
时间:2022-11-27 19:58:49

I’m facing an issue with touching on elements.


The issue occur when a pop-up window appears and when I’m pressing on one of the buttons nothing happen.


  • The query recognize the element.
  • 查询识别该元素。

  • This issue occur on physical device only (never saw that issue on the Genymotion).
  • 此问题仅在物理设备上发生(从未在Genymotion上看到该问题)。

  • It is not always happening.
  • 它并不总是发生。

  • After playing around (queries, touches, etc.) it is works fine, but happen again if I re-open the app.
  • 玩完之后(查询,触摸等)它可以正常工作,但如果我重新打开应用程序又会再次发生。

  • Trying to touch it by ‘* text’ or ‘* id’ and got the same results.
  • 尝试通过'* text'或'* id'触摸它并获得相同的结果。

  • Configure the device to show the touches and it is showing a wrong position when pressing.
  • 配置设备以显示触摸,并在按下时显示错误的位置。

Is that a known issue with Calabash?


Your thoughts?

1 个解决方案


To me, it sounds like a known issue with Android, which is seen in Calabash-Android when working with floating dialogues and keyboards (which is why the issue probably does not occur when using Genymotion). We have described workarounds in greater detail here in the Calabash-Android wiki. What happens is that the view coordinates of the floating dialogue are not updated when they keyboard is shown/hidden and visually pushes the dialogue upwards and downwards.

对我来说,这听起来像Android的一个已知问题,在使用浮动对话和键盘时可以在Calabash-Android中看到(这就是使用Genymotion时可能不会发生此问题的原因)。我们在Calabash-Android wiki中更详细地描述了变通方法。发生的事情是浮动对话框的视图坐标在显示/隐藏键盘时不会更新,并且可视地向上和向下推动对话框。


To me, it sounds like a known issue with Android, which is seen in Calabash-Android when working with floating dialogues and keyboards (which is why the issue probably does not occur when using Genymotion). We have described workarounds in greater detail here in the Calabash-Android wiki. What happens is that the view coordinates of the floating dialogue are not updated when they keyboard is shown/hidden and visually pushes the dialogue upwards and downwards.

对我来说,这听起来像Android的一个已知问题,在使用浮动对话和键盘时可以在Calabash-Android中看到(这就是使用Genymotion时可能不会发生此问题的原因)。我们在Calabash-Android wiki中更详细地描述了变通方法。发生的事情是浮动对话框的视图坐标在显示/隐藏键盘时不会更新,并且可视地向上和向下推动对话框。