优化boost :: spirit :: qi解析器

时间:2022-10-31 20:20:31

I have a parser that basically prints out the actions of a stack machine with my operator precedence given some expression. My goal is to optimize for speed as much as possible. I have read an article concerning qi optimizations that provides this example code. I understand the gist of the optimizations described in the main article, however I am unclear how to integrate this into my code.


Here is a following working example of my parser. I have already tried to optimize it somewhat by using raw[] to provide base iterators. The phoenix action calls must be given strings or iterators by which they can create strings; the real versions of these functions are not trivial and their functionality can not yet be evaluated in parsing-time:

以下是我的解析器的以下工作示例。我已经尝试通过使用raw []来提供基本迭代器来进行一些优化。必须给phoenix动作调用赋予字符串或迭代器,通过它们可以创建字符串;这些函数的真实版本并不简单,它们的功能尚不能在解析时评估:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_parse.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_bind.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
using std::endl;
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

void fPushOp(const char* op){
  cout << "PushOp: " << op << endl;

void fPushInt(const boost::iterator_range<string::const_iterator>& my_str){
  cout << "PushInt: " << my_str << endl;

template<typename Iterator, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
struct Calculator : public qi::grammar<Iterator, Skipper> {

  qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper>  
    expression, logical_or_expression, logical_and_expression, negate_expression, series_expression,
    single_expression, inclusive_or_expression, exclusive_or_expression, and_expression, equality_expression, 
    relational_expression, shift_expression, additive_expression, multiplicative_expression, 
    term, complement_factor, factor, result, integer, variable, variable_combo, word, prefix;

  qi::rule<Iterator> number;
  Calculator() : Calculator::base_type(result)
    number = 
            ("0x" >> +qi::char_("0-9a-fA-F"))     
          | ("0b" >> +qi::char_("0-1"))
          | ("0" >>  +qi::char_("0-7"))
          | (+qi::char_("0-9"))
        ] [phx::bind(&fPushInt, qi::_1)]

    integer = 
        | ('-' >> number) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_UNARY_MINUS")]

    variable =
          ((qi::alpha | qi::char_('_')) 
              >> *(qi::alnum | qi::char_('_')) 
              >> '['
              >>  (+(qi::alnum | qi::char_('_') | qi::char_(',')) 
                | ('\'' >> *~qi::char_('\'') >> '\'')) 
              >> ']')
        | ((qi::alpha | qi::char_('_')) >> *(qi::alnum | qi::char_('_')))

    variable_combo =
        qi::raw [
          variable >> *(qi::char_('.') >> variable)
        ] [phx::bind(&fPushInt, qi::_1)]

    word = 
        ] [phx::bind(&fPushInt, qi::_1)]

