如何对所有非ascii字符进行grep ?

时间:2022-10-20 20:20:41

I have several very large XML files and I'm trying to find the lines that contain non-ASCII characters. I've tried the following:


grep -e "[\x{00FF}-\x{FFFF}]" file.xml

But this returns every line in the file, regardless of whether the line contains a character in the range specified.


Do I have the syntax wrong or am I doing something else wrong? I've also tried:


egrep "[\x{00FF}-\x{FFFF}]" file.xml 

(with both single and double quotes surrounding the pattern).


10 个解决方案



You can use the command:


grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" file.xml

This will give you the line number, and will highlight non-ascii chars in red.


In some systems, depending on your settings, the above will not work, so you can grep by the inverse


grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" file.xml

Note also, that the important bit is the -P flag which equates to --perl-regexp: so it will interpret your pattern as a Perl regular expression. It also says that

还要注意的是,重要的位是-P标志,它等同于- Perl -regexp:因此它将把您的模式解释为Perl正则表达式。它还说,

this is highly experimental and grep -P may warn of unimplemented features.

这是高度实验性的,grep -P可能警告未实现的特性。



Instead of making assumptions about the byte range of non-ASCII characters, as most of the above solutions do, it's slightly better IMO to be explicit about the actual byte range of ASCII characters instead.


So the first solution for instance would become:


grep --color='auto' -P -n '[^\x00-\x7F]' file.xml

(which basically greps for any character outside of the hexadecimal ASCII range: from \x00 up to \x7F)


On Mountain Lion that won't work (due to the lack of PCRE support in BSD grep), but with pcre installed via Homebrew, the following will work just as well:

在Mountain Lion上不能工作(由于BSD grep中缺少PCRE支持),但是通过Homebrew安装PCRE,以下内容也可以工作:

pcregrep --color='auto' -n '[^\x00-\x7F]' file.xml

Any pros or cons that anyone can think off?




The following works for me:


grep -P "[\x80-\xFF]" file.xml

Non-ASCII characters start at 0x80 and go to 0xFF when looking at bytes. Grep (and family) don't do Unicode processing to merge multi-byte characters into a single entity for regex matching as you seem to want. The -P option in my grep allows the use of \xdd escapes in character classes to accomplish what you want.




In perl


perl -ane '{ if(m/[[:^ascii:]]/) { print  } }' fileName > newFile



The easy way is to define a non-ASCII character... as a character that is not an ASCII character.


LC_ALL=C grep '[^ -~]' file.xml

Add a tab after the ^ if necessary.


Setting LC_COLLATE=C avoids nasty surprises about the meaning of character ranges in many locales. Setting LC_CTYPE=C is necessary to match single-byte characters — otherwise the command would miss invalid byte sequences in the current encoding. Setting LC_ALL=C avoids locale-dependent effects altogether.




Here is another variant I found that produced completely different results from the grep search for [\x80-\xFF] in the accepted answer. Perhaps it will be useful to someone to find additional non-ascii characters:


grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^[:ascii:]]" myfile.txt

grep -颜色= '汽车' - p - n”[^[ascii:]]”myfile.txt

Note: my computer's grep (a Mac) did not have -P option, so I did brew install grep and started the call above with ggrep instead of grep.

注意:我的计算机的grep (Mac)没有-P选项,所以我使用了brew install grep,并使用ggrep而不是grep启动上面的调用。



The following code works:


find /tmp | perl -ne 'print if /[^[:ascii:]]/'

Replace /tmp with the name of the directory you want to search through.




Strangely, I had to do this today! I ended up using Perl because I couldn't get grep/egrep to work (even in -P mode). Something like:


cat blah | perl -en '/\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE/ && print "found"'

For unicode characters (like \u2212 in example below) use this:


find . ... -exec perl -CA -e '$ARGV = @ARGV[0]; open IN, $ARGV; binmode(IN, ":utf8"); binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); while (<IN>) { next unless /\N{U+2212}/; print "$ARGV: $&: $_"; exit }' '{}' \;



It could be interesting to know how to search for one unicode character. This command can help. You only need to know the code in UTF8


grep -v $'\u200d'



Searching for non-printable chars.


