Are C-style macro names subject to the same naming rules as identifiers? After a compiler upgrade, it is now emitting this warning for a legacy application:
warning #3649-D: white space is required between the macro name "CHAR_" and its replacement text
#define CHAR_& 38
This line of code is defining an ASCII value constant for an ampersand.
#define DOL_SN 36
#define PERCENT 37
#define CHAR_& 38
#define RT_SING 39
#define LF_PAR 40
I assume that this definition (not actually referenced by any code, as far as I can tell) is buggy and should be changed to something like "CHAR_AMPERSAND"?
4 个解决方案
Macro names should only consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores, i.e. 'a-z'
, 'A-Z'
, '0-9'
, and '_'
, and the first character should not be a digit. Some preprocessors also permit the dollar sign character '$'
, but you shouldn't use it; unfortunately I can't quote the C standard since I don't have a copy of it.
From the GCC documentation:
Preprocessing tokens fall into five broad classes: identifiers, preprocessing numbers, string literals, punctuators, and other. An identifier is the same as an identifier in C: any sequence of letters, digits, or underscores, which begins with a letter or underscore. Keywords of C have no significance to the preprocessor; they are ordinary identifiers. You can define a macro whose name is a keyword, for instance. The only identifier which can be considered a preprocessing keyword is
. See Defined.预处理令牌可分为五个大类:标识符、预处理数字、字符串文本、标点符号和其他。标识符与C中的标识符相同:任何以字母或下划线开头的字母、数字或下划线序列。C的关键字对预处理器没有意义;他们是普通标识符。例如,您可以定义一个名称为关键字的宏。定义了唯一可视为预处理关键字的标识符。看到定义。
This is mostly true of other languages which use the C preprocessor. However, a few of the keywords of C++ are significant even in the preprocessor. See C++ Named Operators.
In the 1999 C standard, identifiers may contain letters which are not part of the “basic source character set”, at the implementation's discretion (such as accented Latin letters, Greek letters, or Chinese ideograms). This may be done with an extended character set, or the
escape sequences. The implementation of this feature in GCC is experimental; such characters are only accepted in the'\u'
forms and only if-fextended-identifiers
is used.在1999年的C标准中,标识符可能包含不属于“基本源字符集”的字母,在实现的*决定中(例如重读的拉丁字母、希腊字母或中国的表意文字)。这可以通过扩展字符集或'\u'和'\u'转义序列来实现。该特性在GCC中的实现是实验性的;这些字符只在“\u”和“\u”形式中被接受,并且只有在使用- fextension标识符时才被接受。
As an extension, GCC treats
as a letter. This is for compatibility with some systems, such as VMS, where'$'
is commonly used in system-defined function and object names.'$'
is not a letter in strictly conforming mode, or if you specify the-$
option. See Invocation.作为扩展,GCC将“$”视为字母。这是为了与某些系统的兼容性,比如VMS,在系统定义的函数和对象名称中通常使用“$”。“$”不是严格遵循模式的字母,也不是你指定的-$选项。看到调用。
allows a lot of "crazy" characters.. although I have struggled to find
much rhyme or reason - as to why some are allowed, and others are not. For example..
clang允许很多“疯狂”的角色。尽管我一直在努力寻找任何韵律或理由——为什么有些是允许的,有些不是。例如. .
#define ???? ?: /// WORKS FINE
#define ■ @end /// WORKS FINE
#define ???? @interface /// WORKS FINE
#define P @protocol /// WORKS FINE
#define ☎ TEL /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
#define ❌ NO /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
#define ⇧ UP /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
#define 〓 == /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
#define ???? APPLE /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
Who knows. I'd love to... but Google has thus failed me, so far. Any insight on the subject, would be appreciated™️.
You're right, the same rules apply to macro and identifiers as far as the names are concerned: valid characters are [A-Za-z0-9_].
It's common usage to use CAPITALIZED names to differentiate macros from other identifiers - variables and function name.
