- I= imread('D:\Images\pic_loc\1870405130305041503.jpg');
- imshow(I);
- h=fspecial('sobel'); %h = fspecial(type) creates a two-dimensional filter h of the specified type. fspecial returns h as
- %a correlation kernel, which is the appropriate form to use with imfilter. type is a string having one of these values.
- fd=double(I);%double使数据变成双精度
- g=sqrt(imfilter(fd,h,'replicate').^2+imfilter(fd,h','replicate').^2);
- figure;
- imshow(g);
- g2=imclose(imopen(g,ones(3,3)),ones(3,3));
- figure;
- imshow(g2);
- im=imextendedmin(g2,10); %
- Lim=watershed(bwdist(im)); %watershed分水岭算法 Lim的值greater than or equal to 0,等于0是分水岭脊像素
- em=Lim==0;
- g3=imimposemin(g2,im|em);
- g4=watershed(g3);
- figure;
- imshow(g4);
- g5=I;
- g5(g4==0)=255;
- figure;
- imshow(g5);
from: http://blog.csdn.net/abcjennifer/article/details/6669074