    factor =
            ("ceil(" >> expression >> ')')                                                      [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_CEIL")]
        |   ("wrap(" >> expression >> ')')                                                      [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_WRAP")]
        |   ("abs(" >> expression >> ')')                                                       [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_ABS")]
        |   ("count1(" >> expression >> ')')                                                    [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_COUNT1")]
        |   ("pick(" >> expression >> ')')                                                      [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_PICK")]
        |   ("defined(" >> expression >> ')')                                                   [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_DEF")]
        |   ("string_equal(" >> word >> ',' >> word >> ')')                                     [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_STREQ")]
        |   ("string_contains(" >> word >> ',' >> word >> ')')                                  [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_STRCON")]
        |   ("lsl(" >> single_expression >> ',' >> single_expression >> ',' >> number >> ')')   [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_LSL")]
        |   ("lsr(" >> single_expression >> ',' >> single_expression >> ')')                    [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_LSR")]
        |   ("asr(" >> single_expression >> ',' >> single_expression >> ',' >> number >> ')')   [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_ASR")]
        |   ("ror(" >> single_expression >> ',' >> single_expression >> ',' >> number >> ')')   [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_ROR")]
        |   ("rrx(" >> single_expression >> ',' >> single_expression >> ',' >> single_expression >> ',' >> number >> ')')[phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_RRX")]
        |   ('(' >> expression >> ')')
        |   variable_combo
        |   integer
    complement_factor = factor
        | ('~' >> factor) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_COMPLEMENT")]
    term = complement_factor
      >> *( (".." >> complement_factor) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_LEGER")]
          | ('\\' >> complement_factor) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_MASK")]
    multiplicative_expression = term
      >> *( ('/' >> term) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_DIV")]
          | ('%' >> term) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_MOD")]
          | ('*' >> term) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_MUL")]
    additive_expression = multiplicative_expression
      >> *( ('+' >> multiplicative_expression)  [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_ADD")]
          | ('-' >> multiplicative_expression)  [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_SUB")]
    shift_expression = additive_expression
      >> *( (">>" >> additive_expression) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_SRL")]
          | ("<<" >> additive_expression) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_SLL")]
    relational_expression = shift_expression
      >> *( ('<' >> shift_expression) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_LT")]
          | ('>' >> shift_expression) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_GT")]
          | ("<=" >> shift_expression)[phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_LET")]
          | (">=" >> shift_expression)[phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_GET")]
    equality_expression = relational_expression 
      >> *( ("==" >> relational_expression)[phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_EQ")]
          | ("!=" >> relational_expression)[phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_NEQ")] 
    and_expression = equality_expression 
      >> *(('&' >> equality_expression)     [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_AND")]); 
    exclusive_or_expression = and_expression 
      >> *(('^' >> and_expression)          [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_XOR")]); 
    inclusive_or_expression = exclusive_or_expression 
      >> *(('|' >> exclusive_or_expression) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_OR")]); 
    single_expression = inclusive_or_expression;
    series_expression = inclusive_or_expression 
      >> *((',' >> inclusive_or_expression) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_SERIES")]);
    negate_expression = series_expression
        | ('!' >> series_expression)        [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_NEGATE")];
    logical_and_expression = negate_expression
      >> *(("&&" >> negate_expression)      [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_LOGICAL_AND")]); 
    logical_or_expression = logical_and_expression 
      >> *(("||" >> logical_and_expression) [phx::bind(&fPushOp, "OP_LOGICAL_OR")]);
    expression = logical_or_expression;

    result = expression;

int main(){
  Calculator<string::const_iterator> calc;
  const string expr("0xff0000 >> 3 && 3 + (!9) | (0,200)");
  cout << "Expression: " << expr << endl;

  string::const_iterator it = expr.begin();
  phrase_parse(it, expr.end(), calc, qi::space);

  cout << "Remaining: " << (string(it,expr.end())) << endl;
  return 0;

Additionally, I read the slides from this pdf concerning utree and am trying to figure out how, if possible, to use the utree output instead of semantic actions since apparently such things are evil. Can someone provide or point me to a simple example on how to construct a utree that can then be fed to a stack machine to print out operations in order?


1 个解决方案



The optimizations depend on what you want to achieve. Therefore, I think you're optimizing prematurely.


E.g. parsing a variable_combo as a raw[] input sequence does not make any sense if you want to interpret the symbols later (because you'll have to parse the variable combo again, and you'll even have to anticipate whitespace in there: "foo . bar .tux" is a valid variable combo here).

例如。将variable_combo解析为raw []输入序列如果你想稍后解释这些符号没有任何意义(因为你必须再次解析变量combo,你甚至必须预测那里的空格:“foo” 。吧.tux“这里是一个有效的变量组合)。

I have quite a lot of posts in general dealing with optimizing Boost Spirit (start here e.g.). Quick observations here:

我有很多关于优化Boost Spirit的帖子(例如从这里开始)。快速观察:

  • consider correctness under backtracking; with your grammar parsing 'ceil(3.7') you'll get:


    Expression: ceil(3.7)
    PushInt: 3
    PushInt: ceil
    Remaining: (3.7)

    Note how this emits opcodes when parsing failed. Note also, it emits the wrong opcodes


    • it pushes 3 instead of 3.7
    • 它推3而不是3.7
    • it pushes ceil as an PushInt?
    • 它推动ceil作为PushInt?

    So not only does it detect failure to parse too late, it just ignores the parentheses, fails to spot the function call and parses the number wrong.


    Regarding the premature evaluation, I'm going to point to this popular answer: Boost Spirit: "Semantic actions are evil"?


    Other than that, I'm just confirming my suspicion that you're doing premature optimization. Consider doing



    and then later, in the grammar constructor:



    To really see how your parser behaves.


