I seem to have the all-familiar problem of correctly reading and viewing a web page. It looks like Python reads the page in UTF-8 but when I try to convert it to something more viewable (iso-8859-1) I get this error:
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe4' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)
The code looks like this:
from urllib import urlopen
import re
url_address = 'http://www.eurohockey.net/players/show_player.cgi?serial=4722'
finished = 0
begin_record = 0
col = 0
str = ''
for line in urlopen(url_address):
if '</tr' in line:
begin_record = 0
print str
str = ''
if begin_record == 1:
col = col + 1
tmp_match = re.search('<td>(.+)</td>', line.strip())
str = str + ';' + unicode(tmp_match.group(1), 'iso-8859-1')
if '<tr class=\"even\"' in line or '<tr class=\"odd\"' in line:
begin_record = 1
col = 0
How should I handle the contents? Firefox at least thinks it's iso-8859-1 and it would make sense looking at the contents of that page. The error comes from the 'ä' character clearly.
我该如何处理内容? Firefox至少认为它是iso-8859-1,看看该页面的内容是有意义的。错误来自'ä'字符。
And if I was to save that data to a database, should I not bother with changing the codec and then converting when showing it?
3 个解决方案
It doesn't look like Python is "reading it in UTF-8" at all. As already pointed out, you have an encoding problem, NOT a decoding problem. It is impossible for that error to have arisen from that line that you say. When asking a question like this, always give the full traceback and error message.
Kathy's suspicion is correct; in fact the print str
line is the only possible source of that error, and that can only happen when sys.stdout.encoding is not set so Python punts on 'ascii'.
凯西的怀疑是正确的;事实上,print str行是该错误的唯一可能来源,并且只有在没有设置sys.stdout.encoding时才会发生这种情况,因此Python会在'ascii'上发布。
Variables that may affect the outcome are what version of Python you are using, what platform you are running on and exactly how you run your script -- none of which you have told us; please do.
可能影响结果的变量是您正在使用的Python版本,正在运行的平台以及您运行脚本的确切方式 - 您没有告诉我们这些;请做。
Example: I'm using Python 2.6.2 on Windows XP and I'm running your script with some diagnostic additions: (1) import sys; print sys.stdout.encoding
up near the front (2) print repr(str)
before print str
so that I can see what you've got before it crashes.
示例:我在Windows XP上使用Python 2.6.2并且我正在运行带有一些诊断添加的脚本:(1)import sys;在打印str之前打印sys.stdout.encoding靠近前面(2)print repr(str),以便我可以看到它在崩溃之前已经得到了什么。
In a Command Prompt window, if I do \python26\python hockey.py
it prints cp850
as the encoding and just works.
在命令提示符窗口中,如果我执行\ python26 \ python hockey.py它会打印cp850作为编码并且正常工作。
However if I do
\python26\python hockey.py | more
\python26\python hockey.py >hockey.txt
it prints None
as the encoding and crashes with your error message on the first line with the a-with-diaeresis:
C:\junk>\python26\python hockey.py >hockey.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hockey.py", line 18, in <module>
print str
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe4' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)
If that fits your case, the fix in general is to explicitly encode your output with an encoding suited to the display mechanism you plan to use.
As noted by Lennart, your problem is not the decoding. It is trying to encode into "ascii", which is often a problem with print
statements. I suspect the line
print str
is your problem. You need to encode the str into whatever your console is using to have that line work.
That text is indeed iso-88591-1, and I can decode it without a problem, and indeed your code runs without a hitch.
Your error, however, is an ENCODE error, not a decode error. And you don't do any encoding in your code, so. Possibly you have gotten encoding and decoding confused, it's a common problem.
You DECODE from Latin1 to Unicode. You ENCODE the other way. Remember that Latin1, UTF8 etc are called "encodings".
It doesn't look like Python is "reading it in UTF-8" at all. As already pointed out, you have an encoding problem, NOT a decoding problem. It is impossible for that error to have arisen from that line that you say. When asking a question like this, always give the full traceback and error message.
Kathy's suspicion is correct; in fact the print str
line is the only possible source of that error, and that can only happen when sys.stdout.encoding is not set so Python punts on 'ascii'.
凯西的怀疑是正确的;事实上,print str行是该错误的唯一可能来源,并且只有在没有设置sys.stdout.encoding时才会发生这种情况,因此Python会在'ascii'上发布。
Variables that may affect the outcome are what version of Python you are using, what platform you are running on and exactly how you run your script -- none of which you have told us; please do.
可能影响结果的变量是您正在使用的Python版本,正在运行的平台以及您运行脚本的确切方式 - 您没有告诉我们这些;请做。
Example: I'm using Python 2.6.2 on Windows XP and I'm running your script with some diagnostic additions: (1) import sys; print sys.stdout.encoding
up near the front (2) print repr(str)
before print str
so that I can see what you've got before it crashes.
示例:我在Windows XP上使用Python 2.6.2并且我正在运行带有一些诊断添加的脚本:(1)import sys;在打印str之前打印sys.stdout.encoding靠近前面(2)print repr(str),以便我可以看到它在崩溃之前已经得到了什么。
In a Command Prompt window, if I do \python26\python hockey.py
it prints cp850
as the encoding and just works.
在命令提示符窗口中,如果我执行\ python26 \ python hockey.py它会打印cp850作为编码并且正常工作。
However if I do
\python26\python hockey.py | more
\python26\python hockey.py >hockey.txt
it prints None
as the encoding and crashes with your error message on the first line with the a-with-diaeresis:
C:\junk>\python26\python hockey.py >hockey.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hockey.py", line 18, in <module>
print str
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe4' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)
If that fits your case, the fix in general is to explicitly encode your output with an encoding suited to the display mechanism you plan to use.
As noted by Lennart, your problem is not the decoding. It is trying to encode into "ascii", which is often a problem with print
statements. I suspect the line
print str
is your problem. You need to encode the str into whatever your console is using to have that line work.
That text is indeed iso-88591-1, and I can decode it without a problem, and indeed your code runs without a hitch.
Your error, however, is an ENCODE error, not a decode error. And you don't do any encoding in your code, so. Possibly you have gotten encoding and decoding confused, it's a common problem.
You DECODE from Latin1 to Unicode. You ENCODE the other way. Remember that Latin1, UTF8 etc are called "encodings".