
时间:2022-09-09 20:08:18
package net.edaibu.kotlintest.ClassAndExtends/** * Created by {GEQIPENG} on 2017/5/24 at 15:42 * 接口 */interface  TestInterface{    fun getKotlin()    fun getJava()}//接口类的实现class MyClass:TestInterface {    override fun getKotlin() {        println("getKotlin")    }    override fun getJava() {        println("getJava")    }}//接口中的属性interface  TestInterface2{    var property1:Int    fun foo(){        print(property1)    }}//继承包含属性的接口,一定要初始化class MyClass2 :TestInterface2{    override var property1: Int=100}//解决重写冲突interface interfaceA{    fun read(){        print("read English")    }    fun write(){        print(){            print("write word")        }    }}interface interfaceB{    fun read(){}    fun write()}//注意接口中的方法如果有方法体,继承的类不用重写该方法,如果接口中的方法没有方法体,则要重写该方法class MyClass3:interfaceB{    override fun write() {        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.    }}//如果类同时实现多个接口,则要重写接口中的所有方法,主意:同名方法重写一个即可class MyClass4:interfaceA,interfaceB{    override fun write() {        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.    }    override fun read() {        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.    }}