LaTeX小技巧——File ended while scanning use of \@writefile错误的

时间:2021-06-23 20:02:20
早上在修改编译论文时发现了这个问题,仔细检查代码并没发现错误,一时也找不到具体的解决办法。我一直以为是因为runaway argument的错误提示,可实际上就是因为aux文件没有完整输入,导致上次编译结束后aux文件的部分内容缺失。处理方法嘛,很简单。
Solution to: File ended while scanning use of @writefile 
Recently came across this error in latex. This shows up every 
time I try to compile the code after I first saw this error and 
restarting my system or the latex editor did not help- 
> Runaway argument? 
> ! File ended while scanning use of @writefile. 
> par 
> l.110 begin{document} 
This error is seen typically because of an incomplete 
entry in the aux file and can be removed by 
deleting the file with .aux extension in the latex source. 
To re-generate these aux files “latex” needs to be run. 
Note – you have to run latex and not texify or any 
other tool. 
Good luck.