I agree with Harvey above buried in the comments, it is often more useful to search for non-printable characters OR it is easy to think non-ASCII when you really should be thinking non-printable. Harvey suggests "use this: "[^\n -~]". Add \r for DOS text files. That translates to "[^\x0A\x020-\x07E]" and add \x0D for CR"

我同意上述哈维的观点,在评论中,搜索不可打印字符通常更有用,或者当你真的应该考虑不可打印时,很容易想到非ascii。哈维认为“使用:“[^ \ n - ~]”。为文本文件添加\r DOS。翻译“[^ \ x0A \ x020 - \ x07E]”并添加\ x0D CR”

Also, adding -c (show count of patterns matched) to grep is useful when searching for non-printable chars as the strings matched can mess up terminal.


I found adding range 0-8 and 0x0e-0x1f (to the 0x80-0xff range) is a useful pattern. This excludes the TAB, CR and LF and one or two more uncommon printable chars. So IMHO a quite a useful (albeit crude) grep pattern is THIS one:


grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" *



\x00-\x08 - non-printable control chars 0 - 7 decimal
\x0E-\x1F - more non-printable control chars 14 - 31 decimal
\x80-1xFF - non-printable chars > 128 decimal
-c - print count of matching lines instead of lines
-P - perl style regexps

Instead of -c you may prefer to use -n (and optionally -b) or -l
-n, --line-number
-b, --byte-offset
-l, --files-with-matches

E.g. practical example of use find to grep all files under current directory:


find . -type f -exec grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" {} + 

You may wish to adjust the grep at times. e.g. BS(0x08 - backspace) char used in some printable files or to exclude VT(0x0B - vertical tab). The BEL(0x07) and ESC(0x1B) chars can also be deemed printable in some cases.

有时您可能希望调整grep。例如,在一些可打印文件中使用的b (0x08 - backspace)字符,或者不包括VT(0x0B - vertical选项卡)。BEL(0x07)和ESC(0x1B) chars在某些情况下也可以被认为是可打印的。

Non-Printable ASCII Chars
** marks PRINTABLE but CONTROL chars that is useful to exclude sometimes
Dec   Hex Ctrl Char description           Dec Hex Ctrl Char description
0     00  ^@  NULL                        16  10  ^P  DATA LINK ESCAPE (DLE)
1     01  ^A  START OF HEADING (SOH)      17  11  ^Q  DEVICE CONTROL 1 (DC1)
2     02  ^B  START OF TEXT (STX)         18  12  ^R  DEVICE CONTROL 2 (DC2)
3     03  ^C  END OF TEXT (ETX)           19  13  ^S  DEVICE CONTROL 3 (DC3)
4     04  ^D  END OF TRANSMISSION (EOT)   20  14  ^T  DEVICE CONTROL 4 (DC4)
5     05  ^E  END OF QUERY (ENQ)          21  15  ^U  NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (NAK)
6     06  ^F  ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK)           22  16  ^V  SYNCHRONIZE (SYN)
7     07  ^G  BEEP (BEL)                  23  17  ^W  END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK (ETB)
8     08  ^H  BACKSPACE (BS)**            24  18  ^X  CANCEL (CAN)
9     09  ^I  HORIZONTAL TAB (HT)**       25  19  ^Y  END OF MEDIUM (EM)
10    0A  ^J  LINE FEED (LF)**            26  1A  ^Z  SUBSTITUTE (SUB)
11    0B  ^K  VERTICAL TAB (VT)**         27  1B  ^[  ESCAPE (ESC)
12    0C  ^L  FF (FORM FEED)**            28  1C  ^\  FILE SEPARATOR (FS) RIGHT ARROW
14    0E  ^N  SO (SHIFT OUT)              30  1E  ^^  RECORD SEPARATOR (RS) UP ARROW
15    0F  ^O  SI (SHIFT IN)               31  1F  ^_  UNIT SEPARATOR (US) DOWN ARROW



You can use the command:


grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" file.xml

This will give you the line number, and will highlight non-ascii chars in red.


