('second', A('first',))
  1. How do I peel off the outermost exception and reraise the earlier exceptions?
  2. 如何剥离最外层的异常并重新引用先前的异常?

In Lennart's example the solution to this question is the line except A as e where the inner/lower/first exception is being caught and stored in variable e.


As a general gut-feeling of when to catch exceptions, when to ignore them, and when to re-raise, maybe this question and Alex Martelli's answer help.

作为对何时捕捉异常,何时忽略它们以及何时重新加注的一般直觉,也许这个问题和Alex Martelli的答案有所帮助。



Answering to question 3, you can use:


raise B('second') from None

Which will remove the exception A traceback.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "raising_more_exceptions.py", line 8, in 
    raise B('second')
__main__.B: second



Pythons exception handling will only deal with one exception at a time. However, exception objects are subject to the same variable rules and garbage collection as everything else. Hence, if you save the exception object in a variable somewhere you can deal with it later, even if another exception is raised.


In your case, when an exception is raised during the "finally" statement, Python 3 will print out the traceback of the first exception before the one of the second exception, to be more helpful.

在您的情况下,当在“finally”语句中引发异常时,Python 3将在第二个异常之前打印出第一个异常的回溯,以便更有帮助。

A more common case is that you want to raise an exception during an explicit exception handling. Then you can "save" the exception in the next exception. Just pass it in as a parameter:


>>> class A(Exception):
...     pass
>>> class B(Exception):
...     pass
>>> try:
...     try:
...         raise A('first')
...     except A as e:
...         raise B('second', e)
... except Exception as c:
...     print(c.args[1])

As you see you can now access the original exception.




The 'causing' exception is available as c.__context__ in your last exception handler. Python is using this information to render a more useful traceback. Under Python 2.x the original exception would have been lost, this is for Python 3 only.

'cause'异常在上一个异常处理程序中以c .__ context__的形式提供。 Python正在使用此信息来呈现更有用的回溯。在Python 2.x下,原始异常将丢失,这仅适用于Python 3。

Typically you would use this to throw a consistent exception while still keeping the original exception accessible (although it's pretty cool that it happens automatically from an exception handler, I didn't know that!):


except (URLError, socket.timeout) as ex:
    raise MyError('Network error') from ex

More info (and some other pretty useful things you can do) here: http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/exceptions.html




  1. It got thrown out.
  2. 它被抛弃了。

  3. Only one exception can be "active" at a time per thread.
  4. 每个线程一次只能有一个“活动”异常。

  5. You can't, unless you encapsulate the earlier exception in the later exception somehow.
  6. 你不能,除非你以某种方式将先前的异常封装在后面的异常中。



I believe all the ingredients to answer your question(s) are already in the existing answers. Let me combine and elaborate.


Let me repeat your question's code to provide line number references:


 1  class A(Exception): pass
 2  class B(Exception): pass
 4  try:
 5      try:
 6          raise A('first')
 7      finally:
 8          raise B('second')
 9  except X as c:
10      print(c)

So to answer your questions:


  1. Where did my first exception go?
  2. 我的第一个例外去了哪里?

Your first exception A is raised in line 6. The finally clause in line 7 is always executed as soon as the try block (lines 5-6) is left, regardless if it is left because of successful completion or because of a raised exception. While the finally clause is being executed, line 8 raises another exception B. As Lennart and Ignazio have pointed out, only one exception, the one that is most recently being raised, can be kept track of. So as soon as B is raised, the overall try block (lines 4-8) is quit and the exception B is being caught by the except statement in line 9 if it matches (if X is B).


  1. Why is only the outermost exception catchable?
  2. 为什么只有最外层的例外可以捕获?

Hopefully this is clear now from my explanation of 1. You could catch the inner/lower/first exception, though. To merge in Lennart's answer, slightly modified, here's how to catch both:


class A(Exception): pass
class B(Exception): pass
        raise A('first')
    except A as e:
        raise B('second', e)
except Exception as c:

The output is:


('second', A('first',))
  1. How do I peel off the outermost exception and reraise the earlier exceptions?
  2. 如何剥离最外层的异常并重新引用先前的异常?

In Lennart's example the solution to this question is the line except A as e where the inner/lower/first exception is being caught and stored in variable e.


As a general gut-feeling of when to catch exceptions, when to ignore them, and when to re-raise, maybe this question and Alex Martelli's answer help.

作为对何时捕捉异常,何时忽略它们以及何时重新加注的一般直觉,也许这个问题和Alex Martelli的答案有所帮助。



Answering to question 3, you can use:


raise B('second') from None

Which will remove the exception A traceback.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "raising_more_exceptions.py", line 8, in 
    raise B('second')
__main__.B: second