The same rules that specify valid identifiers for variable names apply to macro names with the exception that macros may have the same names as keywords. Valid characters in identifier names include digits
and non-digits
and must not start with a digit. non-digits
include the uppercase letters A-Z, the lowercase letters a-z, the underscore, and any implementation defined characters.
Macro names should only consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores, i.e. 'a-z'
, 'A-Z'
, '0-9'
, and '_'
, and the first character should not be a digit. Some preprocessors also permit the dollar sign character '$'
, but you shouldn't use it; unfortunately I can't quote the C standard since I don't have a copy of it.
From the GCC documentation:
Preprocessing tokens fall into five broad classes: identifiers, preprocessing numbers, string literals, punctuators, and other. An identifier is the same as an identifier in C: any sequence of letters, digits, or underscores, which begins with a letter or underscore. Keywords of C have no significance to the preprocessor; they are ordinary identifiers. You can define a macro whose name is a keyword, for instance. The only identifier which can be considered a preprocessing keyword is
. See Defined.预处理令牌可分为五个大类:标识符、预处理数字、字符串文本、标点符号和其他。标识符与C中的标识符相同:任何以字母或下划线开头的字母、数字或下划线序列。C的关键字对预处理器没有意义;他们是普通标识符。例如,您可以定义一个名称为关键字的宏。定义了唯一可视为预处理关键字的标识符。看到定义。
This is mostly true of other languages which use the C preprocessor. However, a few of the keywords of C++ are significant even in the preprocessor. See C++ Named Operators.
In the 1999 C standard, identifiers may contain letters which are not part of the “basic source character set”, at the implementation's discretion (such as accented Latin letters, Greek letters, or Chinese ideograms). This may be done with an extended character set, or the
escape sequences. The implementation of this feature in GCC is experimental; such characters are only accepted in the'\u'
forms and only if-fextended-identifiers
is used.在1999年的C标准中,标识符可能包含不属于“基本源字符集”的字母,在实现的*决定中(例如重读的拉丁字母、希腊字母或中国的表意文字)。这可以通过扩展字符集或'\u'和'\u'转义序列来实现。该特性在GCC中的实现是实验性的;这些字符只在“\u”和“\u”形式中被接受,并且只有在使用- fextension标识符时才被接受。
As an extension, GCC treats
as a letter. This is for compatibility with some systems, such as VMS, where'$'
is commonly used in system-defined function and object names.'$'
is not a letter in strictly conforming mode, or if you specify the-$
option. See Invocation.作为扩展,GCC将“$”视为字母。这是为了与某些系统的兼容性,比如VMS,在系统定义的函数和对象名称中通常使用“$”。“$”不是严格遵循模式的字母,也不是你指定的-$选项。看到调用。
allows a lot of "crazy" characters.. although I have struggled to find
much rhyme or reason - as to why some are allowed, and others are not. For example..
clang允许很多“疯狂”的角色。尽管我一直在努力寻找任何韵律或理由——为什么有些是允许的,有些不是。例如. .
#define ???? ?: /// WORKS FINE
#define ■ @end /// WORKS FINE
#define ???? @interface /// WORKS FINE
#define P @protocol /// WORKS FINE
#define ☎ TEL /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
#define ❌ NO /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
#define ⇧ UP /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
#define 〓 == /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
#define ???? APPLE /// ERROR: Macro name must be an identifier.
Who knows. I'd love to... but Google has thus failed me, so far. Any insight on the subject, would be appreciated™️.
You're right, the same rules apply to macro and identifiers as far as the names are concerned: valid characters are [A-Za-z0-9_].
It's common usage to use CAPITALIZED names to differentiate macros from other identifiers - variables and function name.
The same rules that specify valid identifiers for variable names apply to macro names with the exception that macros may have the same names as keywords. Valid characters in identifier names include digits
and non-digits
and must not start with a digit. non-digits
include the uppercase letters A-Z, the lowercase letters a-z, the underscore, and any implementation defined characters.