MMORGP大型游戏设计与开发(客户端架构 part13 of vegine)

时间:2021-03-31 19:59:02



模块db下模块structs文件character.h -- 有关角色的配置表结构,由于表比较多,在这里只举这个例子

* PAP Engine ( -- )
* $Id character.h
* @link -- for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( )
* @license
* @user viticm<>
* @date 2014-3-22 19:26:00
* @uses vengine database character struct module
* cn: 角色相关数据定义
#define VENGINE_DB_STRUCT_CHARACTER_H_ namespace character { //主角种族
const uint16_t kRaceId = ; //数据表中的id
typedef struct {
uint8_t id;
int32_t modelid; //模型ID
int32_t hair; //头发
int32_t face; //脸
int32_t shoulder; //肩
int32_t body; //身体
int32_t hand; //手
int32_t foot; //脚
uint32_t idleinterval; //休闲时间间隔
} race_t; //主角头发模型
const uint16_t kHairId = ;
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
uint8_t race;
const char* meshfile;
const char* showname;
} hair_t; //主角脸型
const uint16_t kFaceId = ;
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
uint8_t race;
const char* meshfile;
const char* showname;
} face_t; //主角动作组
const uint16_t kActionSetId = ;
const uint8_t kWeaponTypeMax = ;
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
const char* weaponset[kWeaponTypeMax]; //对应武器类型
bool hideweapon; //是否隐藏武器
uint32_t appoint_weaponid; //指定的武器ID
const char* description; //描述
} actionset_t; //主角特效
const uint16_t kEffectId = ;
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
uint16_t effect1;
uint16_t effect2;
const char* locator;
int32_t soundid;
const char* weaponlocator;
} effect_t; //主角升级经验
const uint16_t kExpId = ;
typedef struct {
uint8_t id;
uint32_t effectneed;
} exp_t; //外形ID对应模型名称
const uint16_t kModelId = ;
enum {
kMountNumberMax = ,
kSoundNumberMax = , //数值根据地面的类型得出
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
float fusetime; //动作融合时间
const char* modelname; //模型文件
int16_t soundid[kSoundNumberMax]; //不同地面跑步的声音
const char* actionset_none; //不使用坐骑的动作文件
const char* actionset_mount[kMountNumberMax]; //使用坐骑的动作文件
} model_t; //头像
const uint16_t kHeadPortrait = ;
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
uint8_t race;
const char* imagesetname;
} headportrait_t; //坐骑表
const uint16_t kMountId = ;
const uint8_t kMountEffectMax = ;
typedef struct {
const char* effectlocator; //特效绑定点
const char* effectname; //特效名称
} mounteffect_t; typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
float leaveground_height; //距离地面的距离,特殊坐骑用
uint16_t modelid;
int16_t character_actionindex; //人物骑乘时的动作组
mounteffect_t effectinfo[kMountEffectMax]; //特效信息
} mount_t; //称号表
const uint16_t kTitleInfoId = ;
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
uint8_t type;
const char* color; //显示颜色
bool defaultshow; //默认是否显示
const char* man; //男性称号
const char* woman; //女性称号
const char* description; //描述
int32_t timelimit; //时限
int16_t effectid; //效果ID
const char* reclaimcause; //回收原因
int16_t groupid; //组合称号ID
} titleinfo_t; //阵营
const uint16_t kCampDataId = ; //人物等级携带金钱上限
const uint16_t kLevelMoneyMaxId = ;
typedef struct {
uint8_t id;
uint32_t moneymax;
uint8_t level; //等级
} level_moneymax_t; //改变发型消耗表
const uint16_t kHairStyleCostId = ;
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
int32_t itemid; //物品ID
int32_t itemcount; //消耗物品数量
uint8_t sex; //性别
} hairstyle_cost_t; }; //namespace character #endif //VENGINE_DB_STRUCT_CHARACTER_H_

db模块 文件file.h

* PAP Engine ( -- )
* $Id file.h
* @link -- for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( )
* @license
* @user viticm<>
* @date 2014-3-22 18:08:41
* @uses vengine file database module
* cn: 文件数据模块
#define VENGINE_DB_FILE_H_ #include "vengine/config.h" /** 注意此处引用了公用文件,文件数据库 **/
namespace pap_common_file { class Database; }; //namespace pap_common_file namespace vengine_db { class VENGINE_API File { public:
typedef struct {
uint32_t identify; //标示
int32_t field_number; //列数
int32_t record_number; //记录数
int32_t string_block_size; //字符串区大小
} file_head_t; typedef enum { //field type
kTypeInt = ,
kTypeFloat = ,
kTypeString = ,
} field_type_enum; union field_data {
float float_value;
int32_t int_value;
const char* string_value; //can't change excel value in memory
field_data() {/** do nothing **/}
field_data(float value) {float_value = value;}
field_data(int32_t value) {int_value = value;}
field_data(const char* value) {string_value = value;}
}; public:
virtual const field_data* search_index_equal(int32_t index) const = ;
virtual const field_data* search_line_equal(int32_t line) const = ;
virtual const field_data* search_position(int32_t line,
int32_t column) const = ;
virtual const field_data* search_first_column_equal(
int32_t column,
const field_data &value) const = ; public:
virtual const pap_common_file::Database* get_databasefile() const = ;
virtual int32_t get_id() const = ;
virtual int32_t get_field_number() const = ;
virtual int32_t get_record_number() const = ; }; }; //namespace vengine_db #endif //VENGINE_DB_FILE_H_

模块db 文件system.h

* PAP Engine ( -- )
* $Id system.h
* @link -- for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( )
* @license
* @user viticm<>
* @date 2014-3-22 18:27:52
* @uses vengine file database module
#define VENGINE_DB_SYSTEM_H_ #include "vengine/config.h"
#include "vengine/kernel/node.h"
#include "vengine/db/file.h" namespace vengine_db { class VENGINE_API System : public vengine_kernel::Node { VENGINE_KERNEL_DECLARE_DYNAMIC(vengine_db_System); public:
virtual void open() = ; //打开所有数据
virtual void close() = ; //关闭所有数据
virtual const File* get(int32_t id) const = ; }; }; //namespace vengine_db #endif //VENGINE_DB_SYSTEM_H_



MMORGP大型游戏设计与开发(客户端架构 part13 of vegine)