In some systems, depending on your settings, the above will not work, so you can grep by the inverse


grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^\x00-\x7F]" file.xml

Note also, that the important bit is the -P flag which equates to --perl-regexp: so it will interpret your pattern as a Perl regular expression. It also says that

还要注意的是,重要的位是-P标志,它等同于- Perl -regexp:因此它将把您的模式解释为Perl正则表达式。它还说,

this is highly experimental and grep -P may warn of unimplemented features.

这是高度实验性的,grep -P可能警告未实现的特性。



Instead of making assumptions about the byte range of non-ASCII characters, as most of the above solutions do, it's slightly better IMO to be explicit about the actual byte range of ASCII characters instead.


So the first solution for instance would become:


grep --color='auto' -P -n '[^\x00-\x7F]' file.xml

(which basically greps for any character outside of the hexadecimal ASCII range: from \x00 up to \x7F)


On Mountain Lion that won't work (due to the lack of PCRE support in BSD grep), but with pcre installed via Homebrew, the following will work just as well:

在Mountain Lion上不能工作(由于BSD grep中缺少PCRE支持),但是通过Homebrew安装PCRE,以下内容也可以工作:

pcregrep --color='auto' -n '[^\x00-\x7F]' file.xml

Any pros or cons that anyone can think off?




The following works for me:


grep -P "[\x80-\xFF]" file.xml

Non-ASCII characters start at 0x80 and go to 0xFF when looking at bytes. Grep (and family) don't do Unicode processing to merge multi-byte characters into a single entity for regex matching as you seem to want. The -P option in my grep allows the use of \xdd escapes in character classes to accomplish what you want.




In perl


perl -ane '{ if(m/[[:^ascii:]]/) { print  } }' fileName > newFile



The easy way is to define a non-ASCII character... as a character that is not an ASCII character.


LC_ALL=C grep '[^ -~]' file.xml

Add a tab after the ^ if necessary.


Setting LC_COLLATE=C avoids nasty surprises about the meaning of character ranges in many locales. Setting LC_CTYPE=C is necessary to match single-byte characters — otherwise the command would miss invalid byte sequences in the current encoding. Setting LC_ALL=C avoids locale-dependent effects altogether.




Here is another variant I found that produced completely different results from the grep search for [\x80-\xFF] in the accepted answer. Perhaps it will be useful to someone to find additional non-ascii characters:


grep --color='auto' -P -n "[^[:ascii:]]" myfile.txt

grep -颜色= '汽车' - p - n”[^[ascii:]]”myfile.txt

Note: my computer's grep (a Mac) did not have -P option, so I did brew install grep and started the call above with ggrep instead of grep.

注意:我的计算机的grep (Mac)没有-P选项,所以我使用了brew install grep,并使用ggrep而不是grep启动上面的调用。



The following code works:


find /tmp | perl -ne 'print if /[^[:ascii:]]/'

Replace /tmp with the name of the directory you want to search through.




Strangely, I had to do this today! I ended up using Perl because I couldn't get grep/egrep to work (even in -P mode). Something like:


cat blah | perl -en '/\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE/ && print "found"'

For unicode characters (like \u2212 in example below) use this:


find . ... -exec perl -CA -e '$ARGV = @ARGV[0]; open IN, $ARGV; binmode(IN, ":utf8"); binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); while (<IN>) { next unless /\N{U+2212}/; print "$ARGV: $&: $_"; exit }' '{}' \;



It could be interesting to know how to search for one unicode character. This command can help. You only need to know the code in UTF8


grep -v $'\u200d'



Searching for non-printable chars.


