*的asp.net core 果然发生了重大的变更

时间:2020-12-04 20:00:00

*的asp.net core  果然发生了重大的变更


二笔货。。。。唉,忍不住破口骂街了。。斯文扫地。。。好不容易开始有了点好的苗头,现在又回到以前的老路子了。。。各种变 变 变。。

不管是命令管理变了,项目的结构也有较大的变化。不碰你了  呵呵。。。。犯不着给自己添乱。。。。




Migrating from DNX to .NET Core CLI

With RC1 release of .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 1.0, we introduced DNX tooling to the world. With RC2 release of .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 1.0 we transitioned to the .NET Core CLI.

As a slight refresher, let's recap what DNX was about. DNX was a runtime and a toolset used to build .NET Core and, more specifically, ASP.NET Core 1.0 applications. It consisted of 3 main pieces:

  1. DNVM - an install script for obtaining DNX
  2. DNX (Dotnet Execution Runtime) - the runtime that executes your code
  3. DNU (Dotnet Developer Utility) - tooling for managing dependencies, building and publishing your applications

With the introduction of the CLI, all of the above are now part of a single toolset. However, since DNX was available in RC1 timeframe, you might have projects that were built using it that you would want to move off to the new CLI tooling.

This migration guide will cover the essentials on how to migrate projects off of DNX and onto .NET Core CLI. If you are just starting a project on .NET Core from scratch, you can freely skip this document.