  • consider qi::symbols e.g.:

    考虑qi ::符号例如:

    qi::symbols<char,const char*> unary_function;
        ("ceil",    "OP_CEIL")
        ("wrap",    "OP_WRAP")
        ("abs",     "OP_ABS")
        ("count1",  "OP_COUNT1")
        ("pick",    "OP_PICK")
        ("defined", "OP_DEF");
    unary_call = (unary_function >> "(" >> expression >> ')') [phx::bind(&fPushOp, qi::_1)];
  • traits might leave more potential for the compiler to optimize after inlining (as opposed to semantic actions, since the many levels of template instantiation can obscure some cases, especially when bind is involved)


You may want to make operator precedence table driven here, as some of the spirit samples show. The traditional way to use rule-hierarchy to enforce precedence that you've taken complicates the grammar. This has two key downsides:


  • each rule introduces a virtual dispatch (Spirit X3 may not have this limitation anymore in the future)
  • 每条规则都引入了一个虚拟调度(Spirit X3将来可能不再有这个限制)
  • your grammar got so complicated that you lost the overview already (see first bullet)
  • 你的语法变得如此复杂,你已经失去了概述(参见第一篇文章)


I'd suggest


  1. moving away from evaluating during parsing as the semantic actions grow unwieldy, and are very (very) tricky to get right in the face of (late) backtracking (or even parser failures; the latter could be detected easily, but backtracking can also be benign and very hard to correct for when semantic actions have side effects).


  2. start building the grammar from the simplest rule, gradually building it as you add test cases




The optimizations depend on what you want to achieve. Therefore, I think you're optimizing prematurely.


E.g. parsing a variable_combo as a raw[] input sequence does not make any sense if you want to interpret the symbols later (because you'll have to parse the variable combo again, and you'll even have to anticipate whitespace in there: "foo . bar .tux" is a valid variable combo here).

例如。将variable_combo解析为raw []输入序列如果你想稍后解释这些符号没有任何意义(因为你必须再次解析变量combo,你甚至必须预测那里的空格:“foo” 。吧.tux“这里是一个有效的变量组合)。

I have quite a lot of posts in general dealing with optimizing Boost Spirit (start here e.g.). Quick observations here:

我有很多关于优化Boost Spirit的帖子(例如从这里开始)。快速观察:

  • consider correctness under backtracking; with your grammar parsing 'ceil(3.7') you'll get:


    Expression: ceil(3.7)
    PushInt: 3
    PushInt: ceil
    Remaining: (3.7)

    Note how this emits opcodes when parsing failed. Note also, it emits the wrong opcodes


    • it pushes 3 instead of 3.7
    • 它推3而不是3.7
    • it pushes ceil as an PushInt?
    • 它推动ceil作为PushInt?

    So not only does it detect failure to parse too late, it just ignores the parentheses, fails to spot the function call and parses the number wrong.


    Regarding the premature evaluation, I'm going to point to this popular answer: Boost Spirit: "Semantic actions are evil"?


    Other than that, I'm just confirming my suspicion that you're doing premature optimization. Consider doing



    and then later, in the grammar constructor:



    To really see how your parser behaves.


  • consider qi::symbols e.g.:

    考虑qi ::符号例如:

    qi::symbols<char,const char*> unary_function;
        ("ceil",    "OP_CEIL")
        ("wrap",    "OP_WRAP")
        ("abs",     "OP_ABS")
        ("count1",  "OP_COUNT1")
        ("pick",    "OP_PICK")
        ("defined", "OP_DEF");
    unary_call = (unary_function >> "(" >> expression >> ')') [phx::bind(&fPushOp, qi::_1)];
  • traits might leave more potential for the compiler to optimize after inlining (as opposed to semantic actions, since the many levels of template instantiation can obscure some cases, especially when bind is involved)


You may want to make operator precedence table driven here, as some of the spirit samples show. The traditional way to use rule-hierarchy to enforce precedence that you've taken complicates the grammar. This has two key downsides:


  • each rule introduces a virtual dispatch (Spirit X3 may not have this limitation anymore in the future)
  • 每条规则都引入了一个虚拟调度(Spirit X3将来可能不再有这个限制)
  • your grammar got so complicated that you lost the overview already (see first bullet)
  • 你的语法变得如此复杂,你已经失去了概述(参见第一篇文章)


I'd suggest


  1. moving away from evaluating during parsing as the semantic actions grow unwieldy, and are very (very) tricky to get right in the face of (late) backtracking (or even parser failures; the latter could be detected easily, but backtracking can also be benign and very hard to correct for when semantic actions have side effects).


  2. start building the grammar from the simplest rule, gradually building it as you add test cases