I agree with Harvey above buried in the comments, it is often more useful to search for non-printable characters OR it is easy to think non-ASCII when you really should be thinking non-printable. Harvey suggests "use this: "[^\n -~]". Add \r for DOS text files. That translates to "[^\x0A\x020-\x07E]" and add \x0D for CR"

我同意上述哈维的观点,在评论中,搜索不可打印字符通常更有用,或者当你真的应该考虑不可打印时,很容易想到非ascii。哈维认为“使用:“[^ \ n - ~]”。为文本文件添加\r DOS。翻译“[^ \ x0A \ x020 - \ x07E]”并添加\ x0D CR”

Also, adding -c (show count of patterns matched) to grep is useful when searching for non-printable chars as the strings matched can mess up terminal.


I found adding range 0-8 and 0x0e-0x1f (to the 0x80-0xff range) is a useful pattern. This excludes the TAB, CR and LF and one or two more uncommon printable chars. So IMHO a quite a useful (albeit crude) grep pattern is THIS one:


grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" *



\x00-\x08 - non-printable control chars 0 - 7 decimal
\x0E-\x1F - more non-printable control chars 14 - 31 decimal
\x80-1xFF - non-printable chars > 128 decimal
-c - print count of matching lines instead of lines
-P - perl style regexps

Instead of -c you may prefer to use -n (and optionally -b) or -l
-n, --line-number
-b, --byte-offset
-l, --files-with-matches

E.g. practical example of use find to grep all files under current directory:


find . -type f -exec grep -c -P -n "[\x00-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]" {} + 

You may wish to adjust the grep at times. e.g. BS(0x08 - backspace) char used in some printable files or to exclude VT(0x0B - vertical tab). The BEL(0x07) and ESC(0x1B) chars can also be deemed printable in some cases.

有时您可能希望调整grep。例如,在一些可打印文件中使用的b (0x08 - backspace)字符,或者不包括VT(0x0B - vertical选项卡)。BEL(0x07)和ESC(0x1B) chars在某些情况下也可以被认为是可打印的。

Non-Printable ASCII Chars
** marks PRINTABLE but CONTROL chars that is useful to exclude sometimes
Dec   Hex Ctrl Char description           Dec Hex Ctrl Char description
0     00  ^@  NULL                        16  10  ^P  DATA LINK ESCAPE (DLE)
1     01  ^A  START OF HEADING (SOH)      17  11  ^Q  DEVICE CONTROL 1 (DC1)
2     02  ^B  START OF TEXT (STX)         18  12  ^R  DEVICE CONTROL 2 (DC2)
3     03  ^C  END OF TEXT (ETX)           19  13  ^S  DEVICE CONTROL 3 (DC3)
4     04  ^D  END OF TRANSMISSION (EOT)   20  14  ^T  DEVICE CONTROL 4 (DC4)
5     05  ^E  END OF QUERY (ENQ)          21  15  ^U  NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (NAK)
6     06  ^F  ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK)           22  16  ^V  SYNCHRONIZE (SYN)
7     07  ^G  BEEP (BEL)                  23  17  ^W  END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK (ETB)
8     08  ^H  BACKSPACE (BS)**            24  18  ^X  CANCEL (CAN)
9     09  ^I  HORIZONTAL TAB (HT)**       25  19  ^Y  END OF MEDIUM (EM)
10    0A  ^J  LINE FEED (LF)**            26  1A  ^Z  SUBSTITUTE (SUB)
11    0B  ^K  VERTICAL TAB (VT)**         27  1B  ^[  ESCAPE (ESC)
12    0C  ^L  FF (FORM FEED)**            28  1C  ^\  FILE SEPARATOR (FS) RIGHT ARROW
14    0E  ^N  SO (SHIFT OUT)              30  1E  ^^  RECORD SEPARATOR (RS) UP ARROW
15    0F  ^O  SI (SHIFT IN)               31  1F  ^_  UNIT SEPARATOR (US) DOWN ARROW