
时间:2023-01-31 20:14:31

When I copy/delete files from my program I can record operations and perform Undo and Redo.


But I would like to track entire system copy/delete procedures like Explorer does, so that I can perform undo even when the delete procedure has been performed from some other process, such as Explorer.


1 个解决方案



You have to use the Shellapi for that, and not the set of standard files functions of sysutils. If you copy/delete/cut with ShellExecuteEx, undo redo will be available from the explorer, even if the operation has been made within your program.




You have to use the Shellapi for that, and not the set of standard files functions of sysutils. If you copy/delete/cut with ShellExecuteEx, undo redo will be available from the explorer, even if the operation has been made within your program.
